

I just would like to pay my respects to everyone who lost there lives on this day. we shall never forget
Osama and friends fucked with the wrong people. We will not forgive and we will not forget.

When they capture Osama, I propose that they do not kill him, but rather subject him to extended torment. Death is too good for him. Make him want to die, make him BEG to die.

I'm going to go burn the holy scriptures of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in my backyard now. It isn't much but it's a good start, I think.
Because of the USA hundrets lose their loved ones everyday. But no one pays attention to it.

Just another day without any significance for me...
To Malky: Go to hell. I'll get over it when I see every last member of Al-Qaida drawn and quartered on live TV.

To Vox: Yeah, and you Aussies are fucking saints.

The terrorists lump americans all together into one group: followers of the Great Satan, infidels. The US sometimes makes this mistake of lumping people together as well. Am I happy about it? Not really. Do I want to fix it? Fuck yes. Who wouldn't? The USA is a great country and it is rather disheartening to see one's own country careening down a disastrous course.

By and large America has more people who care about the rest of the world than any other country I can think of, due to the vast amount of ethnic groups that have mixed together here. By contrast, nearly every other country in the fucking world hates the US.

BTW Vox, I just might laugh when some Indonesian wacko flies a big ol' jet airliner into your fucking Opera House. The Bali bombings prove that Muslims hate you too, and not simply because you dingohumpers are our "friends". They hate you because you're not like them.

Welcome to our world, you kangaroo-cock-sucking nitwit. Keep an eye on the skies...
Serifan said:
I just would like to pay my respects to everyone who lost there lives on this day.
yup, too bad for the innocents caught in the crossfire.

Serifan said:
we shall never forget
it'd be hard to... i'm pretty sure the US of A will rub it in our face at every chance they get, as if it absolves them of any due proces and grants them the right to do whatever they like. the jolly green giants, walking the Earth with guns.

Bulletbait said:
When they capture Osama, I propose that they do not kill him, but rather subject him to extended torment. Death is too good for him. Make him want to die, make him BEG to die.
while Osama is a pussy, i do believe he'd simply LOVE for you to do that. it'd create even more outrage against the US, ye know. feeding even more blood to extremists.

Bulletbait said:
The terrorists lump americans all together into one group: followers of the Great Satan, infidels.
says the country led by a president that thinks god speaks to him and gave him a divine purpose. a crusade even!

Bulletbait said:
By and large America has more people who care about the rest of the world than any other country I can think of, due to the vast amount of ethnic groups that have mixed together here.
since you have such a vast experience outside of the US, i bet you're in a splendid position to voice an opinion about the world.

tell me sonnyboy, have you ever left northern america?

your country happens to represent pretty extreme acts of racial hatred and inequality, you know? you're also responsible for about 30% of the polution that causes global warming (while you represent but a small fraction of the worlds population).

now please tell me how you care more for the rest of the world than any other country you can think of?

of course, "i can think of" probably means USA, Canada, Mexico, China, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Germany and some evil thing called the USSR. way to go, sport!

Bulletbait said:
By contrast, nearly every other country in the fucking world hates the US.
well, it's not exactly as if you've done any decent PR in the last 7 years or so. all you did was "me smash evil muslim!".

the US also has a knack for creating it's own enemies. you made saddam, you made the mudjahedin,...

for instance, you gave strategic information (from spyplanes & satellites) to Saddam during the Iraq-Iran wars, you armed him, you gave him strains of Anthrax and now you come in saying that chemical & bacteriological weapons are teh evil? shit dude, you supplied him ffs...

Bulletbait said:
BTW Vox, I just might laugh when some Indonesian wacko flies a big ol' jet airliner into your fucking Opera House.
he didn't laugh at anything, you moron. he said the world goes on.

do you hold a minute of silence each day because of all the people that die to violence all over the world, day in day out? i think not. 3000 deaths are peanuts. do you expect every person on the globe to stop & mourn? fuck that. it's too bad, but fuck, life goes on.

Bulletbait said:
The Bali bombings prove that Muslims hate you too, and not simply because you dingohumpers are our "friends". They hate you because you're not like them.
wait, didnt you just say "By and large America has more people who care about the rest of the world than any other country I can think of, due to the vast amount of ethnic groups that have mixed together here."? and now you go on to blame an entire religion for a terrorist attack? haha, really dude, you're priceless. it's people like you who started the trouble in the first place.

Bulletbait said:
Welcome to our world, you kangaroo-cock-sucking nitwit. Keep an eye on the skies...
how grand, we love you too, you sad excuse for a human being.
Bulletbait said:
To Malky: Go to hell. I'll get over it when I see every last member of Al-Qaida drawn and quartered on live TV.

To Vox: Yeah, and you Aussies are fucking saints.

The terrorists lump americans all together into one group: followers of the Great Satan, infidels. The US sometimes makes this mistake of lumping people together as well. Am I happy about it? Not really. Do I want to fix it? Fuck yes. Who wouldn't? The USA is a great country and it is rather disheartening to see one's own country careening down a disastrous course.

By and large America has more people who care about the rest of the world than any other country I can think of, due to the vast amount of ethnic groups that have mixed together here. By contrast, nearly every other country in the fucking world hates the US.

BTW Vox, I just might laugh when some Indonesian wacko flies a big ol' jet airliner into your fucking Opera House. The Bali bombings prove that Muslims hate you too, and not simply because you dingohumpers are our "friends". They hate you because you're not like them.

Welcome to our world, you kangaroo-cock-sucking nitwit. Keep an eye on the skies...


Chillax brother. Go smoke peace pipe with George Dubbya, or Osama. You need to loosen up.

Shit like this happens. It is bad, I'm not denying it. But there is nothing us insignificant fucks, like you and me, can do about it.
But there is nothing us insignificant fucks, like you and me, can do about it

That is not true we could plant some trees and have a everyone join hands and sing..........Yeah your right fuck it :lol:
I was not born here in Australia. Where I was born is of no concern to you.
But I understand more about intercultural problems etc. then you'll ever do.
And believe me, the whole world would honestly appreciate it if the USA would FINALY stop "helping" everyone all the time. Getting help from the USA is like stepping into shit AND screwing up with the mafia at the same time.

And remember the black people...? You know... the ones your ancestors made work to death so they can build this GREAT COUNTRY of yours...?

No one wants help from lieing slavers.

Btw, dipshit, did you know that the kangaroo is the only creature on earth, where the males have their balls placed above their penis...?

@ Bulletbait
haha, just came across this G.I. Joe quote & thought it was odly fitting:

As Sergeant Slaughter once said: “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people and neither do we.”

Bulletbait said:
By and large America has more people who care about the rest of the world than any other country I can think of, due to the vast amount of ethnic groups that have mixed together here.
By and large, America has more people who doesn't know anything about the outside world than any other country I can think of. Just as loose as your argument.

Bulletbait said:
By contrast, nearly every other country in the fucking world hates the US.
Yeah, because a large piece of their economy cake is depending on your market. Same reason they love you at times.

Bulletbait said:
BTW Vox, I just might laugh when some Indonesian wacko flies a big ol' jet airliner into your fucking Opera House.
Hatred has blinded you... you've gone over to the dark side.
Vox said:
And remember the black people...? You know... the ones your ancestors made work to death so they can build this GREAT COUNTRY of yours...?

No one wants help from lieing slavers.

Right, because I had a lot, if any, say in what politics were before I was born. I'm just a 'lieing slaver.'

Seriously, Vox, you're just as much of a dipshit as Bulletbait.
I've meant it historicaly. He's praising his great country. I've just tried to remind him WHY the country is so great. Because they made the black people work for them as slaves! Simple facts.
I can remember coming back from school that day and hearing one of my neighbours mentioning something about a plane flying into the WTC. I spent the rest of the day in front of the television being completely blown away by the magnitude of the attack.

What I remember most of that day is, that after the second plane flew into the second WTC and there was no doubt left that the Americans were dealing with a terrorist attack, that I cought myself being very prone to arbitrary racism, something I look back on with disgust. A friend of mine called me right after the impact of the second plane saying: Those goddamn palestinians! - we just didn't know better back then.

I think what happened there to me and my friend can be universalised to what happened with the American's foreign -i.e. Middle Eastern- policy, which is understandable, but the difference is, that it only lasted a day or say with me and my friends. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Iraqi and Afghani citizens have been killed, slaughtered even, as a direct or indirect consequence of the American global policy. We never hear those numbers though.

I think it's a shame that the 9/11 tragedy has been milked like a cow to benefit the neo-conservative ideology of those crackheads at the white house, making a disgrace of the sacrifice of the people who died in those towers.

A lot of people have died on both sides, the difference is the effectiveness of the propagandamachine of the respective countries.
Vox said:
I've meant it historicaly. He's praising his great country. I've just tried to remind him WHY the country is so great. Because they made the black people work for them as slaves! Simple facts.

I don't know from what two-bit, oblivious source you gained these 'simple facts' from, but I suggest you never refer to it again. Since not every state, especially around the time of the American Civil War, supported slavery. Not to mention our economy was ruined during the dirty thirties, and slavery sure as Hell didn't bring it back.
History Books. Real ones. Not with the version of histroy your country wants you to believe in. (as if americans had history, haha)

Are there actually americans loving their precious country that much, that they masturbate in front of their flag?


On 9/11/2001 I won 50 bucks. We placed bets and i predicted that there's gonna be another plane for the other tower. I won.
Yeah... Right...
USA have a history.
We're all equal.
9/11 was tragic.
And btw:
Hi. I'm Nikolai Tesla. I invented the Steamengine, the hand-axe and the DVD.