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  1. M

    Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

    Hello, Many years since my last post, Sorry about that, just kind of dropped off the face of the earth for a while there. Life y'know. I came back to it after a while intending to fix up the code in order to publish it. But instead it kind of evolved a bit. It's not really ready yet, there are...
  2. M

    PC Appearance Mod

    Hi everyone, I've been working on integrating the Appearance mod into the Character Screen of late. These changes are now available to use as part of sfall version 2.5+. Here are some screenshots: (Vault Boy/Gal images by Pixote) Character Creation Screen Ingame Character Screen...
  3. M

    Fallout Tactics Hi-Res Patch

    Here's a small patch I put together to unlock higher screen resolutions for Fallout Tactics. I haven't tested it to any great length so if you run into problems let me know. Current Supported Versions are US 1.27 and German 1.25. Here's the link Fallout Tactics HiRes Patch v1.0 Hers's...
  4. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    This program modifies Fallout's game executable in memory for the purposes of increasing the visual resolution, playing in a window and other enhancements. Fallout2 Hi-Res Patch Currently Supported versions of the "Fallout2.exe" are: US 1.02d UK 1.02e French 1.02d German 1.02d Chinese 1.02...