Fallout: New Vegas E3 interviews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Just a couple'a'more. Machinima.com's Inside Gaming Feature interviews lead producer Larry Liberty (thanks Huntman). They talk mostly generalities, but this comment on the FPS-action in the game, while remaining vague, is of some interest.<blockquote>What we've completely overhauled - real-time combat. The way you actually calculate damage, the way you aim, the way input works on the controller. We found - in Fallout 3 - that there were actually times where you could miss inputs and overall it could feel unresponsive. So we've tried to make it still an RPG, but through weapon tiering to make it feel appropriate. So if you get a tier 1 gun at the beginning of the game it's not going to feel nerfed and weird and you're not going to aim at something and have bullets fly all over the place if it's a rifle. If you were to somehow magically get a tier 5 weapon at the beginning of the game, you would actually feel a little bit of that weird RPG feel, where "Hmmm, I'm not high-level, I'm missing and it feels weird." We wanted to get rid of that and overall make it feel more responsive and a more compelling first-person shooter.</blockquote>The New Zealand site Gameplanet interviews senior designer Chris Avellone. Worth a read as it has some solid questions and answers.<blockquote>Gameplanet: What did you identify as New Vegas’ key areas for growth over Fallout 3?

Chris Avellone: That’s an interesting question because with Fallout 3 there were a lot of things we didn’t want to touch because we liked them so much – so the question we asked ourselves is “what do we want to tweak or modify in order to make the experience better?”

So the first thing we looked at was the mod community – what were the things people were changing most about the title that we really like? One of them was weapon mods. We were like, you know what? We can implement those in New Vegas and make the weapons a lot cooler and make dealing with merchants a lot cooler, why don’t we implement that system and put it in?

Obviously we also have the usual stuff like an extended list of perks and an extended (base) arsenal and custom animations for those weapons, too. We also looked through the various weapon skills and then through the (Fallout 3) forums to see people’s reactions to them in order to find out why people found each one satisfying.

So we looked at things like melee combat, for example, and it seemed like melee players don’t have enough to do in combat. So we said to ourselves, why don’t we have the melee skill unlock special combat moves for each individual melee weapon you can get in the game?

We looked for things like that – not to overwrite the Fallout 3 experience, but to tweak in ways so that players can enjoy it even more.
Gameplanet: So we’ll have a confrontation with this purse-snatcher endgame?

Chris Avellone: One element that we’re not going to have is one Big Bad Guy in Fallout: New Vegas. We’re going to dump the player into a situation then allow him to examine the faction politics: Where they’re coming from, where they’re succeeding, where they’re failing and letting the player decide where his loyalties lie as a result of that. It’s based on player-choice: he can say “I want to support those guys.”

Or he can support none of them at all, (saying) “I have a better vision for the wasteland than any of these people.” That’s totally the Fallout way.

Gameplanet: You mentioned a Mafia-style execution in the desert, what are your other influences?

Chris Avellone: Oh yeah, the Rat Pack, 1950’s Vegas – redesigning it (with that aesthetic) for the future and then dropping bombs on it, that was a lot of fun for our artists to do!
Gameplanet: Can we expect to see any characters or references to Fallout and Fallout 2?

Chris Avellone: If you have never played Fallout or Fallout 2 you won’t be missing anything (knowledge) in Fallout: New Vegas. However, if you’ve played Fallout or Fallout 2, you’ll understand much more of the backstory of certain groups you encounter. Possibly you’ll also meet descendents of people you know from Fallout and Fallout 2, and of course creatures you’ve seen in those games in the New Vegas world.</blockquote>
The Avellone interview is really nice. It's nice that there will be no "big bad" (though I guess there'll still be a final boss in either faction and so forth, but who knows).

Now there’s not just one critical path for the game. We have that critical path break and branch out so that there’s four critical paths that all lead to the endgame. So if you want to play the game four times over, they make that possible.

Sounds good.
I'm trying hard not to get my hopes up but all these little changes and tweaks being made to FNV are doin it for me. Fallout 3 didn't have the prettiest graphics but that to me is secondary to better game play.

Some pros from the interview, No Big Baddie, multiple critical paths, revamped real time combat.
The Gameplanet interview is good stuff. I do find it interesting how much Obsidian has emphasized continuity with Fallout 3 over ties to Fallout 1/2 at E3, including in that interview. But I guess that makes a lot of sense from a PR perspective, and doesn't necessarily say much about the game's direction.
Chris Avellone said:
One element that we’re not going to have is one Big Bad Guy in Fallout: New Vegas. We’re going to dump the player into a situation then allow him to examine the faction politics: Where they’re coming from, where they’re succeeding, where they’re failing and letting the player decide where his loyalties lie as a result of that. It’s based on player-choice: he can say “I want to support those guys.”
I think that can be OK as long as there's some sort of motivating potential event that would drive most characters. The player needs to have some skin in the game, especially if the different factions are not obviously good or bad. The truth is, I can't immediately think of a good RPG that didn't have a strong antagonist.
Dionysus said:
Chris Avellone said:
One element that we’re not going to have is one Big Bad Guy in Fallout: New Vegas. We’re going to dump the player into a situation then allow him to examine the faction politics: Where they’re coming from, where they’re succeeding, where they’re failing and letting the player decide where his loyalties lie as a result of that. It’s based on player-choice: he can say “I want to support those guys.”
I think that can be OK as long as there's some sort of motivating potential event that would drive most characters. The player needs to have some skin in the game, especially if the different factions are not obviously good or bad. The truth is, I can't immediately think of a good RPG that didn't have a strong antagonist.

I have a strong feeling that while they say that there isn't one "Big Bad Guy" in the game, New Vegas will end with a confrontation with Mr. House. There might be sub-bosses for each faction or something to that effect, but I'm almost certain we'll all be concluding our adventure at the top of the Lucky 38. In the deck of custom cards that ships with the special edition, he's the Ace of Spades, and I'm pretty sure that's solid evidence for the "There will be ONE boss of the game" theory. I guarantee when we load up our copies of F:NV we'll hear "The House always wins" about twenty times, regardless of who you choose to ally yourself with.
It's easy to be cynical, but I'm hopeful for New Vegas. Maybe it's just the hype, but everything seems to be moving in a good direction. It'll be nice to see some more gameplay footage, but I feel pretty good just reading these interviews.

I'm going to assume the emphasis on Fallout 3 continuity is mainly because that's where the fanbase is. It was amazing to hear how many people didn't know who Obsidian was, let alone the fact that they (sort of) worked on the original Fallouts. I would think when you're trying to sell a game you have to appeal to the biggest market. At least in this case.
Huntman said:
I would think when you're trying to sell a game you have to appeal to the biggest market. At least in this case.

Yeah, that's Bethesda's modus operandi. That's why F3 was an FPS, had a nuke launcher, easy to follow story line with several plot holes and dlc that let you fight through a flying saucer (No, I'm not shitting you). Here was their strategy:

1. A bunch of people really care deeply about the Fallout series, so we can exploit that, as they will all buy F3.
2. Gamers these days are younger and less intelligent, so dumbing it down and making it like other hot-selling games will make the most money.

Now, here's their strategy for New Vegas, it's pretty much the same, except now they're pandering:

1. A bunch of people who really cared deeply about the Fallout series are pissed off because we ruined it, so by making another game that is closer to what they wanted will make them want to buy F:NV.
2. All of the people that loved F3 will buy F:NV anyway, so we can save money on advertising.

Lower budget + little development overhead + outsource the project to Obsidian = $$$$$ for Bethesda.

EDIT: And that's not being cynical, that's a legitimate portrayal of what has been and is happening.
yeah, no matter how excited I am about F:NV at the moment and how much faith I have in Obsidian to make something decent out of it, I'm well aware that the entire thing is just a money scheme for Bethesda and a way to lure the older fanbase in. I mean, the whole thing is actually kind of odd. how often do you see big companies outsource one of their biggest IP's to a bunch of guys who are known to create buggy and unfinished games?
aenemic said:
ow often do you see big companies outsource one of their biggest IP's to a bunch of guys who are known to create buggy and unfinished games?

You mean like BioWare with KotOR and NWN or SEGA with Aliens or Square Enix with Dungeon Siege? Hawwwwww?

Feargus Urquhart is known for his slam dunk titles. That's what these are. Plenty of publishers love the concept.
Actually, KotOR and NWN never were BioWare's IPs, but LucasArts' and Atari's, respectively.

(I know that you know but couldn't resist)
Do you have a macro read for "Actually,", Ausir? It must be a pain in the ass to type as many times as you do, half your posts start with "Actually,"
Brother None said:
aenemic said:
ow often do you see big companies outsource one of their biggest IP's to a bunch of guys who are known to create buggy and unfinished games?

You mean like BioWare with KotOR and NWN or SEGA with Aliens or Square Enix with Dungeon Siege? Hawwwwww?

Feargus Urquhart is known for his slam dunk titles. That's what these are. Plenty of publishers love the concept.

true, true. as for the first two titles, those are the ones that gave Obsidian such a reputation. but you're right about the other two.

still, I think Fallout is a special case and I stand by my theory.
Do you have a macro read for "Actually,", Ausir?
Next to the quote button, he has one that says "Correct". The next upgrade will be looking automatically for citations!
Brother None said:
Possibly you’ll also meet descendents of people you know from Fallout and Fallout 2, and of course creatures you’ve seen in those games in the New Vegas world.

The son of the Chosen One from New Reno! :D
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Brother None said:
Possibly you’ll also meet descendents of people you know from Fallout and Fallout 2, and of course creatures you’ve seen in those games in the New Vegas world.

The son of the Chosen One from New Reno! :D

hehe, it would be pretty cool if they threw in some funny stuff the Chosen One left in their wake. like a bastard child or two, for example.

most likely there will be some kind of references to the happenings in FO2 and maybe even FO1 (besides the obvious ones, like Super Mutants).
aenemic said:
still, I think Fallout is a special case and I stand by my theory.
Well, if the theory is just that Beth is trying to make money, then it's sort of obvious. If you think it's odd for a publisher to move IPs (even successful IPs) to different devs in order to maximize production and profits, then you are wrong. It's pretty common. NV went to Obsidian because Bethesda thought that there was more demand than they could meet, and the Aliens RPG got canned at an opportune moment.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Brother None said:
Possibly you’ll also meet descendents of people you know from Fallout and Fallout 2, and of course creatures you’ve seen in those games in the New Vegas world.

The son of the Chosen One from New Reno! :D
... who is called "The Living One" :P