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  1. Kaian Monte

    Fallout 2 utility Most up to date Fo?

    Thank you very much friend :D
  2. Kaian Monte

    Fallout 2 utility Most up to date Fo?

    Hello, sorry if my question sounds dumb, but I'm new to modding and i'd like to ask if is possible (or desirable) to have the most up to date fallout 2 modding tools and mods themselves, basically I want to have the most to date Sfall version, RPU and (if possible) Fo:Ettu. Also there some other...
  3. Kaian Monte

    Fallout 2 utility [Question] Is possible to disable cutscenes?

    Hum ok, sorry for the late response, my email didn't update the message, thank you very much for responding. I may ask do you plan to had this feature some day? If I had programing skills i would done myself, but I'm kinda of mess.
  4. Kaian Monte

    Fallout 2 utility [Question] Is possible to disable cutscenes?

    Sorry but i don't understand, this will disable just the paper in the Pip-Boy 2000 screen or all the timer? I think that I've confused people with my broken English, I just want to disable the cutscenes of the vault getting without water and the paper on the screen, not getting rid of the timer...
  5. Kaian Monte

    Fallout 2 utility [Question] Is possible to disable cutscenes?

    Hello people from NMA! Sorry for asking but i'd like something, do you think that's possible disable (specific) cutscenes from Fallout 2? I'm asking because I want to try Fo:et tu, I already finished Fo:1 and want to trying doing 100% with reduced time, the problem is the cutscenes showing the...
  6. Kaian Monte

    [FNV] A question about NMA Modders Post.

    Hello, pardon me for bothering for such a minor annoyance, but i'd like to ask sometime ago someone posted a list of Fallout New Vegas modders here from the NMA, but i couldn't find it someone can show me? Thanks in advance, and again sorry for the inconvenience.
  7. Kaian Monte

    Does FO:2 mods works in FO:1?

    Hello people of NMA! Sorry to bother whoever is reading this but i´d like to ask if Fallout 2 mods works in Fallout 1? I planning to install a ENB that i saw for FO:2 for FO:1 and is necessary to install a series of engine modifications in a package called sfall, can i install in FO:1 normally...
  8. Kaian Monte

    What weapons would you guys like to see in F5?

    I have my on lore of what happened in the Warsaw Pact, in my mind mind some countries leaves the Warsaw to join China, so they make there own weapons which are modern versions of ww2 era weapons.
  9. Kaian Monte

    What do you think of a Fallout taking place in Brazil ?

    Yeah, probably most people wouldn't like it very much, but would have potential with the factions, i pretend to write in the fallout fiction but not now for no being annoying by flooding NMA with my posts and because i still have to study the period. Also thank for being the first to respond. : D
  10. Kaian Monte

    What do you think of a Fallout taking place in Brazil ?

    -plz come to Brazil Hello again people's of NMA, i'd like to ask your opinion about a Fallout game taking place Brazil, someone that has study brazilian history knows that since the 50's (well, in fact since the Portuguese invaded here) the most recent disturbed period was the 1964...
  11. Kaian Monte

    Van Buren pnp?

    Also i would comment after, but how i fucked-up everything i will comment now "They ran a train over Butch Mariano! They attached a grenade to a dog food bag and watched how it exploded, killing dogs in Denver!" this is so cool ! I would love to hear more stories of your rpg sections, sorry for...
  12. Kaian Monte

    Van Buren pnp?

    No, my sorry i still learning how to respond in this site, also i was in gmail wich makes a bit harder, again sorry for my mistake Sagez.
  13. Kaian Monte

    Van Buren pnp?

    Hello, sorry to bother who is reading this, but i'd like to ask of someone has the files of the Van Buren pnp, because i want to settle my pnp campaign in the events of the cancelled Fo3, and i want to stay true to the original.