2D PC games for netbooks/laptops

Since your list mention some WWII strategy games and you're searching for 2D games, I can't help but mention Sudden Strike I and Sudden Strike Forever.
A bit old, but unequalled in multiplayer, and the solo campaigns are pretty good (but HARD).
It's real strategy, and the graphics are pretty nice and synthetic.

Now I'm just waiting the day Total War will do WWII... That day maybe I will say SSF has been surpassed.
I remember playing sudden strike 2 years ago and found the control of units to be quite cumbersome and the gameplay too confusing and unintuitive.

But I'm gonna try the 2004 'resource war' one now to give it a second look.

As for steel panthers, downloaded it and the patches.... the game is just way too primitive, it should at least have movement animations, not that I was expecting much from a free game but still.

Freeware and old games are not what I had in mind I wanted something that would grab you and consume your time like fallout2 and ja2... but I guess everyone would have heard of them by now if there were any games similiar to fallout etc
Try the Ys series. The PC releases can be run on fairly low-end systems, and the games are lots of fun.

When I was on my old laptop I also found myself playing a lot of visual novels...
iii said:
Steel Panthers is a really nice and detailed turn based strategy game. The game and the battlefield felt much more organic than Panzer General for example. Give it a try its quite intense...
Good call, although I was always more of a Panzer General 2 fan myself. Some of those Close Combat games are great too, always like Battle of the Bulge myself. All these games have really endured and even today there are still mods/maps/campaigns being created. It's a testament to the sustain that solid gameplay has.

It's hard to go wrong with just about any SSI title from back in the day.

I find turn-based, point and click type games much more conducive to laptop. Trying to play Freedom Force on my laptop w/touch pad is a clunky, cumbersome experience.
cdoublejj said:
The maker of Cave Story also made Ikachan. Also what about X-Com?

The only good xcom's are the ancient DOS ones, they never made a decent modern one

Thanks to the guy in this thread that said sudden strike, I've downloaded the latest and after putting the speed at minimum and learning how to control units I've been playing it for 2 hours today and it's quite fun...

Here's a post I wrote in ja galaxy it might interest people here:

For the last couple of months now I've only played turn based strategy games, and the ocasional cstrike, unfortunately there's a terrible lack of good turn based strategy games as they seem to only appeal to a niche market. I should mention that my absolute favorite is me2:total war but since this is a JA forum I'm only going to review other turn based type of games.

Shadow Watch (red storm, 2000) - I heard about this game last week and it took me almost 3 days to download it since no one has it (that should have been clue enough).

It's from the same people who made rainbow six. A 2d isometric military squad sim, what could go wrong with that?

everything... this game is java based but it might as well be a flash game, it is that bad. I've only played the first mission because no sane person would go beyond that point.

Imagine JA2 with Flash 'cartoony' graphics now imagine that you have to move your mercs SQUARE BY SQUARE by presing the arrow keys and u can only move 3 squares at a time. You can't select mercs and you have to move them until their AP's run out. When you get attacked all you can do is ask for backup and get shot, if your team is 50 squares away have fun waiting 10 minutes to move one guy from one side of the map to the next - 0 out 5


fallout tactics (interplay, 2002) - I was really into this game before downloading strac, got as far as the 9th mission and was ready to finish it...

problem is that after you get used to the JA dynamics and faster gameplay, where you can climb a roof and shoot a guy in the head from across the map, it's kinda hard to go back to fallout tactics.

The gameplay is much slower and cumbersome compared to that of JA, from the speed of your merc's to the damage it takes to down and enemy.

The graphics are amazing and miles away from JA, you can clearly tell what your soldiers are wearing and the datails in the maps and enemies are beautiful, really well drawn 2d graphics...

but back to the gameplay: the game is pretty much sneaking to a good position and wasting your enemies and then levelling your soldiers so they can sneak and kill more efficiently.
The best missions are the ones where you have to escort vehicles across town and enemies snipe you from buildings and one where you have to defend a ghoul compound from supermutants... this is really cool because your soldiers take defensive positions and you work together with the computer controlled guys to defend the compound...
but after the assault the game reverts back to sneaking around with your guy and wasting supermutants with a minigun.

The story, huge amazing maps and great graphics make this game worth playing... unfortunately the AP system where one single shot is 4 AP and the basic soldier has 6 AP's total makes it sometimes frustrating to play.
Basically u move your soldier 1 inch -> 4 AP's then you have to wait for the next turn to take a shot -> 4 AP's and so on and on ... and forget about aimed shots they are useless.

You can also turn off turn based altogether but then you won't be able to complete missions because it's impossible, this is a severe flaw in design... 4ou of 5


Age of wonders shadow magic - This is the lastest 'age of wonders''s game and stand alone install, it came highly recommended by a guy in this forum so I was expecting a lot.

The tutorial and the first 'level' played ok but on the second level when you control the blonde elf (elfette?) the game gets 2 frustrating and stupid.
Basically you move around the map with your AP's and are given several units each one can move on their own with their own set of AP's and when you encounter a enemy you go into a battle mode that also works with AP's.
In the first level this is simple enough and the ammount of spells and stunts you can pull is not ovewhelming in the later levels this is ridiculous

-> you have to capture this tower and have to send that fairy there and that midget here and protect the midget with spells and produce more troops in your barracks and build a dock, and then you face an enemy and realize you are controlling a blue fairy, 4 midgets with pitchforks, a dog and a unicorn versus a bunch of mutant ants... sorry it's not for me


Jagged alliance 2: wildire - The first time I played this game I absolutely hated it.

I remember landing down in omerta and without even touching the mouse 2 of my guys had already been shot and one was dead... besides that what really pissed me off was miguel's voice acting, the original voice acting was quite good now there was this guy with absolutely no acting skills and he sounded like a high school kid in my class reading english, nay scratch that it sounded like a russian guy trying to sound like a spanish teenager reading english for the first time...

I played the game again and was able to overlook all that and I adjusted my style of play to sneaking and ambushing. Wildfire became immensingly rewarding and addicting.

The maps are spectacular, they were cleverly designed to allow for intense combat action and are huge, the enemy A.I. blows that of 1.13 out of the water and I love the damage of the weapons:
basically u can kill with a single shot from a shotgun and AR or headshot with a handgun, this makes the game much more realistic but of course it works both ways -> when you are going from point A to point B and the enemy interrupts you and makes a headshot from 20 meters away and kills your merc u won't like it as much. still it's a 4 out of 5

UFO: Aftermath - more like afterbirth, STAY AWAY stay far far away especially if have nostalgic memories about xcom... not that this game is in any way affiliated to xcom but still...

I don't even think this is turn based this is more like pause and plan your movements and then press play. A system that would have worked fine woudln't it have been so fucking broken.

so it's more like pause, plan your movements watch your guys act like retarded ants and never obey a simple single command... stay far away from this and all 'UFO' games


Silent Storm - so many people raving about this game... but then again so many people pay to hear shitty music and see shitty movies... this is what this is: a shitty game, it's not 3d that is a problem it's just the gameplay itself it's just broken and shitty and unresponsive.


I'd also like more suggestions of games to play, preferably turn based strategy

Abomination (eidos, 1999) - The graphics didn't age well, the 2d maps and hand drawn houses/cars/etc look good but the early 3d characers and the 60x480 resolution limitation makes the game look ugly...

but still it's quite a fun little game: set up your squad and shoot pretty much almost everything in sight, from time to time they try to pass an excuse for a mission like destroy the toxin and do this or do that but it's basically 'shoot everything in sight'.

You can't shoot civilians and sometimes troops come to give your squad backup. It's real time and fast, a sort of click fest like diablo, but where diabloII manage to age quite well... abomination not so much.
There are better 2D only shooters like enemy infestation out there.... 2.5 out of 5


Police Quest Swat 2 (Sierra, 1998) - I remember playing swat3 back in my high school days and I loved it, I became an immediate fan of the swat series, so obviously when swat4 came out I played that and the expansion pack...

Swat4 is the pinnacle of the series and you should definately play that. Swat3 and 4 are both FPS's and Swat1 was a weird interactive movie

Swat 2 was supposed to be a 2d isometric strategy game .... what it is digital defecation put in cd format. I don't think this should be even considered a 'game' since you should be able to 'play' a 'game' and you can't play this piece of shit. If someone was holding you at gun point makng you read all the manuals and playing this game by the fourth hour you would just give up and ask him to shoot you.

Keep in mind that sierra is a big fucking company, they had just released half life, they had more money than sense so how could they possibly release such a broken piece of shit? did someone actuall play test this crap? How the hell does this get a 30% score in online reviews how can u give this 30%?

So why is this so broken?

First off they obviously spent lots of money and time with voice actors and the game is packed with hours of speech from mission debriefs to in game commands, they also spent a pretty penny with 3d videos and real videos. When you go and select your team you are presented with a real picture attached to a profile and this is way more realistic than the ja2 merc's.

I like the small sprites and think the graphics don't look that bad for a tactical game



so what's so broken about this game? the gameplay itself

Basically it's a RTS like command and conquer where you have to give orders in real time but get this most missions consist of you entering a building/office/house and arresting or neutralizing suspects. What's broken about this is that you select your soldier and move him around the map like in a normal RTS game BUT when you see someone you have to take your mouse across the screen and press the megaphone icon and then you have to take the megaphone and press the little supect on screen (keep in mind the key is quite small and it takes awhile to properly aim and this is all done in real time) then if he complies you have to do the same thing but with the handcuff icon and if he doesn't yo have to go across the screen and select your gun and then shoot him

by the time you are aiming at him he has already killed you

how can such broken gameplay be released by sierra?

0 out f 5

Disciples 2 Gold, Heroes of Might and magic IV - is it just me or are they carbon copies of each other?

Disciples 2 seems to have better graphics and 3d characters in battles and the battles in heroes of might and magic are badly done you don't know who you are controlling and it's pretty much real time as in disciples 2 it's well done in turn based.

Disciples 2 is clearly the better game but in age of wonders you have much more control over the battle as you can move your units around... it doesn't really make a difference in this type of games basically you can be the best strategist ever but stronger units always win ove weaker units and numbers matter.

I'm going to play them a couple more times b4 uninstalling them
Soldiers at War is another squad-based TB game I'd throw in that mix. Pretty much X-com in WWII. It's a bit clunky and cumbersome by today's standards, but good fun.

Never realized SWAT 2 was ISO, was intrigued until I read your feedback. Not a fan of RT squad based games much.
Manu said:
iso games snip

Again: try Commandos 2. It'll be right up your alley, I'm sure. It's not as impossibly hard as the first installment in that series, it looks better and combat is a charm. Definitely one of the best games I ever played and I'm a hard to please customer.
alec said:
Again: try Commandos 2

I have, 1 2 and 3 and 'desperados' and robin hood...

I am able to play the first few mission before getting stuck, those games are like a puzzle and you have to do everything just right with the right timing in order to suceed and frankly I just don't find them that enjoyable.

Soldiers at war looks exactly what I'm looking for, squad based turn based realistic action


too bad it's 12 years old now, going to try to find it in abandonware sites... btw I don't know if it's kosher to speak of this here but can anyone post or PM a good tracker address to find old games?