2012 apocalypse!!!

Hundreds of billions of them. Ranging from the size of a speck of dust to about the size of Pluto. Also, let's not forget the Kuiper Belt, which has about a trillion such rocks, covered in ice, that occasionally come into our solar system. However, due to Jupiter's immense gravity, it's very unlikely that we'll be hit by an asteroid or a comet. The closest one that scientists predict will come to us will come in the 2030's, and the odds of it hitting us are one in 18,000.

I love space, man.

Yeah, i know about that... :D i'm collaborating with EURONEAR project, as do some of my collegues at uni, in trying to find or redescover Near Earth Asteroids, but i was wondering more along the lines of hey, i am a superpower and i don't have nukes. I'll just threaten the world that i'll destroy it if they don't do as i say...
Well, there are more powerfull storms, and if a powerfull enough storm hits us, with the right polarity - without enough warning, it could knock out generators. Wich takes several months building up.

Regions could be without power for months, wich is quite a "hassle".

Bad weather and icestorms are more local threats and not of as great a magnitude, but they are more likely.
Well, there are more powerfull storms, and if a powerfull enough storm hits us, with the right polarity - without enough warning, it could knock out generators. Wich takes several months building up.

Regions could be without power for months, wich is quite a "hassle".

I think the generators have grounding. It's very easy, as far as i know, to protect against surges. And because the wires won't be taken down because of a solar storm, power is back online as soon as the switches are turned back on.
Not quite that easilly, even if a generator is grounded, enough electricity backflow could overpower the safetysystems and cause them to burn out. Many switches will also likely burn out.

Can't list my source though since it's my former "boss" at the local HV electrical company.
Not quite that easilly, even if a generator is grounded, enough electricity backflow could overpower the safetysystems and cause them to burn out. Many switches will also likely burn out.

Can't list my source though since it's my former "boss" at the local HV electrical company.

Is a solar storm more damaging than a lightning strike?
Compartively yes, a solar storm basically affects all powerlines in a given area, while lightning strikes hit one tower/line many of wich have lightning rods that avert the current directly to ground.

A solar storm would induce currents in all the lines in the area.

Including the rods, and the circuit breakers that react to differences in current/voltage on two "ends" of a cable.
thats why when there is the threat of solar activity powerful enough to create an electromagnetic storm close enough to the earth, they shut down things in the path.

if we have enough warning, and i am talking about the like 5-10 minutes it takes for light to reach the earth, depending on safegards that are in place, what would happen is you would see entire areas go black as they shut down power while they wait for the storm to pass, and then turn everything back on.

the question is, could they turn the stuff off in your area remotely fast enough to prevent damage/outages in YOUR area?
Yes, I did describe it as sort of a perfect situation though.
Problem is that generators, transformers and similar equipment needs some shutdown time not to damage the gear.

As far as my bossmon' told me, here we don't have those possibilities, but that was a few years ago now, and the systems should have gotten upgrades by last year, but I don't know if all of it has been done. The usual way of things here.
Mettle said:
Well, there are more powerfull storms, and if a powerfull enough storm hits us, with the right polarity - without enough warning, it could knock out generators. Wich takes several months building up.

Regions could be without power for months, wich is quite a "hassle".

Bad weather and icestorms are more local threats and not of as great a magnitude, but they are more likely.
i am not sure i understand, the flare only create a large magnetic fields for a brief time, which is nothing to worry about for us.
the problem is with power grids, specifically long distance ones which use high voltage DC current (99% that you are getting your electricity from an AC source) in which case the magnetic field create a flux in the line current, which will activate the fail safe...

maybe if the magnetic field can effect the magnetic fail safes somehow, still its will need to be emensly strong to burn out the new transformers, plus i assume that the HVDC fuck tards from the electric company mafia has some solution for this problem passive and active solutions, like taking down the grid or starting sub stations and reducing.... bla bla bla ,there must be a reason why they are paid so much other than being in mafia company :?
The circuitbreakers activate when the difference between the current in the lines and the control line differate, if you have an magnetic field inducing currents on BOTH lines, the breaker would'nt recognize that something is wrong until it's too late.
Or it burns out.

And the time is'nt that brief as far as I've been told.

And the amount of backcurrents needed to burn out an generator is'nt that big, especially during peak hours of the day. If the generators are'nt running anywhere near full capacity it should'nt be much of a problem unless the generator is really worn.
The Mayan calender tells the end of the certain age (not sure which one is it, too lazy to google), and beginning of the new one.

You can come up with theories on whatsoever is gonna happen. Probably none of the will be true.

Too bad though...I want things to change radically.
Mettle said:
The circuitbreakers activate when the difference between the current in the lines and the control line differate, if you have an magnetic field inducing currents on BOTH lines, the breaker would'nt recognize that something is wrong until it's too late.
Or it burns out.

And the time is'nt that brief as far as I've been told.

And the amount of backcurrents needed to burn out an generator is'nt that big, especially during peak hours of the day. If the generators are'nt running anywhere near full capacity it should'nt be much of a problem unless the generator is really worn.
there is different type of circuitbreakers for HVDC lines nut i dont know about this enough to say (or say it in those terms used where you are from, generator?)

but the point was to show that those lines are rare (here Europe map)

so no world wide shortages and worse case scenario is few days to replace the parts, during which time reserve substations will kick in (the same thing that happens every time in the summer or the winter)
This again :roll:

"Terence McKenna combines Mayan chronology with a New Age pseudoscience called Novelty Theory to conclude that the collision of an asteroid or some "trans-dimensional object" with the Earth, or alien contact, or a solar explosion, or the transformation of the Milky Way into a quasar, or some other "ultranovel" event will occur on this day. Anyway, something is supposed to happen, and he has lots of pseudoscientific gobbledygook to back up his thesis."






Some more apocalyptic psychotic and or retarded predictions:



:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Im a conspiracy (sp?) guy for fun so i like coming out with crazy ideas like:

Solar flares are BS and most likely harmless but pretty, just a cover up to explain to us why all the lights got shut off permanently, creating havoc in the ensuing wasteland and hopefully reducing the world's population by 2/3. Only then will the lights come back on. Gas will be cheaper again.

For 2012, i really don't buy it, but i know from what i just typed above it's natural in humans to get all worked up over something like doomsday coming. Caught up in the hysteria and for me it's fun and humorous.
I honestly would'nt care really if the world was coming to an end, since i live in a country where you get perscribed an additional anti-depressant because your regular anti-depressant doesnt fuck you up enough in the first place, possible side effects being suicide. How does a commercial like that translate to a 5 year old child's brain? No wonder all these fucking emo kids are cutting themselves.
Get your believing out of that, Vuk!

Y2K was a disappointment. 2012 is hope. Hope for a better future. A future of not living. Ahh... that would be sweeeeet (as the kids say).

voof, are you one of these people who preach that 'the human extinction would be better for the planet, so lets kill ourselves'?