First time out of the vault

You understood correctly. The question is which skills, (if any), should boost Chosen One's abilities and to what extent. Should having a party member with higher Small guns, Throwing, Gambling, or Sneaking give you a bonus? I think most people would say no to weapons skills but yes to Gambling, Repair, Doctor, etc. If there is to be a bonus, (and I think there should be with Barter), then a proportion of the difference in values is the best way to do it. The 3 alternatives are: 1) to use the higher value. The problem is that there's no incentive to put points into those skills if there's no short-term benefit, as is currently the case with Barter. 2) Apply a uniform bonus dependant on the highest party member throughout the game. The problem here is that there's still a bonus for having a party member value of 50 when Chosen One's value is 120. 3) Apply a uniform bonus dependant on the highest party member until the value matches Chosen One's value. The problem here is that removing the bonus creates a sudden drop in value. EG if there's a 10 point bonus for having a party member with a value of 80 then at 79 your effective value is 89. Add another point and it drops to 80.Actually I like this option the most. In general, it makes sense that when you recruit somebody - you can use their skill to your party's advantage. So Option 1 would be strange in that regard. Option 2 - if I understood correctly, is to increase final Barter but only by a fraction of difference between dude and party member? I will think about this, thanks for suggestions.
Option 1 and 2 are easily implemented by modifying the script (I'm surprised you didn't already). Option 3 is even easier...
In my opinion Option 2 is the best staring point with a long-term goal of also applying it to First Aid, Doctor, Gambling, Repair, and Outdoorsman. Option 2 allows for increasing NPC skill values in Option 3 so that the bonus proportion is lower and allows for a decreasing bonus up to 125 or even higher. For the record a variation of Option 2 is used for skill book bonuses.
I don't have the computer knowledge to do what you suggested. When I was in my teens I wrote some commercial game software in Basic for the Spectrum. When I left school I went into a different World and didn't touch a computer again until my late 40s. I'm nearly 60 now with poorer eyesight so learning to code would be beyond me. I can look at a script and understand what it's designed to do but I couldn't say if it was written correctly. I'm very good with the math so I can test in Basic or on Excel sheets but I wouldn't know where to put scripts or even how to open protos.
Good luck with how you choose to proceed.