ok went back, got the .exe file ( and that one only) from the new patch also added tyhe ddraw file ( and that one only) form the sfall.
but still cant boot up the game it sitll givers me an error message about the directX.
I insalled direct x twice now.
during the install at the end it gives me a chocies where to put it and i put in "program files" , but it is not tehre as afolder "dirctx" but all sorts of direct x files are just in the prgram folder directly.
C-->program folder--->direct x folder---> direct x files is not the case
its C---> progranm folder---> april2005d3dx9 25 x64 etc etc a long list.
is this right?
when i use a CD to install FO it asks me to update driectx . i think will it always pull up the latest?
am toying with going to walmart to put the FO1, FO2, and FO Tactics collection to have that FO2 CD....
will a new FO2 CD like that have the latest directX and put it i the proper place?
should I take all those dx files in program fiels folder and put them somewhere else?