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  1. S

    Fallout Expanded

    This is something I've been germinating in my head, with Et Tu and such. This is just ideas of course, but I feel the community might like them. Essentially, think of it as a RP-style unnoficial expansion pack. Building upon what FIXT and Fallout Et Tu did with cut content and going beyond, to...
  2. S

    Crazy Mod Idea: Which guns you would bring from later games into the OGs?

    (I hope this is the right forum section, as its not actually a mod, just shooting some shit idea-wise) You know, which guns from the later games (FOT/FO3/FNV/FO4/FO76) would you bring to FO1 and FO2 (maybe FOT too). Especially in a way that fits these games. And where it would be? Which game...
  3. S

    So I've heard the burst bug was fixed...

    Some guy on reddit told me. Is there a little, simple patch or add-on to fix the burst bug? I want to report this on our Fallout site, the burst bug used to be one hell of a annoyance. Also, been meaning to replay FOT...
  4. S

    Super Mutants and Enclave - Badass Decay?

    It's just me or the Super Mutants and the Enclave suffered a form of badass decay in relation to the previous games? Follow me now... Super Mutants: Fallout 1: They were retarded super-soldiers with military grade weaponry, a killing instinct, inhuman toughness, strength massive enough to...
  5. S

    Combat Mod?

    I was thinking about combat one of these days... I love the combat in Fallout, but I feel we (fans) can make it even better. I wonder if that's possible to fix with mods. WARNING: User is not a modder. Don't be hard on him, please. He just wants to suggest stuff. I was thinking about what...
  6. S

    Super Mutants and Fan Fiction

    Well, I'm working in a Fallout fan fiction in the Brazilian Fallout Forum (you guys know which forum I'm talking about). That Fallout Fan Fiction History happens in Center-South Brazil. I'm thinking about adding a group of Super Mutants somewhere in São Paulo, but I would need some lore...
  7. S

    SPECIAL System and How to make it better

    I love the SPECIAL system, I really do. It has a... well... It's so complete that it amazes me. It's a very good and fitting system for Fallout. However, I find that many skills and atributtes have medium to little or even almost no use. I think those things could be enhanced in a future...