Sales Pitch Template
Sales Pitch Template
TheGM said:
... A Ball of Misinformed lies blended with his Opinion on 8 reasons why Fallout 3 will be awesome?
I see a pattern in these hired scribblings also.
Like they are researching other attempts to sell the status quo while pretending to be disenchanted by the ... whatever ... repetition .. lack of peak experience ... ?
These status quo heros act as if they are addicted to the game entertainment cycle ....
all pumped up after courting and getting the girl to bed, and then go limp when they hear the sound of ... of her peeing like a race horse ...
I get this clue that their puerile frustrations will never be satisfied, BUT they are shilling games and aiding and abetting in their own exploitation.
So guys I am comfortable when many of you all label this writer for hire 'a retard',
a buffoon seeking his private niche audience of the game addicted,
while writing ideological screeds for the world media domination by MS's Xbaux111!!!
Used the "H" word as sweetly as a George Bush crony. The "h" word is now a flag that tags these 'true' believers.
Well, ...
He's copying others or has a note card with the bullet points to cover. Formed a script, or was spoon fed a template.
It's like they (these hired scribblers) are following a script ... as if the real hive mind is this gaggle of hired writers
that have delusions of achieving some opinion leader status in their own little pond.
A worthy goal for some, but this status quo attitude and the ideological use of "hate" as a club to punish free thought, ... doesn't sell Bethesda nor FO3 to me.
I prefer getting the pitch from Bethesda straight.
Lurking nostalgia for Todd, Pete, Emil, and all the other B-soft dev's that have or have not played the FO's.
This puff piece lacks truth ... and it appears the writer is trying harder to lie then one would expect a hired sycophant would need to do.
and ...
Bethesda PR people have to ... relate ... to writers like this?
Sympathy lurks behind nostalgia ....
This is a political year in the U.S. and I am tired of chain pullers, and especially theatrical third party, action committee liars.
There is a guilt by association factor that these smarmy pitch men fail to recognize.
If I wouldn't choose to associate with this hired writer, why would I wish to buy a B-soft game?
Just have to divine in this big mystary, what FO3 is, and what it isn't.
Might just have to unplug, not read third party hacks , and just tune into the main Bethesda PR, and the hard working truth seekers at NMA [naturally

Might simplify the choice and consequences of FO3 if there are fewer liars in the wood pile.
Simple thought.
FO3 just might make that top sales nirvana of the looming fiscal quarter,
if it's marketed for what it is,
and not for what it never will be.