Fallout 4 screenshots taken from an isometric style perspective


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Fallout fan YttriumTyclief was working on getting screenshots for the Fallout wiki and was inspired to create isometric style Fallout 4 screenshots:

<center><iframe id="imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-ODV3U" src="http://imgur.com/a/ODV3U/embed?pub=true&ref=about%3Ablank&w=540" scrolling="no" class="imgur-embed-iframe-pub imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-ODV3U-true-540" style="height: 500px; width: 540px; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px;" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe><script async="" src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script></center>
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Looks pretty good. I did the same thing with New Vegas with one of the third person camera mods.
These are cool, though I'm not a purist when it comes to Fallout's perspective. Especially now that Wasteland 2 exists...
On the the other hand, in another universe, my ideal new Fallout game would have been both isometric and 2D. Maybe with an FPS spinoff series in the style of Farcry.
Camera is too close to the ground. I wouldn't want to play this game, because you get zero overview.
This would throw of the vertical exploration. However I still wanna see Fallout 3 and 4 if it were in the crusty old style. I love crusty fallout. Good stuff.
While I like what Bethesda have done with the franchise, and can't get into the old ones, I can see how great of a game this would be. Some say Wasteland and its sequel are like the old Fallouts, and are modern and good-looking too? Is this true? And are they on Steam?
While I like what Bethesda have done with the franchise, and can't get into the old ones, I can see how great of a game this would be. Some say Wasteland and its sequel are like the old Fallouts, and are modern and good-looking too? Is this true? And are they on Steam?

Yes and yes. Well, good-looking is sort of subjective... It's sort of the level of XCOM: Enemy Unknown in terms of graphics. But it's a good game! The turn-based system in it could be sort of confusing to an action gamer at first, play it a while, take a break, and continue. You'll see it gets better.

EDIT: not Wasteland 1. Just the sequel that's new. And make sure to get the Director's Cut. It's also a vastly different game to stuff like STALKER and Far Cry (which is usually the draw of Bethesda's Fallouts) so keep an open mind for even the most subtlest of differences.

I know you're not an idiot but there's been plenty of people who've tried to get into the older Fallouts as a Bethesda fan and couldn't get into it, so you have to keep a really open mind, even with Wasteland 2. Speaking from personal experience.
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I find it so funny when young guys have troube coping with old graphics.... xD Kind of makes me feel sorry as those who cannot stand old graphics or not so fancy UI are missing out a lot.

And those screenshots look quite damn nice. :D
I find it so funny when young guys have troube coping with old graphics.... xD Kind of makes me feel sorry as those who cannot stand old graphics or not so fancy UI are missing out a lot.

And those screenshots look quite damn nice. :D

Oh, don't remind me. I'm annoyed by the amount of games that have such good writing but piss me off in the first few minutes with outdated, clunky gameplay, and an impenetrable graphics style. Fallout 2 didn't have clunky gameplay compared to all the fantasy, turn-based games from the same era plus its art style is somewhat legible, so I was able to enjoy it like every other game from today. This is why I'm confused by the people who claim the original Fallouts to be too old to play. I mean, sheesh. That's as new as it gets, compared to other "old" PC games.

I keep as open a mind as I can, but sometimes, some games and movies are just too old for me to bear, no matter how well done they are. Don't pity me, for I pity myself enough. :sad:

UI is actually a lot less fancy these days and I prefer it that way. Simplistic is sometimes the best. The Metro series demonstrate this very well. Then there's Fallout 4 Power Armour HUD, which is... well... :roll::aiee::wall::violent:
Isometric views are ok. I just kind of think it screws with my immersion. Im kind of indifferent to it but id prefer first person maybe a little bit less forgiving like an isometric game. I got hung up on my first playthrough of fallout 1 because I simply couldn't rescue the brotherhood Initiate from the hub. I just couldn't Kill the rough guards no matter how hard I tried. The first person perspective I think allows for more focus on skill than character building. I think it could still be unforgiving. The isometric view looks nice though.
Well a true RPG should be focused more on character building, player skill shouldn't really come into play very much if at all in an RPG. That's why i do not consider the new Fallouts to be RPGs.