15 Coolest Games of the Fall

Matt K said:
I've never heard of the game but it sounds like a sequel to Valkyrie Profile for the PS1 (although I think it may have already had a sequel on the PS2).
There already was for PS2 but this isn't a sequel to that, it's some TRPG (didn't look at it too much but it has tanks, soldiers, and stuff) made by WOW Entertainment and published by Sega. Also, I don't see how you can attack Fallout for being TB and then turn around and praise a TRPG, seems pretty ridiculous.

Matt: Despite the triumphs of games like "Advance Wars" and "Final Fantasy Tactics", it's a crying shame how few tactical role-playing games come to market. "Valkyria Chronicles" aims to remedy that, wrapped in a look that resembles Pixar's work enhanced by a bucket of colored pencils. It sounds reasonably sophisticated, too. Plant snipers on rooftops, engineers to knock down walls, tanks to flank enemy positions, or assault infantry to slink up to the rear of a tank and trash its weak spot. Sign me up.
Advanced Wars is a legit mention but FFT instead of, say, Disgaea? Also Atlus and NIS have been putting out a fair amount of TRPGs, you obviously just don't follow the market. Granted, it'd be nice if more companies developed them...

Darren: I've enjoyed every game like "X-Com" that has come along, but turn-based strategy usually involves a couple of mad geniuses who chin-stroke for hours plotting every ... single ... move. The reason I've been championing "Valkyria Chronicles" is that it kicks the humdrum turn-based strategy of the past in the keister. You have a limited amount of action points that dwindle as you run around the map. Since you can move only so far or pull off only so many moves in a single turn, you're suddenly forced to choose between diving for cover or going out in a blaze of glory.
Not sure how this is less involved than other TB games but I find it amusing how much he praises AP and treats it like a new concept. Hey moron, it's in Fallout 1&2, ya know, the games that came before Fallout 3 and that you talk about the "haters" criticizing the lack of tactical combat.

One thing that the haters jump on is the notion that it isn't a turn-based strategy game. Wrong! Hold down a button in combat, and it stops the clock, allowing you to call your next targeted shot. If you want, you can play the whole game that way.
First, it's not a TBS; second, while you can play the whole game that way, chances are it won't work too well; third, you talk about how awesome AP are in a TRPG and yet you call people who want a TB system "haters"? I wanna break these two hype douches' faces for being shameless hypers.

101_north said:
Lexx said:
It is interesting how much negative he is about some RPGs and how less negative about some other.

It's a wonder what a few bottlecaps can do to some people's opinions.
Why people would pay this guy is a mystery, though. Or have him on a payroll.
Well he does seem to really love Bethesda (his reasons for hating NWN2 were basically that it wasn't Oblivion) and if it was just that, I'd agree with you but these two guys' comments are out of control PR hype BS. Article should be "The 15 Games Paying the Most for Ad Space!"
So he's writing off the ones knowledgeable on Fallout as a "vocal minority"? That is pretty much like saying "I don't believe germs cause disease, even though experts say they do". I guess Semmelweis could be considered a "vocal minority" back in the day. It doesn't make it any less right.

The majority sucks, and that it has always done. The minorities are generally the ones driving the world forward, and the majority holds it back.

Personally, I gave up any high ideas on turn-based combat and isometric view a long time ago. I just hoped for a good game. What we got in the end was Oblivion pretending to be Fallout. I'd like to make a loose translation of an old Norwegian saying: "Shit doesn't become chocolate even if you wrap it up nicely."
Matt Peckham said:
First, those originals got better press than they deserved because RPGs in the late 1990s were rarer than jackalopes

Probably he thinks BioShock is a deep RPG game...
obviously this guy isn't really into rpg's and thinks that stats and rules are only a hindrance. so his opinion on any rpg is to be completely ignored by default.

I don't write up reviews on racing games (which I loathe) and argue that the fact you can't get out of your car and go shopping instead makes them bad games.
Brother None said:
First, those originals got better press than they deserved because RPGs in the late 1990s were rarer than jackalopes.

So, by his reckoning, Fallout and Fallout 2 are overhyped, distinguished only by their prominence in a market with few roleplaying games, but...

Brother None said:
Second, Bethesda has already done a pretty bang-up job capturing the spirit of the originals...

...Fallout 3 manages to recapture the spirit of the originals.

Therefore, Fallout 3 is overhyped, distinguished only by its prominence in a market with few roleplaying games?

(Maybe a stretch, but how can one simultaneously slap down the originals whilst also praising the new game for its similarity?)
that's a bit strawmanish, isn't it? ^

but I agree with your point, the dude just don't know what comes out of his mouth. he's blinded by hype and hatred.
aenemic said:
that's a bit strawmanish, isn't it? ^

but I agree with your point, the dude just don't know what comes out of his mouth. he's blinded by hype and hatred.

Yes, I really wasn't arguing it - as I wrote, a stretch (in reality, almost entirely manufactured). As much as anything, it was a comment on his slippery attempts to rubbish the critical acclaim of the originals along with the opinions of notional fanboys (anybody who dislikes the direction of Fallout 3).

I suspect that spirit means something very different to him than it does to many of us; by my definition of the word, there is an inherent inconsistency in what he wrote.
Brother None said:
Does he have a personal grudge towards us? If this were a professional journalist we were talking about I'd say no: no real professional would let his feelings interfere with his work like that.

Funny thing is , video game "journalists" are rarely that. The wild wacky world of the internet lets everyone play Journalist with their own blog without all the headaches of credibility for integrity.
I do find it amusing he'd say in the Valkyrie review that their aren't enough turn-based tactical games then declare FO 1 & 2 overrated while at the same time lambasting that wild vocal minority claiming it's 'unfaithful' to those same originals. Nice.
I find it funny how in Matt's head the NMA community are the fanboys and Matt is the skeptic. I wonder what else is going on in that world of his.

Also, I have no idea who Darren is, but if he's a game reviewer he should know the difference between a pause function and tb. But since he doesn't, at least the editor should have caught that, I guess.
I find it funny how in Matt's head the NMA community are the fanboys and Matt is the skeptic.

Oh, but don't you know... all journalists who praise Fallout 3 were skeptics till they saw the light.
That's really one thing you'll find in pretty much all (p)reviews, along with "I'm the biggest fan of the originals, but...".
This guy at least gets an originality award for bashing the originals while praising FO3. Usually we get "While FO1 and 2 were great, this new version is even bettah!"
Congratulations Matt, you're an EDIT ( censored ). :notworthy:

BTW, was this list really necessary Matt ? I mean, is there any game in here that has not been hyped to death yet ? What is the point of this list ? Is it your wishlist for Christmas, Matt ?
Watch it with the personal attacks, guys. Criticizing how good he is at his job is one thing, just calling him an idiot is quite another.

Ihistal said:
So is this knob gobbler accusing Brother None and SuAside of recording the demo preview at the Game Conference in Leipzig with no sort of evidence what so ever?

Was. Let's not dig up old skeletons, tho', he corrected most of his false accusations (the original version accused us of recording it and of releasing illicitly gained screenshots (huh?))

Lexx said:
Bethesda has not.

In the promotional vids? I beg to differ. Gameplay footage aside, their PR vids all capture the spirit of Fallout quite well.

Lexx said:
It is interesting how much negative he is about some RPGs and how less negative about some other.

My rule of thumb: if it claims to be an RPG and Matt Peckham likes it, it's probably not much of an RPG.
I find it hard to believe he wrote the original "false, baseless accusations" without any reason. He must have suffered some sort of backlash and was angered enough to share it with the rest of the world. There must be a logical reason behind his hate.
But then again if his credibility as a journalist cannot save him in the first place, it's his fault he got lashed at.
Public said:
Matt Peckham said:
First, those originals got better press than they deserved because RPGs in the late 1990s were rarer than jackalopes

Probably he thinks BioShock is a deep RPG game...

It was a decent Adventure game, good atmosphere, very pretty even if it wasnt top range. I wouldn't call it an RPG but the game itself was good for what it was, a reimagining of system shock. As for being deep, not so much but it at least tried.
Those 2 little snippets, are ridiculous.

I've actually had the chance to play through about a half-hour of the game, and what a huge mistake that was -- I wanted more. Lots more! The thing that's most frightening about Bethesda: Those people make huge, massively single-player offline games that'll chew up well over 100 hours of your life.

wtf is this? It's worse than that second fella on all the infomercials. "Wow Bill, only $29.99 for all this???"

And the frightening thing about Bethesda, is their games are too awesome and huge, that they take up your time? This is like a job interview. "My biggest flaw is that I work too hard sir"

The other guy's is entirely dedicated to blasting the fanbase. Which I've always found odd, and a lot of people in the gaming media do it. Instead of being critical of the product they are paid to analyze, they are critical of those criticizing it. And we're the fanboys?

One thing that the haters jump on is the notion that it isn't a turn-based strategy game. Wrong!
This is my favorite part.

He feels the need to disagree with anything the "vocal minority" says...so he just denies basic facts. He will defend any criticism of Bethesda, no matter what.
FeelTheRads said:
Oh, but don't you know... all journalists who praise Fallout 3 were skeptics till they saw the light.
That's really one thing you'll find in pretty much all (p)reviews, along with "I'm the biggest fan of the originals, but...".

Yes... and there's nothing more unbearable than the zealotry of the "newly-converted".

He's an asshat. So is Darren.

Darren said:
One thing that the haters jump on is the notion that it isn't a turn-based strategy game. Wrong! Hold down a button in combat, and it stops the clock, allowing you to call your next targeted shot. If you want, you can play the whole game that way.

Someone should point out the definition of the word "fallacy" to Darren. It's been harped on endlessly here- real time with pause does not equal turn based, Darren. Unless we're going to start seeing the enemies in fallout 3 ALSO using VATS. That MIGHT be closer to what you faced in Fallout 1 or 2.

Actually, that would be a great mod(if it were modable.) Now that I think of it...

You enter a small, rubble- strewn hamlet. Hulks of rusted out cars clog the street. The wind howls as it blows through empty window panes and the limbs of long dead trees that dot either side of the road at regular intervals. In the distance you hear a crunch- like that of broken glass being ground into raw pavement under a boot heel.

You turn to face the direction of the noise when you suddenly feel a tug at the right side of your chest, almost immediately followed by a loud report. Sniper! You freeze. Wrong move. The pain in your chest hasn't had time to register, but it doesn't matter, because another shot has just hit you in the right arm. Another loud bang. From the shoulder down, your arm feels... numb. You vaguely take notice of the "clank" your rifle makes, as it falls to the ground from your now-useless hand. Panicked thoughts of seeking cover now wage war with an urge to simply lay down and sleep- you're losing blood- a lot of it. Better apply a stim-pack!

With your only good hand, you feebly try to open one of the pockets of your Vault-issue jumpsuit. Pip-boy would normally administer treatment, but you'd need a working hand to push those buttons. But wait! Almost...almost got it... Success is just in sight when the bottom of the world abruptly drops out from under you. Bang! For an instant, you are weightless, the light of the setting sun flashes intermittently as you spin over and over in the air. Gravity has other ideas, however, and reasserts itself, pulling you down... hard. You bounce. In a remote corner of your mind you reflect that the seasons must be changing- it's getting darker a lot sooner these days. In the distance, but closing in fast, you hear footfalls- one... maybe two people. So tired...

"BOOM! Headshot! HA HA! Did you see that Tommy?"

"Yeah, I seen it. It warn't no headshot, you just blowed it clean off. Now shut up an help me search his kit."

Something must be wrong. An eclipse? Your view of the world fades completely to black... And you might be moving again- it's hard to tell anymore without a frame of reference. From what must be a million miles away you hear,

"Stop fuckin' round with his head, and help me get this shit ready to go, less you wanna be on the pile instead a sellin' it!

"Fuck you, man! He just blinked at me..."

And then nothing.

War never changes... blah blah blah...

Somehow, though, I don't think we're going to see that happen any time soon. It might offer a little too much "action" for the "action" fans. VATS is nothing but a stupid crutch put there to make a stupid almost-but-not-real-time-FPS combat system perform like a stupid almost-but-not-at-all-turn-based-tactial-RPG.

In the end you get a real time mode that will really hurt you without VATS in the early going(unless you have a hacked character). Being unable to land a shot due to low weapon skill in a range-dominated FPS game is going to suck.

By the same token, being unable to fire and hit what you need to -when you need to- because you ran out of AP(because you don't trust your aim outside of VATS) is going to suck even harder. Meanwhile, the enemy is free to spray and pray. They only have to get lucky once or twice, and they don't care if they get hurt or killed in the process of doing so.

Rest easy, Mike and Darren. Nobody wants to sell you anything. Well I don't, anyway. I don't even like you. But that's O-K! Just keep your minds shut off, toe the company line, and maybe... Just maybe- you'll be invited to mingle with movers and shakers, rock out, and have some of that delicious looking Kool-Aid!