Gamerant: Why Fallout 5 Could Be Set in China


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member
I just read some article on Gamerant that argues for Fallout 5 being set in China:

Gamerant said:
Why Fallout 5 Could Be Set in China
Though the prospect of leaving the USA could be concerning to some fans, a cancelled game gives great reasons for Fallout 5 to go to China.
Fallout 5 has some heavy lifting to do for the franchise on the next-gen consoles. Fallout 76 disappointed many fans of the franchise who will be hoping to see Bethesda come back with a strong single-player installment in the series. To bring the series to the next-gen consoles, however, the game will need to take some big risks.

Fallout 5 should be set in China, or at least explore the setting’s relationship with China more thoroughly than previous games if it’s going to have a story which feels as fresh and has the same satirical edge as some of the earlier installments in the series. Taking Fallout outside of America poses some huge challenges, but not only is there a precedent for Fallout games set in China, there are some great reasons in the lore that it could pose some great new opportunities for the storytellers.

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Before getting into why Fallout 5's setting should be in or around China, there are many reasons the idea of a Fallout game set outside of America could be concerning to some fans. The Fallout games take their aesthetic from American retro-futurism and imagine a world where some of the features of the American 1950s were, in some sense, totally realized. Not only does Fallout imagine that nuclear power became the source of almost all energy and even computing, but it also imagines that advertising culture, music, and fashion stayed relatively static as well.

This poses a big problem for any Fallout game set outside of America, because so much of what Fallout’s satire relies upon is creating a world where the all of the mainstream predictions for the future to Americans in the 1950s came true, including everything from flying cars to nuclear Armageddon. There are reasons, however, that China could still be a great and refreshing change of setting for the next Fallout game.

The cancelled game Fallout Extreme took place partially in China, and established some of the lore of the region in the Fallout universe. Chinese communists started the Great War, but after that, the Chinese Civil War reignited and Imperial forces from Taiwan were able to retake the mainland, even putting a new Emperor on the throne. This didn’t halt their aggression, however, with Fallout Extreme’s plot in China focusing around the development of a missile to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel in America.

Fallout has an almost necessarily American perspective, but there are a few ways Fallout Extreme shows how a satirical take on that perspective could still work in a different setting. Vaults made to house the families of American soldiers in army bases during the Great War could be a good starting point.

Not only that, but the return of the Taiwanese government-in-exile would allow players to witness a direct clash between Fallout’s comically exaggerated versions of both Communism and Capitalism in everything from advertising to architecture. Taiwan or an island off Taiwan could even provide the perfect map size for a Fallout game, and would have reason to have both heavy Chinese and American influence.

A Fallout game which took place in somewhere in the Pacific like Hawaii could also have influence from both nations depending on events in the Great War, and could allow for a direct comparison between the anti-Chinese propaganda depicted in the franchise in DLC like Fallout 3's Operation: Anchorage and the reality Bethesda decides upon. The contrast between propaganda and reality on both sides could create great opportunities for the series’ trademark satirical edge to flourish.

If nothing else, Bethesda will have to be prepared to take some big risks in the next Fallout game to regain fan faith in the franchise and to overcome recent competition from Obsidian and games like The Outer Worlds. Whatever the studio decides, a Fallout game set where America meets the outside world could be a very interesting one indeed.

I would probably not go into that territory. I would like to keep my Fallout world small and regional. I like how a story can play out in a minor part of the US and be totally disconnected from the rest of America. It's nice to have a world that is not "global" if you understand what I mean and where politics is regional. If you brought China into Fallout then the world would suddenly feel global again and be about big politics instead of the balance of power in a smaller, self-contained region.
A Fallout in China would not make sense. Fallout involves a lot of American and is set in a retro future as imagined by people in the US during the 50s.

And, the CCP one way or another would insist that the game would be friendly towards the party.

I think most of China would probably return to what it was before the Mao and the CCP arose, breaking up in various fiefdoms and perhaps only being a handful of communists left.
If they will it'll probably be an inverse of the boringly uber-patriotic (not really! *wink**wink*) US propaganda in 3 & 4 only it won't have any teeth and just be sucking CCP micro penis so their game doesn't get banned. Not like they haven't dropped their trousers and bent over for it making that super special Fallout Shelter: Chinese Edition.

(WARNING: This video was created by a Soulless Automaton, guard your essence lest it be taken from you)​
It is a series designed by committees based on marketing research. Living beings but practically soulless.

Eventually programmers will be able to make AI routines that can accomplish the same and are much cheaper.
Yesterday I saw someone posting somewhere (reddit or steam, I can't remember) that FNV feels too much like a western and that they prefer their Fallout to be like FO3. I had to explain that Fallout was always a sci-fi western series since the first one, and that removing that from Fallout would be removing a big part of what this game series is all about.
Another "fan" who thinks that he or she knows what Fallout is about after they only played Bethesda's entry.

And they will of course respond that it is up to Bethesda to decide what Fallout should be like because they now own the IP.

I would not be able to defend a lot of the ex Black Isle people and say that they know what Fallout is suppose to be as we have seen plenty of creators of IPs these days deciding that their creation(s) should be changed.

Fans are sometimes the best thing that can happen to a creation and the worst thing that can happen to a creation.

I would not bother talking to such people any more Risewild, it is a waste of your precious time and energy.
It would be better if the prologue took place in China and the game itself back at the coast with a transition of course, missiles flying above you in the crystal blue sea in the darkest night. And maybe a dlc where a mentioned character is in China when the misses hit. The ruffest of rough ideas
Because, China numba wan111!!!!!!!

㹍 㶟 㸖㸟㸢 Tangun prophesy say Japan play Baseball to suck the cock of conqueror.

When Japan sink in sea big tsunami wet America. Slave in America welcome in Cuba . White men go to big mountain. Tycoons blow away cornfield and people. Frodida have no fruit, beg for Mandarin China tell golf stick people to go fuck themselves. Big war happen
Really though if they made a game in China it would just cause controversy and Bethesda does not like that. For one it could not have any gay people in it.
Really though if they made a game in China it would just cause controversy and Bethesda does not like that. For one it could not have any gay people in it.
Pretty much, I mean not only would it cause controversy with the CCP because they would considered it "anti Chinese propaganda" in the first place, and lets be real their portrayal within the Fallout lore isn't positive to begin with.
But the game would have to fit their standards if they were to have Fallout 5 set in China, look at what they did with Fallout Shelter Online for example.

This is the best Bethesda could possibly do I wager and it was goofy bullshit. The ghoul soldier in the sub in 4 was a little better but if ya wanna see it done right just see how they treat the asians in Atom. Yeah I name dropped Atom again. Deal with it.

This is the best Bethesda could possibly do I wager and it was goofy bullshit. The ghoul soldier in the sub in 4 was a little better but if ya wanna see it done right just see how they treat the asians in Atom. Yeah I name dropped Atom again. Deal with it.
Dude, I can't see what the images are.
Also, I don't mind the Atom RPG title drop! :-)
Atom. Yeah I name dropped Atom again. Deal with it.

I think peoples perception of Russia is a phallicsy. Before Sochi winter olympics sneaky British Politico Andrew Marr quizzed Putin asking him the ago old question about homosexuals, as Britain had twisted reality saying homosexuality was completely Verboted in Russian Fed. Putin's answer wiped the fake smile off Marr's face.

Jonathon Dimbleby (brother of David) in his travelogue crossing Russia on trans Siberian Express asked a local in Vladivostok " Does all this Chinese influence bother you ? " Guy says " No it is good to trade and eat Chinese food " Dimbleby then asks smirking " So you aren't scared of the Yellow Peril " 0 complaints to BBC, racist comment skates through because it is a common term Brit's may use. Aka plopaganga.

I think buying ATOM was one of the best decisions i've ever made