A fair world=? Or?

IS the world Fair

  • Yes, as far as it can be given the reality of the situation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, as long as their in inequality, its not going to be fair

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, its a dog eat dog world in reality, anything better is wishful thinking

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only a hippy would ask such a stupid question

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, God made a perfect world, its us humans that screwed it up

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
SoNR said:
People in the third world should get less children.
  • People of the third world gets more children because of:
    lack of condoms
    securing their future, having more kids means having more people to look after you when you grow old.
Yes, what is it that Psycho Mantis said? Every living thing in this world only exist to pass on their own genes. One of the presidents of my country tried to sterilize poor people when they went to the Social Security Hospital. The problem is that they didn't ask to be sterilized and that he sterilized what he considered filthy races (yes, yes he was an Axis sympathizer). Afro-americans, Chinese people, Not-to-well-to-do Jews (yes, sometimes IT happens). His name, Arnulfo Arias Madrid.
A similar experiment was conducted in Indonesia under Suharto. Forced sterilization.

ANd yes, lack of adequate birth control matters, but so is the idea that family members are another form of insurance policy for when you get older.
The world can't be fair.
You can never eliminate the human condition of "want" you may be able to put a limit on greed, but have-nots with always want more. Not to mention their is truely a finite amount of resources on this planet, not just oil and fossil fuel, evetually we'll run out of what we need to function.

Drinkable water will be a very very limited resource in the coming 10 years. Not for the industrailized world, but the third world will have tremendous probelms. Africa especially. Water Wars will be more than a poorly name slip & slide.

Also there have been plenty of attempts by the US to send GM(gentically manipulated) food as there is a major surplus of it, to Africa and other nations with strong ties to EU nations and the europeans are encourging the leaders of africa to not accept it and it sits in warehouse labelled poison while people starve outside. So is feeding 12 bllion people is a potential reality or just a pipe dream? Frankly if I was starving and I had a choice between a three breasted chicken with no head and a plate of super rice, or waiting til the Euro-pure-n food aid comes, i think I'd eat my poison like a good little boy.

Meanwhile people in the states eat shitloads of GM foods and just get horrible obese because food is so cheap.
Often truely revolutionary science is takes to long to really work and when it does get strongly impletemented it doesn't help the have-nots. How long before hydrogen cars become popular & more importanly affordable in the third world where most of the people live. Science will just delay the inevitable anyway. We are all fucked.

My money is on a solar flare will scorch us all r the ice caps melt and we all drown before there is truely a fair world. If the US would pour more money into NASA I'd be a little more optimistic, but that ain't going to happen anytime soon.
EraserMark said:
Also there have been plenty of attempts by the US to send GM(gentically manipulated) food as there is a major surplus of it, to Africa and other nations with strong ties to EU nations and the europeans are encourging the leaders of africa to not accept it and it sits in warehouse labelled poison while people starve outside. So is feeding 12 bllion people is a potential reality or just a pipe dream? Frankly if I was starving and I had a choice between a three breasted chicken with no head and a plate of super rice, or waiting til the Euro-pure-n food aid comes, i think I'd eat my poison like a good little boy.

Bad! Europe also has been dumping its foodstuffs-surplusses for incredibly cheap prizes in Africa. Probably cheaper than the US, as we have those rediculous funds for farmers...

You say that as if it is a good thing, though, sending food over there and feeding the starving. On the surface, it looks like this, in reality, you're destroying their own agriculture by underbidding it. No agriculture means not even the slightest chance of building an economy. Europe's food-dumps are destroying the continent and really, REALLY need to stop, same goes for the food-dumps of the US.

Give a man a fish and he's fed for a day, but teach him how to fish...y'know...
Give a man a fish and he's fed for a day, but teach him how to fish...y'know...
You have to feed the man while you teach(or at least plan to) him to fish or he'll die of starvation... :puppy-dog: (also in our current unfair world, it is at least nice to give the people being exploited like fuck, a bite to eat)

Its not easy to setup an agri-economy on an empty stomach, but you are right in that contining the concept of throw more moeny/food at a probelm and it'll go away won't work. That only works for two things that I can think of.

Africa is fucked. Aids, Starvation, poverty, and over the next decade fresh water impossible to come by & buy. Then you mix in a healthy history of tribal violence, corrupt government, and ungodly amounts of small arms. :violent:
I'll be surprised if South Africa (who also makes shitloads of new guns) doesn't reinstate a nuclear program in the next three years.
I think the situation in africa is beyond real repair. It is the dying of cancer relative (I was gonna say brother and then thought...) that you don't want to pull the plug on because he still gives you a little bit of love (diamonds, oil, labor, etc.)

Also, Kharn, exactly what you are saying that US and Europe underselling the Third World agriculturally is part of my point that we can't have a fair world.

Politics and greed have a role to play, but so does the simple fact science is a luxary of the people that control & have it. The have-nots will probably. The industrialized world can make and produce food in incredible quantites & send it anywhere in the world cheaply, because the infrastructure is there thanks to science/technology.

Doom doom doom doomy doomy doom doom doomy doomy doom doom