Give a man a fish and he's fed for a day, but teach him how to fish...y'know...
You have to feed the man while you teach(or at least plan to) him to fish or he'll die of starvation...

(also in our current unfair world, it is at least nice to give the people being exploited like fuck, a bite to eat)
Its not easy to setup an agri-economy on an empty stomach, but you are right in that contining the concept of throw more moeny/food at a probelm and it'll go away won't work. That only works for two things that I can think of.
Africa is fucked. Aids, Starvation, poverty, and over the next decade fresh water impossible to come by & buy. Then you mix in a healthy history of tribal violence, corrupt government, and ungodly amounts of small arms.
I'll be surprised if South Africa (who also makes shitloads of new guns) doesn't reinstate a nuclear program in the next three years.
I think the situation in africa is beyond real repair. It is the dying of cancer relative (I was gonna say brother and then thought...) that you don't want to pull the plug on because he still gives you a little bit of love (diamonds, oil, labor, etc.)
Also, Kharn, exactly what you are saying that US and Europe underselling the Third World agriculturally is part of my point that we can't have a fair world.
Politics and greed have a role to play, but so does the simple fact science is a luxary of the people that control & have it. The have-nots will probably. The industrialized world can make and produce food in incredible quantites & send it anywhere in the world cheaply, because the infrastructure is there thanks to science/technology.
Doom doom doom doomy doomy doom doom doomy doomy doom doom