2d --> 3d

Continuum said:
Chocolate monster!

Your creations are really inspiring, Prosper. Keep up the good work :ok:

Oh, BTW, how engine(s) are going?

First, a more impressive piece.


AS for the engine(s) development dropped off by a bunch because of the stress to get a job and getting enough money in time for college. But I do have OpenGL and SDL (Simple Direct Media Layer) for when I do get type to code something serious. I also have a couple versions of Python which I am trying out as I do art on the side.
Lexx said:
I made myself a 3ds max template for the camera angle. It needed so much time to get it right, even with the coords named here. :P Funny enough, I have still problems with the light every once in a while....

Hey Lexx, do you mind sharing that 3dsmax template? I have some issues importing the obj template from Conti.

Please, somebody make done scene with right isometrical view, camera, lights for max 7 or 8.
Lexx said:
This is a max 6 file:

It only has the camera placed, no light spots placed.

Do you happen to have this template still saved somewhere? :o
Since I have this new computer, I downloaded the 30 days trial version of 3ds Max and it works so far. But everytime I want to set up the camera in the method Conti described it in the first post, the offsets simply reset itself to the default values. :(

I'd really need such a template or someone to explain to me how I can tell the program not to reset to those default values please.. :/
So, no one wants to help me? :S I have prepared some stuff I would really like to render properly and share it with the community.. Is it so hard to upload a small template, or atleast explain what I am doing wrong like written in above message? :/
Maybe message Conti - he might have kept the file somewhere on his HD, good luck there.

But recently I worked out how the boys at BlackIsle built their "cavalier oblique" (isometric to us noobs) angle. Lexx had mentioned something about how the version of Lightwave they used back in 1995 (ver - 5.0) didn't have the isometric cameras, so they faked it by zooming in from a long distance out.

Heading = 30.00
Pitch = 25.56
Banking = 0.00

X = -1.0638 km
Y = 1.021 km
Z = -1.8439 km (yes - km = Kilometers)

Now this isn't 100% accurate, but it's 95% accurate. Only BlackIsle know the true numbers. Bastards. :evil:

EDIT - Once your happy with the angle use the Cameras 'Lens Focal Length' to zoom in and out. 3D Max might call it something else.
This is my file, I think. Didn't opened it now to check. As the filename is different than the one in the above link, it probably isn't the same file, though.
Thanks Lexx <3 this helped!

Now I only need to tweak that lighting and have to see what shader options work best, then the scenery thread can have some new stuff like said there. :)

If I won't manage it, then I'll PM Conti, good idea Pixote!