fallout 4

  1. The_Proletarian

    Fallout: Vault 13 - Demo available

    The demo for Fallout: Vault 13 is finally available! It's a Fallout 4 total conversion mod that aims to recreate Fallout. In the demo you can explore a world space built around the following locations: Vault 13, Vault 15, Shady Sands and the Khans. If you want to know more about the project...
  2. T

    Mystery of Dogmeat Origin Solved

  3. T

    A word about Fallout 4 (gonna be rough)

    I hold Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and Fallout: New Vegas in the highest regard. These games established an iconic post-apocalyptic environment, a mature and gritty world, and unique, retro-futuristic art and design. I even liked Fallout 3, despite it's flaws I could find some good in it with mods...
  4. CT Phipps

    So just so we're clear [Institute's plan]

    The Institute's evil plan is to expand underground and ignore the surface with their unlimited fusion energy allowing them to enjoy a life of luxury with their robot slaves and super-tech? I mean, that's actually a practical plan. Not a particularly world changing one but it works. Why won't...
  5. CT Phipps

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    I've mentioned this many times but I generally rank things very well. Warmed over Fallout is better than 90% of all games and I am an easy to please kind of guy. Usually, I can find a lot to like about a game and I am happy to discuss how much I enjoyed X, Y, and Z. That's the case with Fallout...
  6. CT Phipps

    Enclave update to Fallout 4 has dropped on steam

    I wonder if it's any good. But I'm a console man.
  7. ToothlessGamer36

    Unpopular Opinion on Fallout 4 & 76's Power Armor

    I'm not gonna lie, I prefer Fallout 4 & 76's power armor mechanic more than new Vegas, 3, or even the classics for that matter. Even though it is kinda a pain in the ass in the early game to obtain fusion cores, I'm ok with that because of the INSANE armor boost you get compared to 3 and NV. Not...
  8. T

    Who is the Mysterious Stranger?

  9. TheKingofVault14

    Fallout 4: Scrapped Centaurs

    Here's yet another piece of Concept Art, for a creature that was cut from the game! You know, I had no idea that Centaurs were originally considered to appear in Fallout 4, and of course I find this out through Fallout 4's Concept Art collection. Hmmm yeah, it's things like this that make...
  10. TheKingofVault14

    The Infamous Kotaku Article, Covering Fallout 4's Script Leak.

    10 years ago from today, a draft of Fallout 4's script was leaked to The Internet, which was then covered extensively in an article done by Kotaku. Keep in mind that this was during the time of that well put together hoax, a hoax known as TheSurvior2299. When that was proven to be false, a...
  11. The Dutch Ghost

    Interview with the team leader of the Fallout Vault 13 Total Conversion project

    A couple of months ago the Fallout: Vault 13 team showcased the work they had done on a Fallout 1 Total conversion for Fallout 4 in a demonstration video on Youtube, recreating the world of the Fallout 1 campaign into a First Person gaming experience. Rather than just recreating the locations...
  12. TheKingofVault14

    The Fake Fallout 4 Trailers.

    You know looking back, the years prior leading up to Fallout 4's official announcement & release, were flipping crazy TBH. I mean we had all those rumors and speculation going on at the time, but does anyone even remember the fact that there were even fake trailers for it TOO!? If you don't know...
  13. TheKingofVault14

    Many Have Forgotten Them, But Are Remembered By Those Who Cared. (Happy Birthday Lone Wanderer)

    Out of these three Fallout Protagonists,(The Vault Dweller, The Chosen One, & The Lone Wanderer) The Lone Wanderer was the one who got the shortest end of the stick, in regards to the legacy of their adventures. Nobody in Fallout 4 seems to acknowledge or even remember them or their feats, not...
  14. TheKingofVault14

    Fun Fact: Fallout Tactics Is The Most Influential Game In The Series!

    Out of all the game's in the Fallout series,(specifically from the Interplay era) Fallout Tactics is the most influential one for every entry that followed after it. With either concepts reused, or ideas revisited and revitalized, there's no denying that this game continues to inspire each new...
  15. T

    Is the Sole Survivor a Synth?

    Bethesda made sure to drop many clues throughout the game, but what is the truth?
  16. TheKingofVault14

    Black Isle Studio's Cancelled Fallout 4.

    You know, it's crazy to think that we would've gotten a Fallout 4 made by Black Isle Studios if Van Buren wasn't cancelled, and that the IP for Fallout wasn't sold to Bethesda back in 2004. Now just to be clear, even though the Van Buren Development Team was talking about making FO4 due to...
  17. TheKingofVault14

    Where Did Nick Valentine Get This Info From? (The Mysterious Stranger's Presence During FO1)

    In Nick Valentine's office, under his bed there's a case file detailing his investigation on The Mysterious Stranger, starting from his looks, to theorizing who he is, to reports of where he's been seen over the years dating all the way back to the events of Fallout 1. (As you can see pictured...
  18. TheKingofVault14

    What's Your Favorite Redesign in Fallout 4?

    The redesigns being the one's for the enemies, such as the wasteland creatures and rogue robots. Personally for me, my favorite redesign in Fallout 4 is the one for the Sentry Bots. Talk about an upgrade y'all! They're way more intimidating with that design, than the one that they had in...
  19. TheKingofVault14

    Is Preston Garvey The REAL General of The Minutemen while The Sole Survivor Serves As A Figurehead?

    Okay this is kind of a theory, but it's mainly a question that's been on my mind for quite sometime. To this day, I never really understood the dynamic between The Sole Survivor and Preston Garvey in regards to their roles within The Minutemen. Like even though "officially" The Sole Survivor is...
  20. TheKingofVault14

    Another Conversation That References Fallout Tactics.

    Here's something interesting that many of you probably don't know, whenever you're walking around Boston Airport or The Prydwen, you may overhear this interesting conversation between two Brotherhood Soldiers. Here's the transcript... BOS Soldier 1: "I still can't believe I was posted to the...