They don't care about the surface people, they don't want to interact with the surface people, and generally see the surface people the same way as The Enclave do, as mutant scum that have no hope of getting anywhere. Why bother dealing peacefully with them when you are safe in an neigh impenetrable bunker, with an endless army of robots, and can just take everything by force?
So for a faction that doesnt care about the surface they sure waste a lot of resources and time on it.
Kidnapping people and replacing them with synths, why? To test some new plants. Whats the point if they have no plans to expand outside?
Torture and experimentation of kidnapped people, for what end? Why would you torture someone then replace them with a synth?
Why go to the trouble of creating a synth that can impersonate people on the surface when they have no intentions of going there?
Why murder countless people when they have no desire of returning to the surface?
To quote a reddit user.
Testing crops by murdering farmers, replacing them with synths, and smuggling seeds to these synth farmers is the most roundabout, insane way to do a simple thing. Its not even good science.
The main quest never generates any feeling of urgent need.
I felt that it actually did generate urgency it just quickly dies off because NPC's you meet very early on just get in the way of it with their problems.
Meeting Preston in Concorde goes something like this for example:
Preston: So what's your story?
Me: My wife was murdered and my son was kidnapped. I'm just here looking for clues..
Preston: That's awful. Oh hey, wanna build some Settlers some houses and grow them some food so they will have something to eat?
Me: .........
Better pacing of the story would have helped the game quite a bit. Not saying it'd be good if they did that but it'd certainly been better and felt more cohesive.
It may sound odd but I think we just get access to too much early on that just detracts from it. We shouldn't have gotten access to Settlement building, most of the Minutemen quest's, and maybe even Power Armor too until the second half of the game. (Second half being after Kellogg's death or after meeting Shaun).. But alas.
I see what you are saying, if a lot of the features was locked out and you got railroaded (heh) into the main quest until chapter 2, meeting the BOS, RR and minutemen first it might have worked out better.
I know that we are all fed up with Bethesda, but common... this review is too much. Plagued by hatred and bias, just as Bethesda games are plagued by bugs and unfinished ideas.
What hatred? Where was I hateful? That a game in 2015 doesn't have a FOV slider, triple screen resolution options and terrible key binding? Even Age of decadence, Dead State, Divinity OS, Wasteland 2 and Pillars supports it.
There are a lot of games which get a pass on those. The most horrible RPG of the century, so far, has been Mass Effect 3, and I without a shadow of a doubt will say that Fallout 4 is much better written, at least so far, than whatever that Bioware thing was.
Besides the ending the game wasn't that bad, although the combat was far removed from ME1 (I prefer it) it was solid, the graphics are better than most of what you have in fallout 4, the writing and characters are better and many of the settings are far more interesting. Both ME3 and FO4 are on about the same level of RPG, they are action games with some RPG elements.
You also do not want to touch on companions, while all of them have been hand fisted right into my face, I think they are pretty good characters. Valentine, Danse, Hancock, Piper, Strong do standout. Their problems with AI are not really the failure of writing but rather an antique engine which should be catapulted into space immediately.
Willow, a mod for New Vegas is far and away than any of them in Fallout 4. Danse is buzz light year in fallout, pipe is the tolken hot chick, strong is annoying and feels tacked on. I agree, Valentine was pretty good.
Also there is no problem with having Raiders be it gunners or not. While I could not join the Forged, I actually liked the quest associated with them and the depth it has given to them.
Raider dont really need a background and that was never my issue. My issues was that generic talon mercs from fallout 3 got replaced as gunners in 4. No backstory, no quests, no real dialog. A totally wasted story line, at one point I found a vault that I thought would detail why the gunners exist but it turned out totally unrelated.
I am still going through the narrative to decide how I feel about it, since I haven't finished it I cant judge. What stands out is the potential that the story can have, as well as the themes which are tightly interwoven into every aspect of the game, so far. It is also undeniable that story wise it probably one of the better Bethesda games.
Its no where near. Morrowind levels but maybe im biased as I still play it (im playing it off and on this last week) and not even close to what Bethesda was/is able to do.
Install Morrowind and the sound and graphics overhaul 3.0. Listen to how well done and fitting the first cut scene is, the voice acting is far better than anything in FO4. Play until you get on the deck of the ship. Stop and listen to how the waves lap against the shore, the sound of the silt strider and wild life and how the main these fits almost majestically into the game. Morrowind came out in 2002, while the SGO 3.0 is a bit more recent its still using the base Morrowind.
Listen to
Socucius Ergalla and how that dialog and VA is spot on.
13 years later and this game never fails to captivate me. fallout 4 never gets that far, I never stopped to admire the world, the ambient sounds arent exciting and none of the npcs are memorable.
I think ultimately, what people love to hate about Fallout 4, above all, is the dialogue system which is atrocious
Nope, not the bland character system, not the fact that the character creation is limited to 21 special points so that your character cant even start the game off as average, that we have no skills and by extension no skill checks. Not that keybindings are not well thought out and some arent changeable. Not that fact that the FOV is set way to low and you have to edit the INI. That modders made the dialog system far better by showing you what you are going to say instead of yes/yes/smart ass yes/no and letting you use 1-4 above the wasd instead of the silly arrow key binding. Not that the story feels out of place, the voice acting is flat and the dialog is awful. Not the changes to established lore or that every quest is either a fetch quest or a kill quest. Not the terrible performance of a graphically sub par game on high end hardware.
Nope, none of that.
And finally the new leveling system is by far superior in concept to whatever we had before.
How so? its literately worse than Skyrim. You can have one point in strength and use any weapon with no adverse affects. The special is quite literately on a scale of 1 to 10 and even person who is as feeble as it gets and use a mini gun without power armor as easily as someone with 10 strength.
That a character with a intelligence of 1 can hold a full conversation with no ill effects.
The only special stats that matters is charisma for speech checks so that you can get more caps that you dont need anyway since npcs are walking treasure troves of loot. You could dump everything into charisma and leave the others at 1 and it wont matter. You can fast travel anywhere at anytime with any amount of weight, it doesn't even stop you from moving. You can carry over a ton of items and still move around and fast travel (perk) with the only minor side effect of draining stamina.
Yeah, totally better. You can never fail, you aren't even punished for having 1-2 in every stat besides one.
The game is such a let down on so many levels, even fallout 3 had its merits, New Vegas was a total improvement but this manages to be worse than Fallout 3 in so many ways.
Saying FO4 is a RPG is like a man trying to speak with you underwater: He struggles for some time and then he drowns.
Thanks for the laugh.