SuAside said:
i never buy that kinda books Jeebz. i buy paperbacks in black on white print, not glossy big hardcover books with spiffy pictures in it.
Still... It's hard to find anything worthwile under 25€, nowadays. I mean, here's a small list of the books I bought in the months where the price is still written on them (and I hence remember):
- Alexander II: the last great Tsar (paperback, 446p, Dutch, bought at Boekenbeurs Antwerpen - 22.50 €)
- Modern History of Germany (1800 - present) (paperback, 734p, Dutch, bought at Boekenbeurs Antwerpen - 27.50 €)
- Stalin - the court of the Red Tsar (paperback, 725p, Dutch, bought at Fnac Gent - 39.99 €)
- Tragedy of a People, the Russian revolution 1891 - 1924 (hardback, 1116p, Dutch, bought at Raaklijn bookstore - 49.95€)
- The first Crusade, the origins of the conflict between islam and christianity (paperback, 384p, Dutch, bought at Raaklijn bookstore - 24.95 €)
- The War of the World, history's age of hatred (hardback, 745p, English, bought at Fnac Gent - 35.30 € )
-1812, Napoleon's fatal march to Moskou (Paperback, 561p, dutch, bought at Standaard bookstore - 27.50€)
- The murder on Julius Ceasar, history's myths on democracy (paperback, 270p, dutch, bought at Raaklijn bookstore - 19€)
So, this book isn't all that awefully priced, considering shipment. I'd hit it, that's fo' sho'.