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    My Own Theory About Why F4 Is The Way It Is

    Aren't all Bethesda games pretty much sub-standard for what AAA games are supposed to be like? :crazy:
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    Shadowrun Returns vs Dragon Fall?

    If you're unfamiliar with the universe, DMS is still worth it. If you know what you're doing, it's probably okay to skip straight to DF. It basically has more of everything, except rails. Got high hopes for Hong Kong.
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    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Except you don't need a 1000-buck rig to play PC games. And I'd bet that only the small percentage of hardcore gamers who have to have all settings maxxed out does. An average laptop can handle a majority of games these days. And most younger people already have a PC in some shape or form for...
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    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Bethesda is the McDonald's of RPG developers.
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    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    'Nuff said. Also, I remember the excitement about FO3. We all know how that went alright. Fair enough - we have awesome stuff like Divinity OS, PoE, a new expansion for Shadowrun coming up etc. etc. But not really anything in the same veign as FO that scratched that kind of itch (sadly...
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    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Graphically, Witcher 1 probably looked better than that trailer. Animations are choppy as all hell, poor dog. Also, WTF is with all the steampunk shit? Jesus H. Christ, someone give Failthesda a link to the Vault so they can read up on the setting *sigh*
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    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

    Trailer looks like arse to be honest. Then again, all CG trailers do. Hope the actual game handles the topic with way more finesse and options to choose your stance. Also, I can already bet that Jensen's backstory will be a big facepalm story. I mean, we've got a choice between "miraculously...
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    Arcanum vs Fallout

    It's also more polished, less linear, has more varied gameplay, and a more intuitive interface. All at the cost of being more of a "themepark RPG". *Shrug* I like both equally, but for different things. I did get more mileage out of FO2 than FO1, that's for sure. Also note that I'm talking...
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    Steam summer sales

    Well, I did comment on it while the sale was still on, so your fault for not noticing :P
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    Arcanum vs Fallout

    Fallout for the gameplay (combat flows better, more different *useful* weapons, more effective approaches to progressing, better balanced). Arcanum for the world and setting. Also, crafting is a big plus. More or less tied on the (main) story - Fallout is more coherent but also more cheesy...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Too early to tell honestly, but seems like typical fantasy RPG stuff. You're tracking a murder, there's evil magic involved, plus there's the looming threat of "The End of All Time" that you somehow are destined to stop. But, it's very tongue-in-cheek, so that's acceptable IMO. At least it...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Divinity: Original Sin. It's like BG2 plus TOEE. On crack. Best game since I don't even know. It's awesome, that's all.
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    Steam summer sales

    Good choice. The Wolf Among Us is amazing. Never tried Walking Dead, though, not really into the zombie theme, myself.
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    Steam summer sales

    Is Torchlight II worth it at this point? Have they fixed the performance issues/stuttering?
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    What is your favourite Boss Fight?

    Most memorable - certainly the optional Balor boss in TOEE. Also the hardest bloody fight in the game (level 20 in vanilla at level 10 PC cap), and one of the hardest bosses in general if you go in unprepared. Also the final boss of NWN:SoU and the tower level leading up to it.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Bought Divinity: Original Sin at the Steam Sale. I never buy Early Access titles, but this one's supposed to release in like a week, so I said, why not. Well damn, it's the best thing since stringed cheese. Was going to take a brief look, and ended up playing until 4 a.m. The game still got a...
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    Neverwinter Nights; Baldur's Gate; Icewind Dale

    To be fair, Co8 did a superb job on the game, and it's almost entirely stable now.
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    Dark Souls 2

    So is the PC port as bad as I've heard? Is the game worth playing now, or should I wait for more patches/mods? Is it better than DS1 on PC?
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    Dark Souls 2

    Like crap. Technically, at least. Gameplay-wise, it was fine, but too grindy/frustrating for my taste. I think Yatzee nailed it in his late review of the game. I'm not usually one to say such things, but I hope they've streamlined the new game at least a bit.
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    Square Mystery Box...

    Just came across this: Seems like an interesting deal. I usually decry any gambling boxes, but seems like you get your money's worth with this one regardless. System requirements and 18+...