Search results

  1. Meurzh

    RPGs/Create your own character games with a Japanese theme?

    I may or may not have decided to buy For Honor because I really liked the character models and (video) gameplay of the characters, especially the Orochi. However, my experience with the game may or may not have been much more lackluster than I had hoped. The gameplay is what bothers me the...
  2. Meurzh

    Best Fallout Game Ever?

    Fallout: New Vegas by far. It's one of my all time favorite games ever. It's one of the few games where I have incredibly fond memories whenever I think about it.
  3. Meurzh

    Favorite Quest names

    I really liked 'Come Fly With Me' from FNV.
  4. Meurzh

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    3/10 I'm not a metal fan; it's too thrashy for my tastes.
  5. Meurzh

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    EdgeGirl 7/10
  6. Meurzh

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I was playing Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (the Return of Reckoning private server). I've been playing it way too much lately. I think i'm going to take a good long break.
  7. Meurzh

    What Would You Have Done to Make Bethesda's Fallout 3 Better?

    This is all under the assumption that all the same factions were present in the game: I would have made the Enclave joinable and give them a real reason to be operating in the Wasteland and humanise the members instead of making them boogeymen. They would have given the Loan Wanderer a reason...
  8. Meurzh

    A video on the Brexit and why the UK should leave.

    Flee the abusive relationship and watch it all burn down from the sidelines.
  9. Meurzh

    Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop Official Trailer

    /r/Fallout should probably just be called /r/BethesdaCircleJerk.
  10. Meurzh

    would Fallout set in Canada gonna work?

    I don't think so. Fallout is too heavily based in Americana for it to work, imo.
  11. Meurzh

    East Coast or West Coast for location and civilization?

    The West Coast already has something like civilization going on right now. Let's just pray that the NCR and/or Mr. House (in NV, at least) stays in power enough to keep things progressing. The East Coast could have been interesting. Bethesda had all the chances to really ramp up the 'Murica...
  12. Meurzh

    Fallout 4 Automatron Trailer

    $10 for a mod? Ell oh elllll.
  13. Meurzh

    What is it with Bethesda and nonsensical settlements?

    Are they walls that 'never expire'?
  14. Meurzh

    What is it with Bethesda and nonsensical settlements?

    This has to be a trope in their 'Fallout' games. In Fallout 4, we have Diamond City and Goodneighbor. If any kind of sense is to be made (and it's not), these settlements should never have stood a chance. The most obvious threat should be the legions upon legions of super mutants, especially...
  15. Meurzh

    Should Fallout 3 be considered canon?

    I wouldn't mind not considering it canon. I really hate how they raped the Enclave and BoS.
  16. Meurzh

    Music that you associate with FNV

    ...or Fallout in general. I'm not really talking about 50s music in general (but that's fine if that's what you usually think of), but any kind of music (pop, rock, etc) that you've listened to while playing Fallout or made you think of Fallout (and NV in particular). One artist in particular...
  17. Meurzh

    Fallout 4 screenshots taken from an isometric style perspective

    Honestly, I don't care for isometric views.
  18. Meurzh

    Left-wing Bias in Bethesda's Fallout Products

    Beth's left wing stuff is much more deeper and less obvious to most people and it's highly annoying.
  19. Meurzh

    Fallout 4 is not "Skyrim with guns."

    I hated Skyrim and found it to be the worst Elder Scrolls game ever made. Even ESO was better.
  20. Meurzh

    Fallout 4 Mods You Want to See

    An alternate start mod or one that heavily changes how the game begins (i.e. giving you more creative freedom with your character). One that brings backs skills. They did it with Skyrim, they can do it with FO4. A mod that heavily reduces the number of super mutants. I'm so sick of them...