FeelTheRads said:
Oh, but don't you know... all journalists who praise Fallout 3 were skeptics till they saw the light.
That's really one thing you'll find in pretty much all (p)reviews, along with "I'm the biggest fan of the originals, but...".
Yes... and there's nothing more unbearable than the zealotry of the "newly-converted".
He's an asshat. So is Darren.
Darren said:
One thing that the haters jump on is the notion that it isn't a turn-based strategy game. Wrong! Hold down a button in combat, and it stops the clock, allowing you to call your next targeted shot. If you want, you can play the whole game that way.
Someone should point out the definition of the word "fallacy" to Darren. It's been harped on endlessly here- real time with pause does not equal turn based, Darren. Unless we're going to start seeing the enemies in fallout 3 ALSO using VATS. That MIGHT be closer to what you faced in Fallout 1 or 2.
Actually, that would be a great mod(if it were modable.) Now that I think of it...
You enter a small, rubble- strewn hamlet. Hulks of rusted out cars clog the street. The wind howls as it blows through empty window panes and the limbs of long dead trees that dot either side of the road at regular intervals. In the distance you hear a crunch- like that of broken glass being ground into raw pavement under a boot heel.
You turn to face the direction of the noise when you suddenly feel a tug at the right side of your chest, almost immediately followed by a loud report. Sniper! You freeze. Wrong move. The pain in your chest hasn't had time to register, but it doesn't matter, because another shot has just hit you in the right arm. Another loud bang. From the shoulder down, your arm feels... numb. You vaguely take notice of the "clank" your rifle makes, as it falls to the ground from your now-useless hand. Panicked thoughts of seeking cover now wage war with an urge to simply lay down and sleep- you're losing blood- a lot of it. Better apply a stim-pack!
With your only good hand, you feebly try to open one of the pockets of your Vault-issue jumpsuit. Pip-boy would normally administer treatment, but you'd need a working hand to push those buttons. But wait! Almost...almost got it... Success is just in sight when the bottom of the world abruptly drops out from under you. Bang! For an instant, you are weightless, the light of the setting sun flashes intermittently as you spin over and over in the air. Gravity has other ideas, however, and reasserts itself, pulling you down... hard. You bounce. In a remote corner of your mind you reflect that the seasons must be changing- it's getting darker a lot sooner these days. In the distance, but closing in fast, you hear footfalls- one... maybe two people. So tired...
"BOOM! Headshot! HA HA! Did you see that Tommy?"
"Yeah, I seen it. It warn't no headshot, you just blowed it clean off. Now shut up an help me search his kit."
Something must be wrong. An eclipse? Your view of the world fades completely to black... And you might be moving again- it's hard to tell anymore without a frame of reference. From what must be a million miles away you hear,
"Stop fuckin' round with his head, and help me get this shit ready to go, less you wanna be on the pile instead a sellin' it!
"Fuck you, man! He just blinked at me..."
And then nothing.
War never changes... blah blah blah...
Somehow, though, I don't think we're going to see that happen any time soon. It might offer a little too much "action" for the "action" fans. VATS is nothing but a stupid crutch put there to make a stupid almost-but-not-real-time-FPS combat system perform like a stupid almost-but-not-at-all-turn-based-tactial-RPG.
In the end you get a real time mode that will really hurt you without VATS in the early going
(unless you have a hacked character). Being unable to land a shot due to low weapon skill in a range-dominated FPS game is going to suck.
By the same token, being unable to fire and hit what you need to -when you need to- because you ran out of AP
(because you don't trust your aim outside of VATS) is going to suck even harder. Meanwhile, the enemy is free to spray and pray. They only have to get lucky once or twice, and they don't care if they get hurt or killed in the process of doing so.
Rest easy, Mike and Darren. Nobody wants to sell you anything. Well I don't, anyway. I don't even like you. But that's O-K! Just keep your minds shut off, toe the company line, and maybe... Just maybe- you'll be invited to mingle with movers and shakers, rock out, and have some of that delicious looking Kool-Aid!