10 minutes of Fallout: New Vegas


Adept Bungler of Things
I dunno how long it'll be up..
Don't watch if you don't want the beginning spoiled - it gets past the beginning cinematic.

at 6:28, just after Doc Mitchell gives you the pipboy, you can choose, your gender, your skin color and your face, just like in FO3
Oh, just saw that...
Very well...
17 days left, am I right?
(I'm counting down to the European release date)
And it got ZeniMaxed! But I got to see it just before closure hehe

Nice intro though at times it was a bit hard to hear something with the yelling in the background...
The lightening and details of the rooms of Doc Mitchell, look far more appealing then any F3 room, right? More materials to distinguish, like the wooden door frames, they feel more real> Also the light coming trough the blinded windows, very nice ambient> Also I like the spaciousness, the carpets... Everything feels more like at least someone tried to make this post-apocalyptic world a little bit more homely.
I remember the first house, in F3 with the ex-prostitute from Megaton living there... cramped it was, not like a realistic cramped place, more like, ''bad game making cramped''... also it looked like any other room in F3, deserted, even if someone was living there.

Thanks for the post, it was nice to see.
Noticed the color pallet used for the console Doc M gives you? Crazy Colors, I Like! Deep True Red, Orange, Orange-Red, Blue-Green...> They're like wrong together, but rich they are, I guess they fit, Retro-like.
Oh, that Vault door that was seen opening\closing (i dont remember) in the video, is it vault 11 or 21? I didint see the numbers
WorstUsernameEver said:
It looked like a 11 to me too, but I guess that's because of the small size, because it wouldn't really make much sense.

why wouldn't make that sense?
For me it reads 11
TheUnwashed said:
WorstUsernameEver said:
It looked like a 11 to me too, but I guess that's because of the small size, because it wouldn't really make much sense.
why wouldn't make that sense?
For me it reads 11
Because the ancestors of (Great) Khans and NCR come from Vault 15.
TheUnwashed said:
WorstUsernameEver said:
It looked like a 11 to me too, but I guess that's because of the small size, because it wouldn't really make much sense.

why wouldn't make that sense?
For me it reads 11

11 seems like a random number. 21 would make sense because that's Vegas' Vault, and 15 would make sense because, as NovaRain says, the Khans come from there.
isn't there room for another vault in F:NV? It seems vault eleven hasn't been featured yet, so...
I don't mind one other vault, as long as it isn't as senseless as F3 vaults.
Vault 11 should be somewhere west of vault 13. You wouldn't think it would be in the New Vegas area.
Meeh, probably good it was taken down imo, I'd only spoil the experience for myself.

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