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  1. F

    Fallout Trivia!!

    Perception: 9 Intelligence: 9 Luck: 9 Fallout 2: What is the Trapper's name that teaches you how to skin geckos?
  2. F

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Word. Truly ethereal, trippy, smoking music. I like the strings in there. I love that classical chanty singing except without the singing and only the strings. Here's something for after the burn.
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    Fallout 2 (Steam) Quick Keys issue

    Not really bro, sorry. I just remember hitting "O","S", "Enter","Enter". Bam, your game is saved.
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    Fallout Trivia!!

    Damn that was some filthy, dirty, smelly work digging this out of here. Fallout 2: What stats do you need to pass the Vault City citizenship test?
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    [Fallout 2] Luck and gameplay questions

    No, it is not cheating. It is playing the game. It is also not cheating if you take drugs to pass the Vault City citizenship test. I think you need 9 Luck 9 Int 9 Per.
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    Help! Sudden Fallout2 Death Syndrome (Possible Spoilers)

    You can remove the time limit by changing some text in some file. Try searching for how to do it.
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    Our children is our future...

    You really went around and killed all those kids? Damn, you're fucked up man. You got your jumpsuit all bloody.
  8. F

    Fallout Trivia!!

    1000??? I can't believe my thread is still alive.
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    Funney encounter text

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    What are your feelings on the use of cheats?

    damn straight, after i've beaten a game 10 or 20 times, then and only then do i use cheats :p
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    I Need help geting into Gecko's Power Plant so I can Fixit

    rofl umm... i think you are talking about the glow... SDF... ehh but its a common mistake no harm done, you tie it to one of the beams thats located around the bottom left area of the crater.... i hope this helps
  12. F

    Fallout Trivia!!

    would that explain your avatar?? :D well... i'm still stumped
  13. F

    Fallout Trivia!!

    i was looking for the randers guy. umm... lets take a guess and say... umm...chrysalis? i dont know...
  14. F

    Fallout Trivia!!

    no, for mordino you give him a dose of jet :D Who is the only mutant in NCR?
  15. F

    Fallout Trivia!!

    well, ya welsh, but chravellone said that he could have "Created more, but he wanted those to be for fallout fan fics, and PnP games...." thos 128 vaults in the FOB were the ones in fallout plus some that he felt like he wanted to put in, or at least thats what i think[/i]
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    Fallout Trivia!!

    well... ask another question... :D
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    Your favourite fallout character

    hmm.. i usually go with 10 in the SPECIAL, 300 or 200 in the skills, and about hmm... 3/4 of the perks, thats the way to start a character :D hehehehehe
  18. F

    Which fallout game would make the best....

    i can just see it now, Fallout: The Adventures of Myron and him Dieing... :twisted: muahahaha
  19. F

    Fallout Trivia!!

    you can find the XL70E3 on a person in the tanker, or by a merchant thats south of San Fran, Vree is the head brotherhood scribe, and umm... that last one is a toughy....i'll be back in like an hour with the answers :lol: :lol:
  20. F

    Fallout Trivia!!

    or because you hit the "a" key right after you finished the conversation, or you had bloddy mess, or you just wanted to bust a kap in his ass for kickin' you out What exactly is a Fluffer?