Search results

  1. L

    Vaults & Dungeons new game similar to Fallout1

    This project was years in making and recently I completed it. Its first person dungeon crawler similar to Fallout 1 it have comparable size and style, large part of game you solve quests barter and survival, so its not typical dungeon games as you may find, its actual adventure with even more...
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    Have copuple of new maps for Fallout 2

    Its brand new maps, big size ultra detailed. Already don't have any advanced* idea how use them I will probably just create maps pack and then see how incorporate them into mod. *Don't have name for mod yet. My current concept is to connect them into string of locations and in majority walk...
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    Problem with frm conversion F2

    Am use FRM Convertor, these pictures have different dimensions (less size than should) and in game look messy. I changed graphic of spear for test and clearly it is smaller than inventory box. This is probably because am use HD patch, not sure what to do.
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    Hidden junk in files?

    Am found lot of things in Fallout 2 which are invisible during game and am curious if exist similar junk in F3 data. And next question does anybody made modification which restore it. Am most curious about shields in that game, engine seem to be from oblivion, so it should have some code...
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    Fallout Gameboard "Skyburn"

    Am working on original game Fallout themed. Its not another custom Monopoly as you may see around, but completely new game with own rules etc. What is interesting that it will have some RPG elements. Already have early concept but am see slim chances of this to be playable. Otherwise if...
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    Satellite control building

    Its placed at south west edge (and bit up) of map on mountain wall, very hard to climb there (am used barrel and shopping cart from nearby village) I thought its another, maybe secret vault but at door is message: satellite control building need key. Is this part of quest or secret location...
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    My concept of power armor

    I modified gfx of 19 century diving suit (which seem to be also inspiration for big daddy from Bioshock) name: Stalker 3000 description: Designed to repair atom reactors, protection from radiation 100 hours, underwater 10 hours, extreme temperatures from -70 to +70 Robo arms: unable to hold...
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    Escape from Necropolis (Fallout in Dungeons)

    This project is very experimental, its going to be Fallout on very unusual for it engine: Dungeon Master. I have with it some experience and known that is enough flexible to combine more or less both games. Survival: DM have big advantage in this part. There is unlimited ways to complicate...
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    Fallout 2 mod 13V (see Downloads or later posts for updates)

    Get it here: 13V - 4.60MB Its total conversion, Fo1 parody, each quest lead to alternate game ending: Fix vault 13v mainframe Fix vault air-water compuer Return to vault out of time Settle in Gecko Travell to paradise island Join to New Reno rebel Destroy mutants laboratory Travell to...
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    question about maps

    I modified arcaves map (part of arroyo) and want make from it new location, so i put it to part of den city by change entrances in city.txt [Area 01] ; The Den area_name=Den world_pos=473,272 ;573,222 start_state=On size=small townmap_art_idx=-1 townmap_label_art_idx=-1...
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    Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader

    I tryed this game because it use SPECIAL system similar tp Fallouts (with stats, perks, skills and stuff) Already am on begining and have problem with sound, it play few seconds of music or speech then stuck and repeat the same fragment (i used patch 1.1 but still have problem) Anyone played...
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    Alternate ways to get jumpsuit

    Am stuck in this idea, maybe you will find out Concept: You found body of vault citizen (as villager) and he got armor v13 suit. When you wear this item, then is play vsuit_movie which change your appearance and activate pipboy. So from this time you should turn from villager to vault...
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    Neo-Ruins: Lithographs of post-apocalyptic Tokyo

    found here Hisaharu Motoda’s “Neo-Ruins” series of lithographs depict the cityscape of a post-apocalyptic Tokyo, where familiar streets lie deserted, the buildings are crumbling and weeds grow from the broken pavement. (and some more from other sources)
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    Atomic Museum

    Interesting site i found Fallout game in "Atomic Toys" (and many stuff which i never seen before)
  15. L

    Black Steel 2 testing area Its my another attempt to build total conversion. In present days with better experience maybe i will be able. I start from rebuild project site and make some first progress in mod. Main character in normal person who start in his house/shelter and which...
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    Total demolishion

    How destroy scenery and walls around using gun? Probably many peoples think before about such effect, and well i found how made it during work on Dust & Blood. Ability to shoot doors using gun depend not on script, but type of scenery object. Its hardcoded that every doors (wooden portals)...
  17. L

    Dangerous Quest! Fallout2 mod

    This mod contain: -50 scripts -almost 40 NPC and many quests (one big quest) -3 changed maps in Arroyo -1 changed map of Klamath -empty worldmap (available to play only two modified towns) DOWNLOAD: Dangerous_Quest!_v1.6
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    I designed it as barricade, wall from junk which townfolks build to protect from mutants. But it could also work as junkyard. Download: Barricade_V1
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    Testing item

    Instead of start game with different character, its better test game in mapper using such item which modify character stats and skills. Add code to misc item with use option. code: procedure start; procedure use_p_proc; procedure talk_p_proc; procedure book; procedure Node999...
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    New skills based on science

    Rules: Every new skills are based on science because knowledge give new possibilities. Skill test could check amount of two skills science + other skill. This test could be used for chances to learn such skill or use in practice. New karma will inform that you have such skill and how it...