Search results

  1. Brivoo

    Why does Bethesda continue to snub New Vegas?

    I don't think it's just out distance; after all, Kellogg off-handedly mentions it as if everyone involved is already familiar and Nick Valentine managed to gather accounts of the Mysterious Stranger from there despite him supposedly being a myth. It's probably more likely that they just don't...
  2. Brivoo

    Is there anything canon to take from Fallout 4?

    That's sort of the premise behind the forums. If you'd prefer, an alternate thread title could be "What parts of Fallout 4 did you think actually fit the overall universe?" Or, you know, ignore it.
  3. Brivoo

    Is there anything canon to take from Fallout 4?

    Another thing I just remembered is that Fo4 implies that the New Plague is making a comeback, as McCready's kid has an incurable disease whose symptoms closely match those of the Plague. I don't know how good an idea it would be, but I do like the notion of the virus never really dying off, and...
  4. Brivoo

    Is there anything canon to take from Fallout 4?

    I didn't like them for the same reason most people don't like Kings; they were too human for my tastes, considering where they came from. Anyway, I guess whatever praise might have gone to Bethesda for the redesign is to be revoked now.
  5. Brivoo

    Fallout Chicago: Silent Storm Engine Modification

    This probably belongs in general gaming rather than Fallout modding, but I'm sure someone'll move it eventually. I didn't even know the game existed until now, but the assets look functional, at the very least. The far right interface will probably need a major rework and the rest needs...
  6. Brivoo

    Is there anything canon to take from Fallout 4?

    I liked the Mirelurks in Fo4, they look better than they did in 3 and the Kings make sense now. I liked the variants some of the creatures could have (e.g. bloated ghouls or glowing mirelurks) as it implied mutations in the gene pool. It always annoyed me that these various new species just...
  7. Brivoo

    New Vegas a bit rewritten and a bit redesigned

    Making combat pointless is not the same as rewarding a player for other behaviour. Of stealth, fighting and diplomacy are all equally viable, then the player is encouraged to make their own choices; however, if the player knows that fighting will net little or no rewards when compared to the...
  8. Brivoo

    New Vegas a bit rewritten and a bit redesigned

    That carries the penalty that combat quickly stops being something players are willing to do and more of a pain in the ass. Perhaps it should carry diminishing returns instead, but that's only mildly better.
  9. Brivoo

    Thoughts on the Borderlands franchise?

    Anarchy-tree Gaige + Conference Call tends to be broken as all hell no matter how many times you play the game. Anyway, this reminds me another issue I have with the game: its mission statement for writing and gameplay seem to be completely at odds. The gameplay relies on you replaying through...
  10. Brivoo

    New Vegas a bit rewritten and a bit redesigned

    I also prefer random encounters, but having one doesn't exclude the other. Radiant quests are more beneficial as resource-gathering, something interesting to do to get some quick cash; Random encounters are more of a world-and-character-building type, showing life in the wasteland in the...
  11. Brivoo

    New Vegas a bit rewritten and a bit redesigned

    I thought the radiant quests in Skyrim were ok. They weren't the spectacular revolutionary technology promised by The Todd Himself (obviously), but they were only ever utilised for bounties and the like; a few mods even expanded on them, adding a bunch of new quest types. If the pretence of...
  12. Brivoo

    Thoughts on the Borderlands franchise?

    I loved playing as Krieg from the second one, but I just cannot stand the grind. It's like every single part of the game is filler. I only played 30% of my first playthrough legitimately, after which I simply used Cheat Engine to level up whenever I felt it was appropriate. Game's a lot more fun...
  13. Brivoo

    Pillars of the Community

    I generally get the feeling /r/Fallout worships New Vegas and Bethesda fanwanking is quarantined to /r/fallout3 and 4, though I'm no expert. Anyway, my point stands.
  14. Brivoo

    Why does Bethesda continue to snub New Vegas?

    They probably see it as better left untouched. New Vegas was basically throwing a bone for the fans of the old games and they probably don't want to mess with that. I mean, they mentioned the NCR exactly once in Fo4 and I fucking hated it, so imagine what it would be like if they had a more...
  15. Brivoo

    Pillars of the Community

    As @Zyrax said, it's just a term that refers to the most important people of a specific group, such as a neighbourhood or office. It's a complete coincidence, but even if it wasn't, I'd say the group is more of a snark at NMA and places like /r/Fallout which aren't as "appreciative" of...
  16. Brivoo

    New Vegas a bit rewritten and a bit redesigned

    I think it'd be cool if a high enough Science skill could get you to control most systems in the building you're in from any terminal. Get up a floor plan and select which turrets you want to control, which doors you want to lock/unlock, etc. To counter this, the lockpick skill could be made...
  17. Brivoo

    New Vegas a bit rewritten and a bit redesigned

    I think Karma would be hardly missed if it were removed, but it needs something in its place. The general feeling (which I share) seems to be that there needs to be something that enhances what little roleplaying the karma system provided; i.e. bad karma players will often be known for their...
  18. Brivoo


    It's important to draw a distinction between "wackiness" and "jokes". I consider the former to be anything that's out of place for the purposes of amusement, such as easter eggs or dumb jokes. Any narrative, regardless of genre, needs a bit of humour in it. If it's a comedy, it's the lifeblood...
  19. Brivoo

    Are there still bees around in Fallout? If not, what's pollinating all those flowers?

    Are there still bees around in Fallout? If not, what's pollinating all those flowers?
  20. Brivoo

    Why Robert Edwin House is the best hope for the wasteland and humanity

    The point isn't that he isn't rich; the point is that, if he severs ties with the NCR, he won't be rich for long. Hell, even the defeat of the Legion could spell a significant dent in his income, since his major customer-base is NCR soldiers who are only there because of the war. He is rich...