12 Monkeys - "We did it"

Claude Frollo

It Wandered In From the Wastes
An other 12 Monkeys fan out there ? Most of you must have watched this great film.



James Cole: Jose - psst! Jose, what's going on?
Jose: Bad news, man
James Cole: Volunteers?
Jose: Yeah. And they said your name.
Jose: Hey, maybe they'll give you a pardon, man.
James Cole: [sarcastic] Yeah, that's why none of the volunteers come back. They all get a pardon.
Wallace: Hey... is that the cops? I'm an innocent victim in here! I was attacked by a coked up whore and a - a fuckin' crazy dentist!


One of my all time favorite movies, it is one of those I can watch back to back and not get tired of.

Also not sure if you have seen this page but it is very interesting.


Its a break down of the time travel and altered timelines of the movie.
One of the best movies from the nineties with a marvellous and very intellgent plot. Also one of Bruce Willis' best performances.

Not a lot of people know this, but it was somewhat influenced by the character of Billy Pilgrim from Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five.
Yeah...Terry Gilliam + post apocalyptic future + Brad Pitt...instant win.

I love this movie. Didn't quite get it when I first saw it ( was a kid ) but fell in love with it on my second watch. Oh and the main theme, the tango-ish thing, is great too.

Highly recommanded ( though I believe most NMAers have already seen it ).
"Don't mock me my friend. It's a condition of mental divergence. I find myself on the planet Ogo, part of an intellectual elite, preparing to subjugate the barbarian hordes on Pluto. But even though this is a totally convincing reality for me in every way, nevertheless Ogo is actually a construct of my psyche. I am mentally divergent, in that I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here. When I stop going there, I will be well. Are you also divergent, friend?" - L.J. Washington

It is definitely one of my favourite movies. Fantastic writing combined with great acting and a well rounded cast, it makes for one hell of a movie. I was always a fan of the dystopian futuristic tales.
yes the movie is one of my favourites. Though sadly I am here relatively alone. People "like" the movie ... but they always think its to complicated. When I ask why? Well they say you dont know soemtimes if hes in the future now or in the "past" and such. Well ... thats part of the movie and why its so good!
I personally enjoyed the film, thought the acting was excellent.(Especially Brad Pitt's deranged role of a mental patient/biological terrorist) and I really dag the dystopian feeling of the film and the underlying black comedy aspects of it.

I first saw it as a kid, it confused me a little but I still quite enjoyed it enough to warrent a purchase of the vhs.
Great movie. Watched it again recently and noticed that there were definitely a few nods to 12 monkeys in Fight Club.
Sander said:
Nothing Terry Gilliam does can be overhyped.

Agreed. Love his flicks, including this one. I had the chance to see Brazil at a midnight indie theater showing last year, love that one too.

Crni Vuk said:
...but they always think its to complicated

Things do get a bit tricky and paradoxical whenever you toss time travel into the mix. Hell, arguing over time travel paradoxes with sci-fi nerds could almost be a spectator sport.
I thought it was alright. I liked Terry gilliam as a Python, but he certainly has a few problems as a director. Even Brazil had quite a few flaws. I wouldn't put it in my best movies of all time list though.
One of my all time favorites. The ending really made me think about time/time travel in a way I hadn't before. I would definitely recommend it!
Sander said:
Nothing Terry Gilliam does can be overhyped.

As much as I love the man, "The Brothers Grimm" springs to mind. (Don Quixote bears special mention, too, although it is supposed to be back in pre-production now. Again...)

I still remember being absolutely blows away the first time I saw 12 Monkeys, though. Hell of a turn for Willis, and it was the first time I ever thought of Brad Pitt as anything but an overpaid pretty boy.
Terry Gilliam's a genius...but why the thread just for this movie? :? i mean, i love ths shist out of 12 monkeys but it's nowhere near being as thread-worthy as Brazil.
Frackin my favorite roll I've seen Brad Pitt in.

"Seriously, more and more people are being defined now as mentally ill. Why? Because they're not consuming on their own. But as patients, they become consumers of mental health care. And this gives the so-called sane people work! WHOOO! SHOCK THERAPY! GROUP THERAPY! HALLUCINATIONS! THERAPEUTIC DRUGS! IGGIDY DIGGIDY DIG! PERFECT! THE SYSTEM IN HARMONY LIKE A BIG MACHINE..."

He was a perfect eccentric, crazy genius type person.
Since Terry Gilliam is one of my favorite directors along with David Lynch and Coen brothers, and this is one of his best works, I obviously adore this movie. One of those rare instances where Brad Pitt actualy gets to play a good role too. Bruce Willis as well, for that matter. Watched it like 7 times already.
Yamu said:
As much as I love the man, "The Brothers Grimm" springs to mind.
I actually liked that movie, but seems I'm the only one.
Yamu said:
(Don Quixote bears special mention, too, although it is supposed to be back in pre-production now. Again...)
Don Quixote did spawn a pretty cool documentary, though.
And I don't think you can judge something that was never made as 'overhyped'.