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  1. lolpop109

    Laptop died (Mega pissed) Need help deciding advice , Kinda stressed

    So yeah my laptop literally when all to shit. Last few weeks it been goning down hill with a few problems but now I'm at the situation where it wont even boot. It comes up with boot certifacte fail and wont even load. The only last thing I can thing to doing is open the old girl up reset the...
  2. lolpop109

    Karma system (Needed or wasted)

    So as you guys know I'm making a mod witch in involves making quests. This is also leading the karma system ..... NV does't use this system a whole lot but it is there. My mod will use the Karma more than NV did for background reference. So basically I made this quests where your sort of...
  3. lolpop109

    Hard decision

    At least it's not Naruto online.
  4. lolpop109

    Replay-ability (Reasons to re play Fallouts)

    So basically I have been thinking about the reasons for replaying the fallouts game. To also help me in making my own mod. I want to take look at all the games in the fallout Series. I will start with saying the primary reason is to side with different factions. I personally made many...
  5. lolpop109


    Just wanted to create a topic here discussing how much 'Wackiness' Is too much etc. Do you like Easter eggs in fallout what are some off the best what are some of the worse. Does too much wackiness take away from the game or add to it
  6. lolpop109

    Taking Request for player Homes etc

    Taking a few request for mods as-long as it not to complicated because most of my time is still focusing on Atlanta. However I do plan to do a few player homes and maybe other things if you give me ideas. I am also going to be work on a decent size mod for fo3. This will completely change the...
  7. lolpop109

    Favorite Quest names

    I've been thinking about posting a new topic for awhile but have't really thought of anything that hasn't really been talked about in awhile. So I came up with the idea of sharing favorite names for quests (This came about when I was trying to think about names for my own quests). But yeah come...
  8. lolpop109

    Mods you love or like

    So yeah I guess this is the opposite of the other thread ............ Post what mods you love or like and why
  9. lolpop109

    Don Bradman 17

    Hi all, Just thought I use this thread to post about the up coming Don bradman game. I know quite alot here are from america and don't know anything about cricket but there you go nevermind. I just want to post the trailer and get some fed back from you guys. I think the developers big ant...
  10. lolpop109

    Best PC exclusives ?

    What are you favorite games that are only only on PC ? Mine would have to include games such as ; Roll-coaster tycoon , Age of empires etc
  11. lolpop109

    Fallout Atlanta Creatures + enmeys

    Hi, Just a quick topic to come up with ideas for creatures in fallout Atlanta. At the moment I'm currently making some custom texture for other things and final got a custom rad scorpion working. However I need some new idea for creatures that could apear in the fallout universe. I'm going to...
  12. lolpop109

    Games with best production values etc that were revolutionary

    Hi everyone, I want everyone to post the top 10 games they thought were revolutionary and provided a break through in a genre or created or a new one. Here is my lists; 1. Pac man 2. Tertrise 3. Pokemon 4. Morrowind 5. Mario 6. The sims 7. Sonic 8. Star fox 9. Resident evil 10. Angry...
  13. lolpop109

    Sports ; What kind of sports is everyone into here if any at all ?

    Here just a quick poll to select your favorite sports/ Discussion
  14. lolpop109

    How long does it take to become a ghoul and how long does it take to become feral?

    For my mod i want to make a faction that oppessive with trying to become ghouls and trying to understand them. So i need some help on the time line it would take to become a ghoul and what makes ghouls feral. My idea is that they go to a radiated bomb site and do a little ritual and try to get...
  15. lolpop109

    Even people on Bethesda forums are unhappy at fallout 4. Is fallout 4 really a cookie cutter game ?

    Even on Bethesda fourms people are moaning that falout 4 fells shallows and not as good as other games bethesda have made. With it called a 'cookie cutter' game. Some people are at the veiw that it is as 'shooter' game with RPG elements thrown in and nothing more than that. For me personally is...
  16. lolpop109

    Whats you're favorite fallout settlement ?

    Tell me what you're favorite settlement is in a fallout game and give some reassons. If its hard to pick your top settlement you can pick you're top 3. Mine would be in no particular order ; New Reno Free side Rivet city Dam that was though ..... It was hard to miss out a few there, It...
  17. lolpop109

    Game engines

    Do any of you guys know any decent game engines that are free to use/cheap subscription ? I thinking about making a game and I need to find a decent game engine. I don't have that much experience but have certain got some through fallout modding ect. I downloaded unity and arn't sure whether to...
  18. lolpop109

    Mount and blade coming to consoles

    So yeah mount and blade is finally coming to consols with HD grahpics mount and blade and its also speculated that mount and blade banner lord is coming maybe next year for consoles. I've on recently go into the series as i got on sale for my laptop. And i have to say the gameplay holds and...
  19. lolpop109

    Do you like the Pre alpha announcement ?

    Do you like the trailer, All comments welcome. Remember this is in pre ahplah and I only have a crappy computer !
  20. lolpop109

    Hi guys need a little help with naming something

    Hi, Well basically in my mood there is a group of ghouls who kill humans and worship radiation. I've found a symbol for them and everything but the thing is what do I call them i'm literally stumped and need some idea for what to call them all I can come up with is really crappy sounding names...