Search results

  1. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    Well Kurdish women have diffrent opinion. I do not demand that you must put woman potrtrait in your mod, i create them for those that want some other portraits than orginal from fallout. For those who care, since my hdd went from nfts to raw partitions i am curently in proces of coppying data...
  2. Mateo Frozen

    How do you edit the reputation of your charcter

    Well i don't know if this will be helpfull but try "cheat engine"
  3. Mateo Frozen

    Pick-Up Truck sprites anyone?

    I'm pretty sure that on my dead HDD there was animated cat and tiger model, if you really need one then i have a sugestion: dota 2 miranda model and remove Priestess from the tiger, or WoW models cat or tiger the ones from WoW should have plenty animations that can by used.
  4. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    50 Feamle
  5. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    xkcon good to know that. There should be some misc release, but the next three will be babes + some men. But if someone like and need some Robo-ghoul-xxx portraits then feel free to ask:puppy-dog:.
  6. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    it's been a while 61 portraits, im pretty sure some may be duplicated from earlier relases, but who cares:seriouslyno:. Next realse... yes there will be, but olny my dying hdd know when.
  7. Mateo Frozen

    FILES: Sprites ressources

    Hi nice snake give him some rad+ :newevil: like anaconda from B ratings films.
  8. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    Hi, most from events like hot ground and similar gatherings for people who will gladly live in westerlands:), and from people who creates costiumes for them or some steampunk creations.
  9. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    33 female + 7 male
  10. Mateo Frozen

    FILES: Sprites ressources

    Yes, it's really a shame that this artist created olny few similar steel animals\creatures. Like this ,or , but his erotic paintings are amazing:shock:.
  11. Mateo Frozen

    FILES: Sprites ressources

    Nah don't trouble yourself the steel cat is ready, I gathering material for creatures portraits, if i don't find some mutant bear then I aplly for help.
  12. Mateo Frozen

    FILES: Sprites ressources

    Wow the last one is really interesing, but teddy godzilla is the best, must find some portraits for them.
  13. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    50 female and 7 male?.
  14. Mateo Frozen

    About FT improver 2.0

    Try this Autor native language. english.
  15. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    Uff i was worryied that you found your girfriend/sister in portraits.:look: I will relase girls portraits mixed with few male almost on weekly basis, but I have problem finding some ghoul\riders\robot material.
  16. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    50 female+5 male.
  17. Mateo Frozen

    FILES: Sprites ressources

    Wow this one is good.
  18. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    Hey you don't need to restore folders gui and tables to .bos once extracted corectly fallout will be using them, so olny extract .bos files and paste *.zars to char folder in gui, and edit female\male .txt files(Entities_0.bos).
  19. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    Mix of portraits some humans, ghouls, robots, even reaver's.
  20. Mateo Frozen

    Fallout Tactics Portraits

    In Core folder find qui_0.bos copy and then change extention from *.bos to *.rar(if you using winrar like me). Now you have file copy gui_0.rar( or somthing similar ) right click and chose extract here , you have gui folder ready to adding portraits, remember in core you must have folder gui not...