fallout 5

  1. J

    Fallout: Hawaii (My Vision for a Worthy New Vegas Sequel)

    FALLOUT: HAWAII There are two types of content I love most online. One is development history and the other is Speculative Worldbuilding. Especially for my favorite franchises. I needed to kill an evening and so I made this! This is a concept I'd love to see for a fallout 5. Maybe it will be a...
  2. CT Phipps

    Todd Howard suggests that they'll start on Fallout 5 soon

    https://www.yahoo.com/tech/todd-howard-says-bethesdas-trying-184256221.html It's been a decade since Fallout 4, and 13 years since The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Since then Bethesda hasn't been sitting on its hands, with Fallout 76 releasing in 2018 and of course the studio's main focus for...
  3. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 5 to be the next Bethesda game after TESVI

    In the interview above Todd Howard states that Elder Scrolls VI is in pre-production and that they will be doing Fallout 5 after that. He calls their slate pretty full going forward but also states that they have other projects that they look at from time to time. He admits the games take a long...
  4. xxdemonxspawnnxx

    Possibility of Obisidian working on Fallout...

    https://gamerant.com/bethesda-fallout-5-early-plans/ From GameRant: "This is hardly the first time someone suggested Bethesda should let another studio develop the next Fallout game. The most likely alternate developer would probably be Obsidian Entertainment, makers of excellent RPGs like...
  5. The_Proletarian

    Gamerant: Why Fallout 5 Could Be Set in China

    I just read some article on Gamerant that argues for Fallout 5 being set in China: I would probably not go into that territory. I would like to keep my Fallout world small and regional. I like how a story can play out in a minor part of the US and be totally disconnected from the rest of...
  6. MPPlantOfficial

    What happened to Fallout 5-75?

  7. NotAcasul

    Pete Hines Bethesda interview

    Article: http://metro.co.uk/2016/09/07/pete-hines-bethesda-interview-were-only-going-to-make-games-that-we-think-raise-to-a-certain-level-of-quality-6113553/ "GameCentral talks to Bethesda’s frontman about developing for NX, Fallout: New Orleans, and the truth behind Prey 2. As we remarked...
  8. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Hi there folks, I'm new to the community and am currently working on a script for a fallout game. While I am still playing the original fallout still (and I am loving it), I have also played 3 and 4, and did in fact enjoy them, 4 though having some removed elements that would have enriched it...
  9. NotAcasul

    Am I the only one who sees serious space for new Power Armor?

    C'mon, it goes from T-45, to T-51, to maybeee T-60, to X-01, X-02, and then Hellfire. There's no 1-44, 46-50, 52-59, or any letter from T to Z. Seriously, I would love to see the prototype power armors pop up again Fallout 5. It'd be neat to see how West Tek went through creating the weapons...
  10. NotAcasul

    Where would you set Fallout 5?

    Personally I feel that a Fallout set in Seattle could work wonders. I feel there's a lot to work with Chinese immigrants, Native Americans, and the frozen northern territory. What's your setting?