Your favourite fallout character


Vault Senior Citizen
Mine was my intelligent charismatic, thief and marksman. That is one of my best fallout achievment, a well rounded character with no use of cheats or editors.
Gifted, Fast Shot, max Agility and some into Perception. At the beginning of the game, your 10 AP's and reduced AP cost can be a godsend (specially because, for some reason, the reduced AP cost applies to the spear). A good weapon for said character is a .44 Magnum with Speed Loader: two shots, a reload, and one hex move just in case. Later on, Bonus Rate of Fire will mean serious gunslinging.
Are the fabled 44 magnum... WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GET ONE??!!
I have looked all over. Could you gime the locations of the gun in F1 and 2 pls?
There is no .44 magnum in Fallout 1.

In Fallout 2, you can buy on in the Den, for instance, or in the VC Courtyard, or in New Reno.
Gifted Male, with maxed Agility, Small Guns and Energy. Yes, basic, but oh so much fun, IMHO.

Mohrg :twisted:
I used to enjoy the Gifted Fast Shot Max Agility marksman(with some intelligence so he can do the hard quests ;)), now I stumbled across a new favorite: Gifted, Finesse, High Perception, Luck, Intellignece and Agility, but none maxed.
That's a relatively bad character in the beginning but perfect for the later game when the sniper rifle etc. come along...
High Perception and above average Agility and Intelligence, Speech, Stealth and Small Guns tagged, and the Bloody Mess Trait :twisted:
High charisma and Intelligence with a little thrown into agility and perception

Charisma and intelligence being the best for a maximum of speach options.

As for traits, Thief, Sneak and small guns. Thief is pure gole at teh start of the game. Theive from everyone in Klamath and you'll have enough to buy the .44 by the time you get to the Den.
i always put agility at 10 no matter what character. For me, i have the most fun w/ unarmed characters, when someone gives you shit, you just pop em in the mouth.
Gifted, fast shot, 6 to strength, 3 or 4 to luck, 5 to endurance, agility and/or intelligence maxed and rest into perception.

Tagged skills: small guns, speech/science, big guns/barter

Favorite perks: Educated, Here and now, Sniper, Action Boy

Favorite weapons: Bozaar, Vindicator Minigun, .223 pistol, Magnum .44, turbo plasma rifle, alien blaster, pulse rifle, gauss rifle, solar scorcher (depending on whether I'm playing Fallout 1 or Fallout 2)
gifted, fitnesse,

2 party memberd (sometime 3) Sniper

locking on the enemy's eyes....... BANG. Down you go
I go with charisma, intelligence and agility, with sex appeal :wink: and fast shot... as for skills, i tag small guns, speech, and pickpocket... with the speech and intelligence i can get most quests and with fast shot and small guns skills, the beggining is fairly easy and you have time to up your big guns/engergy before you find very many of that kind. pickpocket helps me keep my wallet fat and extra ammo from a gaurds pocket never hurt :) as for the sex appeal.... what can i say? i was born to be a pr0n star :D
hmm.. i usually go with 10 in the SPECIAL, 300 or 200 in the skills, and about hmm... 3/4 of the perks, thats the way to start a character :D hehehehehe
Gifted, Fast shot, max agility,5-6 ST, 7-8 luck (9-10 with NCR zetascan), 5 CH, 4 EN, 7 PE, 8 INT.

Tags for Small and big guns and speech.

A very ofensive character that can make almost any quest in the game...
I recently tried a new build.. Maxed agility, Gifted, Fast Shot, Finesse, lowered endurance, lowered charisma, and as much perception and intelligence as I could pull off out of that - tags were Big Guns, Energy Weapons, and Small Guns.

Basically, he lives to burst. Especially later on when Bonus Rate of Fire came around - lotta fun to play, but after having been a speaker for so long it was odd not to be able to talk to some people like I was used to doing.

I always play the lootable armor mod (because I'm cheesy like that), and I sometimes play my own mod that makes all the ammunition weigh zero. Nothing realistic about it, just more fun to me that I can cart all that crap around no problem, with all the big guns and bursting energy rate of ammunition depletion.
8) ST4,PE9,EN2,CH6,IN9,AG10,LK8.... Gifted, Small Frame... Small Guns, Lockpick, Speech....
My favourite weapons are: .44 magnum, Gauss Pistol, H&K G11E.. :lol:
St Pe E L all 5s ag 8 in 10 c2.
Unarmed science lockpick

sometimes go for the repair instead o science

It's awesome doing a piercing kick to some gough-givers eyes.
i used to enjoy the fighting traits but i changed to sneaking, stealing and speech
favourite wepons: .223 pistol, alien blaster and the sniper rifle brings back the good old days of fallout 1
I happy with my character:
8-10 in Strength
7-10 in Intelligence
8-10 in Agility


Small Guns
Energy weapons

But would it be a good idea, to change Energy weapons to Speech?
My Fallout character always has gifted and bloody mess, with 7 in everything but strength, which is always on 6. I usually have big guns, small guns and lockpick and im always an 18 year old male.