A Dirty Little Secret

Dubby said:
What's funny.

Achievements are scripted.

Anyone with half a brain can give themselves every single achievement in F3 with some script lines.

Brain. Brain. BRAIN??!! DID YOU SAY BRAIN??@@@!!!!!! OMFG#$%## what brain, it's FO3 =)))

(no it's not a CAPS LOCK disease, I was holding down Shift^ =))))

PS Merry f'ing Christmas )
Alphadrop said:
Man my gamerscore sucks... could be because a damn I could not give for achievemants unless they give something shiny like in Halo 3 :P.
I'm all for shiny singleplayer stuff like cheats or super weapons, or cosmetic multiplayer stuff like alternate costumes, just nothing that effects the gameplay for multiplayer games.

Roflcore said:
I never cared for achievements. Personally most of the games, especially online games, are worse because of them. Thinking about battlefield 2 at the moment..oh what a piece of..
I looked at how you unlock weapons for Battlefield 21XX and was disgusted, it requires 51400 kills in order to be able to use every weapon. That's just fucking absurd and I refuse to play any game (particularly competitive multiplayer games) with such ridiculous requirements.

Garsty said:
Even "something shiny" doesn't make me want to get them. I really enjoy playing TF2 and I am pretty good at it, but I barely have any achievements, only those which I achieved unintentionally.

Couldn't care less about no reward achievements. (or do they offer some kind of reward?)
TF2 is a good example of why achievements shouldn't effect the gameplay in competitive multiplayer games as it creates an unbalanced situation and causes players to take actions which are not part of good gameplay in order to get them (like posing over corpses, killing enemies with taunts, fighting with melee with classes like the Heavy, etc.) [an argument for why achievements should not be acquirable in competitive online play period]. Also, the fact that the system can be easily circumvented by achievement servers makes it even more pointless.

Forhekset said:
I don't really get into e-peen measuring contests, but I have to admit that I enjoy achievements on my Xbox 360. It's most enjoyable when achievements are given for doing unusual things - it makes you try different stuff and surprises you when you get an achievement for doing something out of the ordinary. Left 4 Dead has a lot of clever achievements - for instance, you get the "Towering Inferno" achievement when you light the Tank zombie on fire. Cool.

The worst thing is when a game hands out achievements for doing rudimentary stuff like advancing your character to level 3, or completing the first level of a game, etc. Those suck and are really a waste of time on the developers' part.
Agreed. I'm all for the achievements for doing the cool extra things that the developer threw in there but I really do hate shit like "Do X amount of damage" or "Get Y amount of kills."

Draxonicar said:
Is it sad I can relate?
Nah, I can relate to a certain degree as well but achievements aren't one of those things that I get more than slightly annoyed at missing. I'm a perfectionist at times so I'll redo a level until I do it just right but the whole measured e-peen thing is too stupid for me to care. I'll also care when I can unlock cheats, music, art, etc. but again, those never used to be called achievements.