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  1. lostabroad2

    Fallout 2 mod Banjo's Fallout 2 Mods

    A minor point but Kenji's assassination attempt is supposed to fail. Changing his weapon to something with higher average damage could potentially upset the outcome. Normally Kenji only succeeds with help, either active, (attacking Killian) or passive, (planting a better weapon on Kenji, using...
  2. lostabroad2

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    From memory the original ECCO trade formula started at 15% which meant the traders charged you 6.666 X the price for an item and offered you 1/6.666 of the value for your item. If you offered a merchant 44 guns for 1 identical gun the merchant would decline because the trading price was 44.444 -...
  3. lostabroad2

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    Technically the original formula should be: SkillBonus = IF (HighestBarter + INVERSE DiffCoef) -1 > DudeBarter THEN INTEGER [(HighestBarter + INVERSE DiffCoef - DudeBarter) -1] * DiffCoef ELSE 0 This is so you still get a 1 point bonus if Barter is 1 point lower than that of the highest NPC...
  4. lostabroad2

    UP and RP updates

    I seem to remember that if you already have the key from the yellow dog you won't get the dialogue to get the key from Slim. I normally stash the dog's key in the container nearest Slim. I can then get both keys. Technically neither key is needed since the lock can be picked as normal and the...
  5. lostabroad2

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    It's been several years since I used this mod so take the following with a pinch of salt. My, (very limited), experience with crafting was negative. Given the economy is much harder at the start of the game it required almost all my resources to pay for the 'create a leather jacket perk'. Having...
  6. lostabroad2

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    You understood correctly. The question is which skills, (if any), should boost Chosen One's abilities and to what extent. Should having a party member with higher Small guns, Throwing, Gambling, or Sneaking give you a bonus? I think most people would say no to weapons skills but yes to Gambling...
  7. lostabroad2

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    I would love to see a rebalanced economy mod that does the job. Please do not take this as an insult. I'm a huge fan of what you tried to do with the earlier version and of what you actually achieved. Your script for adjusting both buying and selling price was excellent although I would use...
  8. lostabroad2

    Is Leather armor Mk II or regular Metal armor better?

    If the hit value is 20 then the metal armour DR is going to reduce that to 14 and the DT will further reduce it to 10. If the hit % is 90 then on 10 attacks you'll take 10 points of damage 9 times with 1 miss. The same attack against leather mk2 will reduce the 20 hit points to 15 and the DT...
  9. lostabroad2

    Can't Access Vault City In The RPU Mod

    As a modding illiterate I can only suggest trying F2 in its default state and then trying again with a different mod to determine that the fault is within RPU.v26. I recently loaded F2 from an old CD then added RPU.v26 and the only crash error I had wasn't related to the RPU mod. Good luck...
  10. lostabroad2

    UP and RP updates

    I don't know the history, and I never get this far in F2, but Cat Jules maybe a reference to Cat from the Red Dwarf tv series portrayed by Danny John-Jules.
  11. lostabroad2

    Steal skill mechanics - Explanation needed.

    This doesn't directly answer the op's question but it is related and it's worth thinking about. In both Fallout 1 & 2 detection is dependant on a line of sight basis. Manoeuvre an NPC between the line of sight detector and the object and you can steal everything with 100% success and 0% risk...
  12. lostabroad2

    UP and RP updates

    Apologies. Sulik won't stop throwing spears now even when he's standing next to an opponent. lol.
  13. lostabroad2

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I had a similar issue when I recently loaded Fallout 2 from a CD with the new RPU mod on Windows 10. I have a desktop connected to a wide-screen tv. What worked for me was temporarily altering the computer's display resolution setting, (PC: start - settings - system -display), from 1366 X 768...
  14. lostabroad2

    UP and RP updates

    I've been playing again after a multi-year break. Is there a reason Sulik doesn't throw spears?
  15. lostabroad2

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    C'mon man! Just lock the doors again after you've finished! Seriously though as entertaining as it is to take everything from the back it's not really worth the effort. You can steal everything from the 3 tables in Killian's store with 0 Steal skill at zero risk and there's more value there...
  16. lostabroad2

    Fallout (1) Perk build discussion

    Please ignore my previous post. It's a long time since I have played the original Fallout and I had forgotten how different the settings were between Fallout and Fallout2. My post was accurate for Fallout2. In Fallout2 skill increases cost 2 points per 1 point raised once you reach a skill of...
  17. lostabroad2

    Fallout (1) Perk build discussion

    The game really isn't about maximising skills or values. It's about maximising your enjoyment of playing the game. There are many serious flaws in the game engine but exploiting those flaws doesn't actually enhance the gaming experience. If I told you that was probably the most game-changing...
  18. lostabroad2

    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    It's been nearly 2 years since I last looked at Fallout2 but since opinions have been requested by the author i'll post what constructive advice I can give. If the issues I mention have been addressed then my apologies and thanks for your time. The broken economy There are 3 basic problems...
  19. lostabroad2

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Out of sheer bloody-minded curiosity would it actually be possible to change the default calculation for Action Points? The default formula is: INT (5 + ( AG * 0.5)) The game would be more interesting if the formula could be changed to: INT (6.5 + (AG * 0.35)) I doubt anyone plays the game...
  20. lostabroad2

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I haven't played Fallout in 18 months so I don't remember the base formulae for the Vault Dweller. In Fallout 2 Barter was 0 + (4 * CH). I think Small Guns was 5 + (4 * AG). Fallout has smaller starting ranges, normally 2 * Primary Statistic. If it were possible to change these starting...