
Electoral colleges? I never understood that concept. Their votes override yours IIRC. Leave it to the gringos to make such a corruption prone system. Either that or someone convince me why some votes are worth more than others.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
If by "using a typically fair system that has served the American people for two and a half centuries" is rigged, I dont know what is.
The fact that it "served the American people for two and a half centuries" doesn't automatically make it right, y'know...
SkynetV3 said:
Electoral colleges? I never understood that concept. Their votes override yours IIRC. Leave it to the gringos to make such a corruption prone system. Either that or someone convince me why some votes are worth more than others.

I've never understood it either. Why is the opinion of the voters only valid up until a certain point? How can it be called a democratic election when the candidate with the most votes isn't always the winner?
Gore is an idiot anyway. We had the worst 2 presidential candidates. ugh! Bush should not be granted this money... he's going to turn this country into the poorest nation ever... but then again, our DEBT IS SO HIGH ANYWAY that I guess it really doesnt matter.
Background on the electoral college, paraphrased.

The electoral college was developed by the founding fathers as a way of separating the will of the masses from the elected officials. This was necessary at the time, when Washington was far removed from the agrarian peasants who made up most of the population.

The electoral college is the same number as there are US representatives. A voting district gets one electoral vote, but instead of going directly by district, a state all votes for one candidate depending on which candidate got the most overall electoral votes in the state. No, I don't know why.

The system is outdated, and does not reflect the modern instant voting system we have in place or the fact that people are (theoretically at least) more informed about the issues, negating the need for another level of protection from the will of the uneducated masses.

IMO, a direct population vote is appropriate in today's society, since the electoral college was also used to reduce instances of voter fraud.

/history lesson
Responding to MadDog's post: That's the thing that bothers me the most about Bush and all the other Republican presidents there have been since I was born - they could really care less how much debt the country goes into as long as their buddies benefit and return the favor after they leave office. How much of that $87 billion is going directly into Haliburton's pockets, I wonder? It's just like the companies they run - if it fails they don't care, cause they've got their golden parachutes in place.

Thanks for the info, Murdoch
I just love it how people try to argue that the current government system is still appropiate for the US.

We're talking about a system that was designed for a population of three million people. That's now 1% of the current population.

And let's not forget about the social and cultural values that we've changed to since then.
Well, if you'll permit me to be frank here for a sec, the electoral college wasn't too good from its ofset either.

But that's a whole other story...
Well, you try making up a brand new government system while trying to fight off the invading English oppressors. Not so easy with the pressure, eh?
Ozrat said:
Well, you try making up a brand new government system while trying to fight off the invading English oppressors. Not so easy with the pressure, eh?

Actually, that was just the problem.

The American electoral system was largely based on the English parliament.

The English parliament, while being a ground-breaking, revolutionary democratic institution which stood as a shining example for other countries for centuries...sucked. I mean, really....

Not much else to go on in that time, though...

Still, both England and the US have had 200 years to figure out their system is really bad and undemocratic, and change it? What're you, a bunch of backwards conservationalists?
Pure communism is actually a democracy.

Pure democracy is acually communist.

But what the hell does it matter anyways?