Does anyone know how to be a trader in this mod? I mean which wares can be bought cheaper in town X and sold high in town Y?
Hi Sagez, I was asking me exactly the same and took a look into the just realising they are totally off. So I started to tweak them for the aim to make them consistent and lorewise natural and to make a trader char work.
These are the key points:
+ selling value does not go above buying value and both meet at barter=300
+ price ratio (buy:sell) escalates from Klam to San Fran in reasonable (blance-wise: hard) way:
8:1(KLA) to 15:1(SF) with barter=0, 3:1(KLA) to 5:1(SF) with barter=100
+ barter skill, CH, town reputation and master trader perk are taken into account
+ starting from ~barter=100 it is possible to do profitable trade runs between cities with existing trade routes and goods (hides, drugs, meds, gold,...)
+ items in demand are designed to match lore and local aspects (meds cheap in VC, hides cheap in Klam and vice versa, gold in demand here, uranium there and so on.)
+ completed list of towns
For a closer look whats in demand in detail take a look on the proto ids below the town names in the ini.
For a quick overview these are the main goods:
Klam: meds++, some ammo+, hides--
Den: meds+, jet++, booze-, some ammo+, hides-
Modoc: food+, hides+, leather armors-
VC: meds--, hides++, ref. uranium+, gold+, booze+, cats paw+

Gecko: ref uranium+, gold+
Abbey: booze+, books+, cats paw

Redding: gold--, jet+++, meds+, scribs+
Reno: jet--, drugs-, booze-, gold++, energy weapons++
BH: uranium+, ref uranium- , gold+
NCR: gold+, ref.uran+, piston spear-, spiked sl-,...
SF: (power armor+), ripper-, power fist-,...
Actually I quoted out NPC followers when checking for barter skill (leftover from testing) so they might to be un-quoted in the ini file if you want follower help in barter.
If doing so I recommend to change the barter values of NPC followers to lower values.
Small side note, the script may contain some new protos I added for my personal game. If anyone has additional protos to the ones from Ecco some edits might be recommended. Still the script should work.
See the adjusted file below: