fallout 2

  1. I

    Fallout 2 mod Working on enhancement of Fallout 2 pics

    I'm making a mod to add items to the game so I decided to improve the items already present. I took the opportunity to use some automation methods that I'm studying to speed up the work, what do you guys think? The images are not completely ready, but they are already converted to the game...
  2. I

    Fallout 2 mod Items from other fallout games on fallout 2.

    I was thinking, why don't people create more content from other fallout games to fallout 2? I think there are many classic items that would look great in it. Like, for example, the AER laser rifle, the M199, the nuke launcher, and even consumable items like sugar bombs, gumdrops, etc. Does this...
  3. The_Proletarian

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    Welcome to Fallout 22! It's an event that will run during all of 2022 (and forever after) and where we play the Fallout games together in chronological order. Fallout: Nevada - Year 2120 Fallout - Year 2161 Fallout: Sonora - Year [It's a secret] Fallout: Resurrection - Year 2170 Fallout...
  4. Aaron Wieland

    Fallout 2 "Trapping Theory" (How to trap with success) By Aaron Wieland

    Modern Trapping Theory. Fallout 2 Combat Tactics By Aaron Wieland What is "Trapping Theory", why do we need it, what does it change, and how does it work? Trapping Theory fixes nearly every problem associated with the Traps skill, and...
  5. Aaron Wieland

    Fallout 2 Heavy Handed. Why Heavy Handed is great + How/Why it works

    QUOTING THE MANUAL on Heavy Handed: "...you ALWAYS do more melee damage". ALWAYS. But there is so much more to it than just that. With Heavy Handed your melee damage ALWAYS increases for your critical hits, and the critical chance remains the same, but the CRITICAL EFFECT is reduced. So...
  6. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Walkthrough

    Hey guys, do you know what happened to the Restoration Project Walkthrough website? It won't load and refers somewhere else.
  7. Kaian Monte

    Fallout 2 utility [Question] Is possible to disable cutscenes?

    Hello people from NMA! Sorry for asking but i'd like something, do you think that's possible disable (specific) cutscenes from Fallout 2? I'm asking because I want to try Fo:et tu, I already finished Fo:1 and want to trying doing 100% with reduced time, the problem is the cutscenes showing the...
  8. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 2 UPU & RPU release v22 and new Cassidy voice endorsed by MCA

    @burn has updated UPU and RPU to v22. Information on the new version of UPU can be found here and RPU here. A new addition to both is the new voice for the Cassidy talking head by forum member @slick liquid as a separate mod. The new voice has been endorsed by non other than Chris Avellone...
  9. Lexx

    Fallout et tu (Fallout 1 in 2)

    This project brings FALLOUT 1 into the engine of FALLOUT 2. Find the latest release here. For more details on the project, check out the GitHub project page. Features Replicates Fallout 1 in 2 almost 1:1. Comes with the Hero Appearance mod integrated (Bald Dude, Long Hair Dude, Punk Girl)...
  10. Lexx

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project (Unofficial Expansion) Updated

    Find the latest release here. This is an updated version of killap's Restoration Project for Fallout 2. Installation RPU must be installed on vanilla game. RPU requires starting a new game after installation. (One exception is updating from RP or a previous RPU version). Windows Download...
  11. MasterLuuc

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Save Editor - Editing item properties?

    So I was playing FO2 and I found a new set of armour, but I still want to keep the looks of my current character's armour. Is there a way I can use the FSE to either: 1. Edit my armour to have different stats 2. Edit the new armour to look like my armour I only need it to look like my armour...
  12. D

    Fallout 2 mod Black Female Player Character [Olympus 2207]

    https://www.mediafire.com/file/i0vzctunwd58ugs/BFPC_Fallout1and2.zip/file Black Female Player Character Replaces the Female Player Character with a Black Female NPC from Olympus 2207 Instructions: Install this "DATA" folder to the folder that contains the "FalloutLauncher.exe" application...
  13. Fallout Spartan

    Fallout Entertainment Industries

    There is a YouTube channel called Fallout Entertainment Industries & the guy is challenging TK-s Mantis to a Fallout 2 ironman run. A prize of $500 is on the table. I was wondering if any of you have heard about this or not? What are your thoughts? Have you ever watched this channel before...
  14. B

    Fallout 2 RPU v21 Freezing in Combat and Crashing

    In my first playthrough of fallout 2 I used Killapps Restoration Project, throughout the entire playthrough I didn't experience any problems except for a couple crashes when fighting Melchior at the Mariposa Military Base. Though besides that I had no issues. I recently downloaded the Updated...
  15. Lexx

    Fallout 2 mod Black Dude / Hero Appearance Mod - Release v3.1

    Origin: https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/mr-black-dude-a-new-playable-critter-for-fallout-2.193608/ This is the first release of the black dude player character for the Hero Appearance mod. As the name suggests, it lets you play as a black character (duh). Nothing stands in your way of...
  16. banjo_oz

    Fallout 2 mod Help with hooking ondeath so some critters drop meat

    I've been trying to make a mod that checks a critter's PID when it dies (I may change it to art type for simplicity though) and if it is of a certain type, adds some jerky to its corpse's inventory. I'm really stuck trying to write the script, though. I presumed a global script that hooks into...
  17. ramblelime

    Fallout 1/2 Video Critiques

    Hey guys, long time reader first time poster. I've always though there's been a severe lack of fallout 1/2 content on youtube, so I made two videos of my own. I'll link them here, feel free to watch if you want, or link other fallout 1/2 content you think is great. Always looking for more!
  18. V12shear

    Fallout 2 mod Help adding sound files to weapons.

    I've been trying to add new weapon sounds to my Fallout 2 mod but it seems that they don't show up in the ProtoManager. For Example, I've created an attacking sound named (wa%1xxx1.acm) not sure if it is named correctly. I have also made a reloading sound effect named (wr%1xxx1.acm). I have...
  19. RaySunderland

    Fallout 2 mod Tutorial to Create Basic Quests and NPCs

    I compiled an easy to read PDF guide that covers the following topics: Updating your copy of Fallout 2 with Killap's Restoration Project 2.3.3 and Burn's Restoration Project Update v16. Installing the SFall Script Editor 4.1.3 and BIS Mapper. Updating SFall and gathering all up-to-date source...
  20. 6

    Fallout 2 utility script compiler linux port

    Hi. Ported sslc script compiler source to Linux, it could be useful for someone. Tested on few scripts, got 100% equal int files as after original compiler.