Why does Bethesda continue to snub New Vegas?


Just a Sweet Irradiated Transvestite
Okay, pardon my French, but why the fuck does Bethesda continue to give New Vegas the cold shoulder? I get that they didn't develop the game and merely published it, but they don't even implement it into the universe, even going as far as contradicting it (with those "alien cities" in the Mojave, grrrr.)

I recall buying the Fallout Monopoly board game (yeah, I know, I'm a tool) and seeing all the properties you can buy, like in standard Monopoly. You could buy FO1 and FO2 properties alongside FO3 and FO4 properties, but no New Vegas properties...? No HELIOS One? No Hoover Dam? Novac? They could've at least implemented The Strip, and that would've been less blasphemous, but they didn't.

This anecdote is one of the many instances in which Bethesda completely ignores New Vegas. I wonder, why is that so? (sarcasm)
I couldn't find a thread like this one, but if someone already voiced this matter in another thread, forgive me.
Emil probably has a chip on his shoulder. Truthfully, I don't know. The consistency in their games is all over the place so it's difficult to pinpoint exactly what Bethesda is trying to accomplish. I know they mentioned the West Coast BoS in Fallout 4 in order to legitimize Scruffy McBeard Face as the new Elder.

Mr House is mentioned in briefing.
But yeah...

I don't mind it so much, it means I can easily just play 1,2 and NV like they are separate from 3&4
Mr House is mentioned in briefing.
But yeah...

I don't mind it so much, it means I can easily just play 1,2 and NV like they are separate from 3&4
That part bothered me the most. They could've at least referenced Mr. House at the CIT building (since he graduated from there and all), but they couldn't even do that.
S'pose you're right though. Almost as if FO4 and FO3 are in a completely different unvierse.
They probably consider FNV garbage, or are jealous of it, or annoyed people say FNV is a true Fallout while any Bethesda does is not, etc.
Who knows.
Or, because if they utilize/mentioned anything from FNV, they have to pay that 3rd party for the IP.....
Well to be fair, Bethesda doesn't give much of a shit about their own previous games, so you can imagine that they give even less shit to what others did - unless it get's them marketing value, like making a mine-craft-franken-shooter out of Fallout 4 to appeal to little kidz.
They probably see it as better left untouched. New Vegas was basically throwing a bone for the fans of the old games and they probably don't want to mess with that.

I mean, they mentioned the NCR exactly once in Fo4 and I fucking hated it, so imagine what it would be like if they had a more consistent continuity.
They probably see it as better left untouched. New Vegas was basically throwing a bone for the fans of the old games and they probably don't want to mess with that.

I mean, they mentioned the NCR exactly once in Fo4 and I fucking hated it, so imagine what it would be like if they had a more consistent continuity.

And now they throw away that bone with Cthulhu-wannabes under the Mojave :/ I found exactly 4 references to New Vegas in Crapout 4, with all of them relatively subtle or hidden.

They most likely are pissed of that Obsidian did a better job than them, with less money and time.
Fallout 4 looked like it barely made it out the door with THOUSANDS of repeated lines no matter what you say.

They probably didn't mention New Vegas because the game needed another year or two development cycle.
They could have added 20 years to the development, and it wouldn't have changed much. I mean, it's like a monkey with a pencil. No matter how much time you give him, he won't write you a great novell.
They could have added 20 years to the development, and it wouldn't have changed much. I mean, it's like a monkey with a pencil. No matter how much time you give him, he won't write you a great novell.

Well...If we're being technical, eventually, or rather by random chance, a monkey could write a great novel.

Chances are essentially 0 though.
If that monkey was named Todd, it would be 0.

Well, duh, a monkey has the Writing Skill set at 25, so it can eventually pass the 100 requirement by random chance.

Todd is forever stuck at 10 writing skill, which can't pass regardless of the number of attempts.