Audiostave said:
I can remember coming back from school that day and hearing one of my neighbours mentioning something about a plane flying into the WTC. I spent the rest of the day in front of the television being completely blown away by the magnitude of the attack.
Yes, the nature and magnitude of the attack is something that amazes me to this day. Two 747s, crashing head on into the WTC towers, bringing their collapse in a few hours. Who could've thought of that? It was, and still is, something... otherworldy, as if it could not be put alongside other historic events in a history book. That was something about it that made it more than a purely causal event; it marked an epoch. Human nature expanded in that moment; that was how I felt.
I think there is a lot to be found out from this event, and the events that followed. Many people claim it was all a conspiracy; that the government did it. I find many irreconcilable flaws in that theory, but I am today more than suspicious that we don't know the whole story. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the plot was already known by American intelligence, and it would surprise just a little bit if the terrorists were actually aided in their plans. Bin Laden is in all probability dead and buried, kept only as some sort Goldstein to pacify American public opinion. Attacks have been happening in Europe, which got dragged into a disastrous war by its plutocratic masters; while some other terrorist plans, sometimes of a very risible nature(Sears tower, liquid bombers...etc) have been foiled in time, but too served the purpose of terrifying the population. Independently of the true facts behind this whole story, what is certain is that the West is losing the last portions of its perspective; it has become weaker and more susceptible. We act like wounded animals; our morality is confused. Our enemies shouldn't really be our enemies, and our allies are not really our allies.
I'm not too concerned with America, whose own nature is nothing more than a logical consequence of the ideologies that corrupted Europe, a Far West in its own right, and is for all purposes irretrievably lost. The old continent is what concerns me; we have nothing to win from this madness.
Suffer said:
Serifan said:
Yes we will.
I'm not saying this out of spite, disinterest or annoyance, 9/11 as a historic event is simply too insignificant to be remembered by most of the world for long, and the US has never been too good at long attention spans, so the chance of them remembering forever is pretty small.
That will depend on a lot of things. It is turning into Holocaust 2, already, so If this "War on Terror" prolongates over the years, you, or anyone with a television, won't be able to forget it so soon.