aronsearle said:
Corith said:
Considering the things I saw while I was at blizzard, I'm surprised they can accomplish anything.
Well, where to start . . .
Ok, first off the place is run like a military encampment. Those on the bottom most rung - temps - are treated as vermin, and told they are such. No bones about it, you are told you little more than vermin sucking on the greatness of Blizzard. While those on the top, designers are treated as omnipotent gods utterly incapable of mistakes or flaw.
Advancement/performance reviews are dominated by how much "blizzard spirit" you have, not your ability or lack of. Those who to do not profess extreme party loyalty . . .opsie, I mean those who do not drip Blizzard Spirit are let go.
Departments are locked and employees forbidden to talk to those outside their departments even to the detriment of development flow.
These are minor though compared to the biggie . . .
The job you do . . .the job you are hired for, is NOT related to your skills in anyway whatsoever. Granted you may learn something in your position, but how you got that job is based 100% on WHO you know where its a new hire or changing positions once hired. There is no advancement based on skill.
For instance, I saw several programming jobs filled by high school students who could barely read, much less even program. They openly admitted they never, ever, programmed. They got the job because somebody said they could. I saw accountant positions filled by English majors; QA being done by accountants; IT attempting to be handled by HR trained personal; HR done by culinary arts specialists. All mismatched because they knew somebody in some department who said they could have that job. While I was there I could not find a single person who got their job without going through somebody and nearly all had no prior experience with the job they were assigned. I assure you these were not isolated incidents but were wide spread issues.
Instead of working, employee spend the bulk their time working on interpersonal relationships so they can advance up the corporate ladder. Who you know and who knows you is the rule of the day, not what you know or even what you can do. I know that is often true in most corporate enviroments, but at Blizzard it is taken to the extreme. It is like a Monty Pyton skit about corporate advancment.
I know the question everybody is about to ask. It is asked every time I mention this corporate nightmare. How can they even function, How can they produce something as massive and complex as Wow? Well, if it wasn't for the China office and a few select individuals fortunate enough to know the person who is responsible for the job they actually have skills for, they wouldn't. These unique and special individuals plus the China office are responsible for nearly all that you see, not the offices in Irvine.
And, before you ask, I was like any number of temps, brought in to their QA department. But, after hearing and seeing how things are managed, the poor treatment by those above on those below, the near military dictatorship, I did not bother to accept becoming perm.