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  1. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: New Vegas 2 - Some Chris Avellone Twatter Q&A

    Jokes aside, I think the Pacific Northwest would be a suitable setting for a future West Coast title.
  2. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    Also bonus meme: We were jokingly discussing John's players suggested idea of luring Bullmoose into Tornado Alley, citing it'd be a suicide mission. Reverend volunteered that he'd do it alone in the Highwayman, which we said would be like this video:
  3. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    There's a couple good moments I forgot to include because it was a dense session, such as Jessica deflating the Daughter's monologue about sorcery by performing one of her tricks in front of her stating "It's not magic, lady, it's chemistry."
  4. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    @Hardboiled Android @Dayglow Drifter After the events at Moab, the party awoke about a day away in their camp south of the Colorado River. In the morning, Gallus caught Lars performing an old Blackfoot tribal rhythm patting on his legs: Gallus responded by brutally beating him and reminding him...
  5. Atomic Postman

    It's nice that real life events disproves the theories on international relations I learnt about...

    It's nice that real life events disproves the theories on international relations I learnt about and disagreed with at uni. Vindication.
  6. Atomic Postman

    "Did you hear? The Hun are spearing Belgian babies on bayonets"

    "Did you hear? The Hun are spearing Belgian babies on bayonets"
  7. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Vault Archives PnP Revised Edition

    Also @Alcanik If you're interested, I have a thread up with a worldbook for a campaign I wrote with this system in mind based off of Van Buren and New Vegas lore: I have also been running a...
  8. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Vault Archives PnP Revised Edition

    F1/F2 equivalents of energy weapons exist in the system. Plasma Caster and Laser Rifle hold the same stats and damage as they do in F1-F2 for example. I would perhaps warn against lowering their ammo capacity unless you also plan on making their ammunition cheaper. The idea is that they have...
  9. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Vault Archives PnP Revised Edition

    Thanks! What kind of changes were you thinking of making? Also thanks! and I've looked into it before but it seems a largely thankless industry. Unless you're working directly for Wizards of the Coast, apparently most tabletop developers also have other jobs. Not for me, but, I do it for fun...
  10. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: New Vegas 2 - Some Chris Avellone Twatter Q&A

    At the very least you're going to piss off 3/4 of the NV fanbase
  11. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: New Vegas 2 - Some Chris Avellone Twatter Q&A

    The notes about NV 2 having further Van Buren content is very interesting to me. Especially the "based off Lonesome Road" comment. The nature of NCR in Van Buren was that it spread to the East but it was basically fucked. Everyone was cut to the wind and nobody had any idea what was happening in...
  12. Atomic Postman

    Another day goes by and I still can't play Sonora.

    Another day goes by and I still can't play Sonora.
  13. Atomic Postman

    Is it bad that I consider Bethesda Fallout's power armor to be canon?

    I don't know why you like Tactics so much but I dig it. I personally found Tactics gameplay to be alright but everything else was really lackluster, and its also greatest crime of beginning the Brotherhood wank.
  14. Atomic Postman

    Is it bad that I consider Bethesda Fallout's power armor to be canon?

    When it comes down to it, you have two types of canon. You have the official canon dictated by IP holders, and then you have fan-canon which is just essentially "What I like and what I don't like". Which is fine to me, as audience members we're not beholden to the minutiae of what some company...
  15. Atomic Postman

    Fallout 76 – Invaders from Beyond: Aliens are back on March 1

    Another Great War would be very Canticle for Leibowitz but I think it should be like 500+ years after the bombs. Enough time for humanity to forget.
  16. Atomic Postman

    Movie or TV show so disgusting/disturbing you had to turn it off

    My girlfriend is a fan of gore filled splatterpunk garbage horror movies that she enjoys ironically. We have a rotating list of stuff I recommend that we watch and stuff she recommends, and there are countless movies I've watched at this point that if I were watching alone I would have switched...
  17. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    It's certainly an interesting question especially when the party is about to arrive at Magnum Chasma - a Follower who very much decided his own morality and ideology must be impressed upon the tribes.
  18. Atomic Postman

    maybe i should start posting in the order

    maybe i should start posting in the order