3D Studio - Laser rifle! 5 images 800x600!


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Alright, befor you guys blame me, I only used the basic texture from 3D max... I created some things in this rifle because I can't find some good image from the original laser rifle, so, I used the image from the game!

This one:

I don't know much work with 3D max, but its good for a start I think! :lol: I hope you guys like it... and sorry my english!





Well, it's sligthly different from the original but I think it's a really good start
The proportions are a bit off and I'm pretty sure the barrel of the original wasn't intended to be that hollow, but other than that I can only repeat the kudos.
Ashmo said:
The proportions are a bit off and I'm pretty sure the barrel of the original wasn't intended to be that hollow, but other than that I can only repeat the kudos.

Yes the proportions are off slighlty with the completely hollow chamber, but I love the work you have done with the rendering!
A radioactive laser rifle?

That pistol grip appears somewhat unnatural to me, but on the whole well done, Chosen One! Corrosion is just wonderful. And the butt looks really shabby.

Hehe, I've always wondered how to aim frome those futuristic guns and what to hold them by when shooting.

And no, we'll never excuse your terrible English.

Just kidding.
Radioactive lasers, yes.

Radioactive L.A.S.E.R.S.

What did you think the R means?
I. K.N.O.W. Thanks, Ashmo.

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

But there are types of radiation that don't have anything to do with *nuclear* radiation.

Who cares?

Radiation is radiation.

Plus, it glows nicely.
It looks like a LEGO toy and the stock and barrel are wrong.

But the textures are nice. Except on the stock where you can clearly see a pattern.

Oh well.
Told ya...


I'm definetly not 100% satisfied with this one, but I'm losing my interest into it. I'll fix the texturing fock-ups someday. Also work on the "middle" gauge thing. No idea what to make of it, because I have no idea how it really looks :lol:

The stock is off too, but I'm always making a mess of them. Even when drawing by hand. Hmm...I should really read a book about firearms.

But anyways a big booboo gun by ?berB??! Enjoy.
Well as far as I can see, it can't be just a trigger guard. Because the stock wouldn't work like that. The stock should be in the totally different angle (plus the triggger guard would be HUGE).

I personally think it's both. A "pistol" grip with a guard for the whole grip. As I said...didn't finish the details.
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