4 years-ish

Ugly John

So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Wow! i just noticed that it took almost four years since i stopped posting regularly for me to get to position 51 (also known as the second page) in the total post category.

I'm guess i'm getting old and almost forgotten.

btw: hey guys!
And I became the 22 and never realized that before. Most of my posts come from the modding board, I'll guess.
Oh, hey, big guy, you were the only other Canadian around when we were still using the old board.

You still in Toronto or did I remember that wrong? I also don't post much anymore due to travelling, but it would be nice to see some old faces around more. Stick around for a while, John.
Starskeeter: I was in Montreal, I've been living close to Ottawa for the last four years now. Been tavelling lot too, mostly to Munich.

It's Brother None now? alright, nice seeing you too.

I've been lurking lately, mostly since my son bought FAllout:NV.

I'll probably stick around a bit this time.

So.....how do you refuel the car? :wall:
Ugly John said:
So.....how do you refuel the car? :wall:
Click and hold the right mouse button down and scroll to the pouch then click on small energy cells or the micro fusion cells. :wink:
Hey UJ! I saw you post a few weeks ago but wasn't sure if you were back or not. How's the porn industry treating you?
Ozrat said:
How's the porn industry treating you?

same old, same old, besides from the rashes...oh! it started oozing again, you may want to go check with your doctor too!

@Mr. Nixon:
thanks...it was a joke, *old fart on* back in my day when i was a moderator (or was it super moderator) asking about the car was almost a Ban-able crime. *old fart off*
Ugly John said:
@Mr. Nixon:
thanks...it was a joke, *old fart on* back in my day when i was a moderator (or was it super moderator) asking about the car was almost a Ban-able crime. *old fart off*

I knew that, I'm a old fart too just with a new account.
Brother None said:
Ugly John said:
It's Brother None now? alright, nice seeing you too.
Man, you been gone that long? Maaaaaaaaaan.
He's lying (or he's got Alzheimer). He posted since your nick change but probably didn't realise it was you. I still like your old nick better too. ;)

Annoys the crap out of me when people change nicks.

PS: what kind of ego must you have to drop in on a forum that you rarely still post on just to say you finally dropped to the second page of max post count? :lol:
SuAside said:
PS: what kind of ego must you have to drop in on a forum that you rarely still post on just to say you finally dropped to the second page of max post count? :lol:

a big one?