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  1. Jogre

    Fallout: London, what I like so far

    So a couple weeks ago, I discovered the existence of a modding project called Fallout: London. At first I was kinda skeptical of this because I don't usually get hyped for this, but the more I read in to this the more I figure, hey actually this could be pretty cool. Now I'm biased here. I am a...
  2. Jogre

    The Brotherhood of Steel: A theory on what makes them compelling

    A lot of discussion about Fallout and the flaws in nuFallout ultimately comes down to the Brotherhood of Steel. You'll often see people, at least here, criticising the Brotherhood of Fallout 3 as being too black and white, the good guy faction you have to side with who seem to have very few...
  3. Jogre

    In Defence of New Reno

    So, I've become aware that pre-Fallout 3, lots of Fallout fans took issue with New Reno, claiming that it was implausible, and not fallout like. Instead of gravedigging, I decided to write this up as a separate thread, writing up a general post defending New Reno. From what I can tell the main...
  4. Jogre

    "You can Depend on me", sudden realisation

    In the quest You Can Depend on Me, I always found it odd how Alice McLafferty was interested in the gun runner plans. After all, she runs a caravan company, which probably mainly trades in things other people have made. I'm unsure if it's ever even hinted at that Crimson Caravan creates weapons...
  5. Jogre

    Honest Hearts and Tourism in the Fallout Universe

    So, I was replaying Honest Hearts recently, and it got me thinking. It's well established that the Dead Horses are descended from tourists who got stranded after the Great War. Firstly, I guess this means that the National Quarantine of 2053 talked about in Fallout Bible 0 is no longer part of...
  6. Jogre

    Everything wrong with Fallout 4s writing

    @Tagaziel Due to the other thread being majorly derailed, and us talking over the same points over and over again, when there are a plethora that I have yet to even mention, here's a comprehensive list of every writing issue I had with Fallout 4. I wanted to see if you had a response to them...
  7. Jogre

    Anyone else think NV was too cautious with Wild Wasteland?

    I really liked the idea of Wild Wasteland, as I personally like the silly, over-the-top whacky stuff in Fallout, but I can completely understand why someone would want a more serious playthrough of the game. Although the way Wild Wasteland is actually handled in New Vegas is way too far IMHO...
  8. Jogre

    Talking Sporeplant, Yay or Nay?

    So just the other day in a replay of Fallout 2, and arrived at Broken Hills. I came across the Spore Plant quest that I previously loathed, playing it, I figured: Is it really as bad as I had thought it was? I know it's considered part of everything that's silly about Fallout 2, but honestly is...
  9. Jogre

    Why did Vault-Tec put so many Vaults right outside Vegas.

    Like seriously, from a lore perspective it makes very little sense. Vault-Tec built a total of 122 Vaults, why would they build so many Vaults right outside the exact same city. Yeah, I know that Vault 13 and Vault 15 were relatively close to one another, but it was at least a couple days walk...
  10. Jogre

    Could Hakunin's "Powers" come from a pipboy

    So obviously there's a lot of controversy over Psykers in the Fallout Universe, Chris Avellone himself said they should never play a prominent role. Hakunin is widely regarded as a Psyker, but is it possible that his "Powers" to speak to you in dreams aren't actually talking to you through the...
  11. Jogre

    Bethesda VS Critics: How to save The Game's Industry

    I'm sure most of you remember "Fallout 3 is garbage and here's why". The guy who made that video, Hbomberguy, has made another video recently titled "Bethesda VS Critics: How To Save The Games Industry" Thoughts?
  12. Jogre

    Gaming as an art form?

    A discussion that I've seen a lot lately is over whether video games should count as an art form. I just wanted to know what you guys think about this. My personal opinion is no, video games should not count as art. This is partly because it discourages silliness from gaming. Like, remember...
  13. Jogre

    "Fallout 4 Settlements are the series' best RPG system."

    Found this glittering gem of wisdom on Reddit.
  14. Jogre

    Fallout Pinball?

    Last night, Polygon confirmed that Bethesda is working with a company called "Zen Studios" to create a Fallout Themed pinball game. Here's the full article if anyone is interested:
  15. Jogre

    Best villains in gaming

    So this is a thread to discuss who you think the best villains in gaming are. I was going to go with The Master, but that would be too obvious, so instead I'm going to go down a different route. I'm going to start by saying Kerghan from Arcanum
  16. Jogre

    Lets Play New Vegas: Trump edition

    War. War never changes. When atomic fire consumed the earth, those who survived did so in great, underground vaults When they opened, their inhabitants set out across ruins of the old world to build new societies, establish new villages, forming tribes, and among those tribes presidential...
  17. Jogre

    Overseer in a Fridge DLC

    So, this morning Vault-Tec Workshop was officially released to the public. Luckily I was smart enough not to buy the season pass. I did however, watch a Let's Play of it, and it is far more cancerous than I thought would be(My reaction to everything Bethesda has shat out thus far). Lets start...
  18. Jogre

    Anyone Else think Shoddycast has become a Bethesda Bum-licking channel?

    For those of you who don't know: Shoddycast is a youtube channel dedicated to exploring the lore of various video games, as well as other aspects of them. They look at Halo, Elder Scrolls, ect., but they seem to mostly focus on Fallout. The reason I started subscribing to Shoddycast is because...
  19. Jogre

    Contraptions Workshop

    Was Browsing Imgur and found this. Looks like FO4 is getting another round of shitty Workshop DLC. GG Bethesda.
  20. Jogre

    Anyone disapointed that the Fog turned out to be radiation?

    Don't get me wrong, Far Harbour was definetely a step in the right direction for Bethesda, and as far as I'm aware the only part of Fallout 4 that can even vaguely be considered canon(Or be considered a Role-playing game for that matter), but there is one thing that kinda annoyed me: Why did...