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  1. B

    The Fate of the Deep South?

    Not to mention the Marshall Space Flight Center would be good for a bit of space-ageyness. Make the intro song "Stars Fell on Alabama" and bobs your uncle
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    Pete Hines interview

    I wouldn't call any game of such scope to be 'safe' They were good bets, but not safe.
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    1998 Fallout Movie Treatment Revealed

    You were probably intended to be able to seduce them.
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    Jason D. Anderson left InXile

    Re: hmm Because Counter Strike 2 is going to be a better credit than Line Rider DS
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    Fallout 2 / Fonline Engine Modding Update

    I just wish the impressive stuff would get released once in a while!
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    Fallout: New Vegas' bugs due to its size

    New Vegas is no more or less buggy than Fallout 3 was and games journalists were somehow able to ignore it then
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    Fallout: New Vegas TV ad

    Damn that's a pretty good commercial
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    Canard PC Fallout: New Vegas preview

    wait ghouls can survive in outer space now?
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    Fallout: New Vegas previews

    I think you might be giving the star wars movies a bit too much credit
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    All Roads graphic novel 12-page preview now available

    The look of the wasteland, the raiders, general character design... Leonard Boyarsky had the film running on a constant loop for inspiration. The vault boy is an example of a character created by the 1950s sensibilities of the world and not an example of the world itself. The whole idea is an...
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    All Roads graphic novel 12-page preview now available

    No, expecting this comic to have 1950s-style art is like expecting Fallout 1 to have 1950s-style art. The fallout world had 1950s sensibilities, it didn't exist in a 1950s stylized world. The look of Fallout always been based more on The Road Warrior than anything else.
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    Fallout: New Vegas QuakeCon previews, #4

    The music I heard on one video preview was definitely more in the style of Fallout 1 and 2, but I think it might just be Inon Zur responding to fan criticism of his work on Fallout 3.
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    Fallout: New Vegas opening narration

    It doesn't seem the same without the cheesy reverence but how many times can you return to the well of Ripping Off The Road Warrior Intro?
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    Choppy scrolling

    This game has a micropause-filled scroll for me that causes the game to feel incredibly choppy. -My hardware is so good it's bad so that's not it. GTX275 / Core 2 Duo @ 2.33 ghz / 3gb ram -Windows XP -Patched to 1.27 -Tried compatability modes -Task Manager says its not filling up my page...
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    Pick up some post-apocalyptic shooters for cheap

    Metro is a much more linear game. More like Half Life 2 than stalker.
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    Fallout: New Vegas preview

    Fallout's "epic" moments are either entirely player-created (such as taking on the militant LA Boneyard guards or Metzger's slavers in the Den) or emotionally understated such as coming face to face with the Master. What I fear is large scripted sequences where the whole idea is "watch the...
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    Fallout: New Vegas preview

    Ugghhnnnn I HATE "epic moments"
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    GameBanshee interviews Avellone and Urquhart at E3

    Is having 10 extra AP really a big deal in this game though?
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    Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

    i dont think the gamer limit guy knows what an E3 demo is edit or the screw attack guy
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    Fallout: New Vegas E3 interviews

    I would expect to see some grandchild of Tandi's.