It Wandered In From the Wastes

Ok for all of you un-resourceful people out there I am going to let you in on a secret ... 10INT is not MAXING your character out ... Basic Examples of why ...
Each skill can get a permanent bonus of plus 16 with skill books with two exceptions. +12 for Explosives and +20 for Science ...
Now let's say you have a character built like this AFTER IMPLANTS
and Perhaps 1 level of Intense training ... and you get your INT Implant at level 10 ...
9STR 6PER 10End 2CHA 7INT 7AGI and 7LCK
At level 1-4 you'll Receive 13 Skill points so that equals 52
At 5-10 You'll Receive 15 so that equals 75
Then Every Other Level you'll Receive an addition 1 skill point so that is 15x20+10 to equal 310
Now there is 208 skill points you can get from Skill books
Now Let's Add ALL of these together and you get a grand total of
645 Skill points PLUS the Three Tag skills Early on for an additional 45
so 690 Skill points TOTAL
So with these Stats your lowest skill start will be 9 and that speech and barter
so 9+16 = 25 and the all you'll have to do is spend 35 skill points to get it to 60 (party time mentats + 10 speech naughty nightwear +10 speech and then Meeting People +20 speech = 100) So why waste the additional 40 skill points to max that out?
If you want packrat then get a 70 barter if not then leave it low you can make a ass-ton of money via caravan the lower your barter is ... so you'll never need to worry about it! Maybe a few Barter Challenges then boost it up by 40 with your skill mags items and equipment ...
Lock Picking with this will be 19 +16 = 35 +35 from your skill point pool = 70(Jumpsuit +10 lock picking and then +20 from a Locksmith Mag)
Science is just like lock picking except it starts at like 20 and you'll get +20 from the skill books so you'll only have to spend 30 points to spend to get it to 70! (20 from mag and 10 from follows lab coat)
A Decent medicine skill is good like 50 which starts off at 20 + 16 from skill books so spend like 14 points in it +20 from mag and +10 from followers lab coat ...
Only EVER get your main combat skills up to 100 but not before you get ALL the skill books.
Everything else can be supplemented to hit 100 if the need arises and there is a butt load of skill mags check vendors and check mailboxes! You'll never run out of them ...
So STOP being LAZY and MAXING out skills that can be SUPLIMENTED!!!
10 INT from the START of the game will net you 60 more skill points than a 6 INT from the start of the game by all means if you want to be a WASTEFUL wastelander than have a 10 int and actually be an idiot or do the smart thing and take the 6 intelligence.
Each skill can get a permanent bonus of plus 16 with skill books with two exceptions. +12 for Explosives and +20 for Science ...
Now let's say you have a character built like this AFTER IMPLANTS
and Perhaps 1 level of Intense training ... and you get your INT Implant at level 10 ...
9STR 6PER 10End 2CHA 7INT 7AGI and 7LCK
At level 1-4 you'll Receive 13 Skill points so that equals 52
At 5-10 You'll Receive 15 so that equals 75
Then Every Other Level you'll Receive an addition 1 skill point so that is 15x20+10 to equal 310
Now there is 208 skill points you can get from Skill books
Now Let's Add ALL of these together and you get a grand total of
645 Skill points PLUS the Three Tag skills Early on for an additional 45
so 690 Skill points TOTAL
So with these Stats your lowest skill start will be 9 and that speech and barter
so 9+16 = 25 and the all you'll have to do is spend 35 skill points to get it to 60 (party time mentats + 10 speech naughty nightwear +10 speech and then Meeting People +20 speech = 100) So why waste the additional 40 skill points to max that out?
If you want packrat then get a 70 barter if not then leave it low you can make a ass-ton of money via caravan the lower your barter is ... so you'll never need to worry about it! Maybe a few Barter Challenges then boost it up by 40 with your skill mags items and equipment ...
Lock Picking with this will be 19 +16 = 35 +35 from your skill point pool = 70(Jumpsuit +10 lock picking and then +20 from a Locksmith Mag)
Science is just like lock picking except it starts at like 20 and you'll get +20 from the skill books so you'll only have to spend 30 points to spend to get it to 70! (20 from mag and 10 from follows lab coat)
A Decent medicine skill is good like 50 which starts off at 20 + 16 from skill books so spend like 14 points in it +20 from mag and +10 from followers lab coat ...
Only EVER get your main combat skills up to 100 but not before you get ALL the skill books.
Everything else can be supplemented to hit 100 if the need arises and there is a butt load of skill mags check vendors and check mailboxes! You'll never run out of them ...
So STOP being LAZY and MAXING out skills that can be SUPLIMENTED!!!
10 INT from the START of the game will net you 60 more skill points than a 6 INT from the start of the game by all means if you want to be a WASTEFUL wastelander than have a 10 int and actually be an idiot or do the smart thing and take the 6 intelligence.