2012 apocalypse!!!

Heinz said:
voof, are you one of these people who preach that 'the human extinction would be better for the planet, so lets kill ourselves'?
Nope. I speak only for myself.
mobucks said:
Solar flares are BS and most likely harmless but pretty, just a cover up to explain to us why all the lights got shut off permanently, creating havoc in the ensuing wasteland and hopefully reducing the world's population by 2/3. Only then will the lights come back on. Gas will be cheaper again.
Science disagrees.
Some lecture about a NASA study of the effect of a solar storm on the US power grid.


The tone of the article is probably way more alarmist than the study it's based on, but still an interesting read. We all know the US power grid is shitty and I guess Europe would be a way safer place to be if that kind of shit happens. Maybe such study has been done concerning the european continent ?

EDIT : I just noticed it's impossible to read it since it's old and reserved to members. Should I remove the link ?
EDIT2 : okay, found another link