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  1. W

    Fallout 1 mod Installing Fallout + Fallout Fixt on Linux using Wine

    I'm using a Fallout 1.1 CD. Now I copied the Data from the Windows Installation, now fallout(fixed) runs again, but still only in small Windows in 8Bit. Otherwise it gets very slow again. I've got the following DirectX installed: d3dx9_26, d3dx9_31, d3dx9_42, d3dx9_43. Should I use any other?
  2. W

    Fallout 1 mod Installing Fallout + Fallout Fixt on Linux using Wine

    Hello, I get this message if I try to install Fallout on my Ubuntu system: Presario-CQ61-Notebook-PC:~$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="$HOME/fallout" wine uninstaller fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface...
  3. W

    Fallout on Ubuntu realy slow // wine

    Thank you guys, but I already tried that. Wine 1.7.44 makes it all the worse. Not even the setup starts. It says that my Windows version is not supported or the screen in the wine Window just gets black. Edit: This is displayed in the console. Using a win32 prefix fixed the "Not supported"...
  4. W

    Fallout on Ubuntu realy slow // wine

    Hello guys, I'm from Germany, so excuse me for my English. :) Since a few Days I tried to get Fallout 1 & 2 work on my Notebook (Ubuntu 14.04) using Wine. On Windows the game runs smooth and nearly perfect. On Ubuntu everything is really slow. I tried Fallout without any mods, only patched and...