Ok, time to roll (literally) We have to destroy at least five vehicles, and loose less than five villagers while we do for the attack to succeed. You will make your rolls
here, wirte your character's name, make one roll of 1d100 and post it linked to your action. You need at least a 50+ (50%) to suceed, below you took too long to adjust aim/load the gun and a villager got mortally/severely wounded as a result, when 5 villagers get hit the rest will pull back, as they have to carry and tend to the wounded, and the assault will fail, the marauders will just mount the remainder od their vehicles/disperse and live to reorganize and regroup.
If you have a result of less than 25% two vilagers will be knocked down instead of one, as you took way too long, if your result is 75% or more then you did exceptionally well and one of the villagers that would have been knocked down is saved.
All in all because we chose to play it safe we have 0% chance of the tank being harmed but only a 50% chance of the assault being successful.
You have to make a total of five rolls in your post. Be descriptive of what you do in each action. The gunner has to make the final adjustments to center it's aim at the target before firing, a fail roll allways hits the target, it only means that the gunner took too long to aim and make calculations with the rangefinder. Same with the loader, he always manages to load the gun, a failure means he took too long to do it, his main atribute here would be stamina and strenght, so Ralph failing would mean he's tired/had trouble managing to get the heavy 105mm round into the gun's breach.
You have to fire/load the main gun five times in your post. I'll later add up the results and tell you if we managed to destroy the five vehicles before too many villagers got hit. The reason I do it like this is so we don't have to wait for others to post, It's my initial posts then one post from Emperor and one post from TorontRayne in wichever order and then the combat ends.
Also, there are certain commands each of you must use within the tank. Whenever the tank fires the gunner must say "Underway!", to let the loader know the main gun will be recoiling and he doesn't stand in the way and gets hurt. Also, whenever the loader loads a new round he must state the round loaded followed by "Up!" Eg: "HEAT up!" (we'll be using only HEAT rounds for this post) or just "Up!" to let the gunner know the round is loaded and he's ready to fire. This is a good detail to include in your posts for roleplaying puposes.