the outer worlds

  1. TheKingofVault14

    Happy Birthday MR House!

    Happy Birthday to the Founder, President, & CEO of Robco Industries, & New Vegas Kingpin Robert Edwin House! Out of all the things that you know and can say about him, the one thing that stood out to me, was his plans for the future. The plan to revive humanity's technological prowess, in...
  2. marzopup

    Thoughts on The Outer Worlds?

    I played through Outer Worlds and all its DLC and was curious what other people thought of it. Considering it's made by Obsidian and feels pretty obviously made with FNV as its inspiration, it seemed like a game a lot of people on this forum might have checked it out. Personally it felt pretty...
  3. maximaz

    The Outer Worlds 2

    Actually loled. Makes me want to play the first one despite the negativity
  4. AgentBJ09

    The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

    Just for giggles, I'll spend a few hours playing through Obsidian's newest game and give my thoughts. (I have some time left on my Game Pass for XBOX, so no $60 purchase.) After POE II, what that contained, and what I've seen so far of this one, I'm near convinced that what we once knew as...
  5. nkchan16

    Obsidian announcing The Outer Worlds?
  6. TerminallyChill

    "The Outer Worlds" Speculation

    First things first, here are the facts. Obsidian, the company that developed Fallout: New Vegas, has a new property that sounds like it could be science fiction themed. It's apparently called 'The Outer Worlds' and the trademark covers things like video games, websites, comic books, and even...