It's really funny how things are, I remember in my childhood there were debates about integrating east europa in the EU or not, now it's really hard to think they could'nt be in it.
So the EC would only be the 12 old states. But I kinda think that most of the country of Western Union would have joined the EU eventually (well except Switzerland).
Maybe not immediatly, but as soon as the USSR would have lost enought influence, maybe if at some point the Commonwealth agree to buy soviet products in exchange for a peace pact.
The unified military seems to point that the plan for the European Defence Community didn't failed in 54, and was develloped into a real Army. A Europe with supranational authorities and a common foreign policy, maybe even only one president... Now that 's some science fiction!
I haven't found many european science fiction literature for the 50s 60s, probably because it was then considerate as a minor genre, or because at the time the dream of Western Europe was to become like the US (with washing machine, fridge, phones, bikes...), so they didn't need to imagine one.
It's hard to find some originality, you can pretty much say that, with a few exception (la jetée...), the european science fiction of the time is the american science fiction.
For the belgian bande dessinée, there is of course Edgar P. Jacobs :
There is specially one where one of the protagonist travel throught time travel to a postapocalyptic paris, where we can see a sort of pip boy
a destroyed monorail metro:
There are also some mininukes (fatman

), war robots and such...
Of course you can feel the influence of american comics in it...
Some things that are typically from the 50's are for me the 2ch, ZHe car of zhe fifties...(but there is also the fiat 500, the coccinelle, the DS, the trabant, the vespa...) The cars of Fallout europa would definitly be based out of those model.
And a speculation on how it could have develloped :
For the architecture, I found this, some design doc made by Yona Friedman for her "spatial city".
or a under/above paris of P.Maymont
I think the problematic of western Europe from the time could be transposed back in the 2070. The commonwealth, not being able to sustain their society of consommation collapse, the population of the states tend to fall toward communism. The working classes allied with the left-wings intellectuels advocate a stable system that has proven it's stability behind the iron curtain, leading a civil war within the states between nationalists and liberals against communists.
When the nuclear warheads begin falling, the war follow written protocol...
Europe is hitten both by US and UssR missiles neither of them couldn't afford to let a potential foe standing after a nuclear war...
After the war the nationalists and liberals live mostly in underground shelter under nuked cities, while above in the country communists try to unite the wasteland survivors for a new begining , each one of them blaming the other side for the war, fighting in the name of ideologies neither of them understand anymore... Us against them... There just isn't any ressources for everybody...
Of course each country could be treated a different way, thats just an idea anyway.
Now I am going to look If i can find some sort of Euroboy...