.223 pistol origins

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Do Fallout fans dream of electric guns?

Perhaps, in any case, our resident gun academic SuAside took a flight to the only thing mightier than the gun (the pen) and wrote us some musings on the origins of one of Fallout's most popular weapons, the .223 pistol, continuing our subseries on Fallout lore.

The Venerable .223 pistol.
Brother None said:
Do Fallout fans dream of electric guns?

I've always found Fallout unbalanced, so Bethesda should try to make decent meelee combat, like disarming an enemy and then beating the shit out of him.
xu said:
Brother None said:
Do Fallout fans dream of electric guns?

I've always found Fallout unbalanced, so Bethesda should try to make decent meelee combat, like disarming an enemy and then beating the shit out of him.

Fallout has decent unarmed and melee combat, you just need to dedicate your char to it.
great read.

the great part was that if you wanted to use melee or unarmed you werent annoyed by it and they were quite potent and enjoyable
aye, nice read. favorite game, favorite movie.

the second i saw that gun after completing the quest for the guy in the hub, i thought it was the gun from blade runner. hence it was always my favorite gun. although it destroyed my speakers every time i fired it.

wish the on character graphic was better though...

maybe it'll have a resurgence in F3 in it's full glory :)
ronin84 said:
maybe it'll have a resurgence in F3 in it's full glory :)
doubtful, but maybe they could re-use it as what it was in BR. still, it'd be complicated and irrational to have a gun that for one mode uses small arms and for the other energy weapons. ;)
I've seen the movie quite a few times and I don't think there's any hint of a 'laser tube' being fired. The gunshot sounds a bit odd but is certainly recognisable as a gunshot. Bullet impacts look like regular (movie) bullet impacts. No laser effects to be seen.
BRKL said:
I've seen the movie quite a few times and I don't think there's any hint of a 'laser tube' being fired. The gunshot sounds a bit odd but is certainly recognisable as a gunshot. Bullet impacts look like regular (movie) bullet impacts. No laser effects to be seen.
the prop gun actually fires the revolver, yes. but the sound effects are 'lasers pew pew pew', rather than the average gunshot. also, if you freeze frame on Leons death, the exitwound on his head looks burnt or scorched rather than shot.

at least in the director's cut, i dont have a copy of the original release.

i suppose it could be open to debate.
fallout ranger said:
Old news, it's obvious it was based on the Blade Runner pistol (sorta).
i see you took the time to read the whole article before commenting. i applaud you. :clap:

yes, everyone knows it's the goddamn Blade Runner pistol, as stated in the first sentence of the second paragraph...
Yes, but I knew first, seeing as I made the pistol by hand for the movie. As well as directed it, starred in it, wrote it, and produced it.
fallout ranger said:
Yes, but I knew first, seeing as I made the pistol by hand for the movie. As well as directed it, starred in it, wrote it, and produced it.

...That will definitely earn you a strike...

SuAside, good article, I don't know why I read it as it did not really tickle my fancy but; I felt I would learn something and look at meh now!

Edit: I guess I see the joke in that.
No strikes please.

No really, when I first got the .223 pistol from the guy in the Hub, I was like, "Hey, that kinda looks like the gun from blade runner". googling and zooming on the DVD player only fortified that belief.

Ditto on the article, really good.
Sua, good article. But I think saying that a laser was added and used in BR may be a bit of a stretch. :D

To me, the lower barrel of the pistol, the pic in your article, looks to be a heavy barrel on the order of one possibly used in a shotgun. Maybe the idea was that when a normal round was not powerful enough to take down your enemy a shotgun blast would do the trick. :D

As for Leon's forehead it looks more like a bullet fragmentation exit wound than a laser burn hole. And truth be told I think you may be forgetting a point about energy weapons, their tendency to flash boil body fluids. So I think if it had been a laser it would have turned Leon's head into an expanding sphere of brains and bone, the blood having been flash boiled.

Never-the-less, very good article. :D

Cheers, Thorgrimm
I didn't really know, I cant remember it in fallout, I havent really replayed FO1 that much because it just doesnt feel as good as that first time I stepped out of the vault

Thought the .223 pistol was definitely Sulik's weapon of choice, though vic got the sniper riffle.
Thorgrimm said:
Sua, good article. But I think saying that a laser was added and used in BR may be a bit of a stretch. :D

To me, the lower barrel of the pistol, the pic in your article, looks to be a heavy barrel on the order of one possibly used in a shotgun. Maybe the idea was that when a normal round was not powerful enough to take down your enemy a shotgun blast would do the trick. :D
shotgun? nah, that was never even mentioned.

besides, if you look at the replica you'll see that the upper and lower barrels dont show any real difference in dimensions. so you saying the lower barrel is heavy/thick for a shotgun shell looks pretty farfetched. especially since the revolver cylinder obviously feeds the lower barrel & not the upper one.

this aint no LeMat revolver, Thor. :)

Thorgrimm said:
As for Leon's forehead it looks more like a bullet fragmentation exit wound than a laser burn hole.
i'm no expert, but doesnt look that way to me.

the exitwound of a ".38 Magnum", which we can only assume is more powerful than a real .357 Magnum would most likely leave a different wound pattern.

Thorgrimm said:
And truth be told I think you may be forgetting a point about energy weapons, their tendency to flash boil body fluids. So I think if it had been a laser it would have turned Leon's head into an expanding sphere of brains and bone, the blood having been flash boiled.
did you use the same explanation to prove that there were no laser pistols in Star Wars? ;)
this argument could be used against any and probably all movies with lasers in them.
this is sci-fi, not science. :P

but your explanation doesn't keep in mind the 'lasers pew pew pew' sound heard in the Director's Cut (and i assume in the original cut as well, but i can't check that)? why would there be laser soundeffects if it just shoots a normal conventional bullet? and why would the pistol be full of LED lights if it was simply meant to shoot conventional ammo (there are at least 7 LEDs on the original that i can count)?

nah, for now i'm quite sure my explanation is far more plausible. 2 barrels: 1 laser & 1 ".38 Magnum" (.44 Spl in the prop). 2 feeding mechanisms: cylinder for .38 Magnum & Steyr magazine trap for the laser battery. 2 triggers: 1 laser & 1 conventional.
the only question that remains in that theory is if he was meant to use the conventional ammo in the movie and they eventually decided to go with lasersounds instead in post-production or that it was simply intended the way it is now.
Suaside wrote:
did you use the same explanation to prove that there were no laser pistols in Star Wars?
this argument could be used against any and probably all movies with lasers in them.
this is sci-fi, not science.

Point taken. :D

As for the exit wound I was watching it on DVD just to make sure I was not talking out my backside, but I will maintain it is a bullet exit wound. Then again, I am no expert either.

Since most laser wounds in other sci fi shows and movies are just burn holes, I think that since Leon's head wound was not just a burn hole and had massive bone fragmentation, that it may be indicitive of a bullet exit wound. :D

As for the unique sounds, remember the Colt Army and navy dragoon pistols, once rechambered for cartridges, had a unique sound no other weapon had. They made a high pitched squeal due to the fact the cartridges were coated in bear grease.

So the precedent for an odd sounding bullet is there. And honestly, The sounds it makes never reminded me of a laser either. But then again, This is only my .02 cents. And that takes nothing away from your excellent article.

Cheers, Thorgrimm
Nice article SuAside. Might you be the owner of one of those replicas ?

I think any BR fan who played FO must have had this same glorious moment of excitement upon getting the gun "oh my !! could this be ... ?"
Oh and that nice hellhound barking sound ...

Deckard's gun, please meet Nukular Katapult.
Nukular Katapult, please meet my contempt. :/
Thorgrimm said:
And honestly, The sounds it makes never reminded me of a laser either.
what version of the DVD do you have? the original or the director's cut?

Celluloid said:
Nice article SuAside. Might you be the owner of one of those replicas ?
i'm not, sadly.

they're damn expensive (and usually come unassembled & unpainted -> i'm not very handy at that stuff)

i'd love to own a finished one, but they're way too expensive for me right now.