6 Years in 5 Minutes

Yes maybe 6 years, but always that stoned face.

Thats 100 % 6 Years drugs expierience.

i Mean without drugs you dont get those stupid ideas.
Haha!! Exactly mate!

I thought this was extremely weird, but I guess it is an original idea. But I'm not sure on how many people will actually find this in any way interesting...
actually some chick did it first. probably out of narcisism (sp?) rather than drug use btw.
I think it's a pretty cool idea. I had to fast forward a little in the middle there, but I still found it intriguing. I questioned the validity at first, but if you randomly pause it throughout, all the pics seem legit. At the end it says, "a work in progress." How crazy would it be if he did this for 20 years instead of just six
i hate having my picture taken.

i think it takes a special kind of narcisism to go with that & having your picture taken every day of your life.
That's one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. For some reason, I can't stop watching.

No person in the world has scarier eyes than this dude:


He always has the look of a homicidal maniac barely restraining himself from ripping out your kidneys with his bare hands.
Urk, the difference between the pics is annoying. I saw the chick who did that - was more cool and original (tho I have no idea who thought of it first.)
Ratty said:

He always has the look of a homicidal maniac barely restraining himself from ripping out your kidneys with his bare hands.

Now imagine that guy doing 6 years of his life! AHH!!!
Anyone else think the music is Truman Showish?? Please don't make me feel like I'm the only one here!